Thursday, April 21, 2011


I would like to give some statements and then leave you to think at large to possible probability and conclude yourself ,what I intend ..............
A lion can not be non-violent even by all possible training ...say has no potential to be vegetarian ,fruitarian, herbivore nor it can learn to dress or build a city wise a dog can not learn grammar but can smell those thing that we can not . ...birds can fly and swim but fishes can not fly ...take others ln the same mode and learn of difference in potentials in different livings of these classes ....amost the animals and birds /fishes are as these were thousand and thousands of years back .
Now second thought ....Gold is precious but its potential-probability is less ... than iron ...see ! one kg.of cast iron costs about Rs.15-20 and when this (one kg) is turned in to nails it costs Rs.30-50 an when turned in steel it costs Rs 150 -500 but when it is turned in to springs of wrist -watches it may cost Rs 50,000 - 1,000,00 . compare the potential of gold and iron .........conclude .
But the coal (carbon) has excellent -potential - a chemical element. Carbon is found in all living things, in air also , existing in a pure state as diamond, graphite and buckminsterfullerene . now go on thinking ...on and on .AND NOW COME TO MAN .....has the greatest potential ever -known on planet Earth ... has extremely immense and enormous probability of potential -- to grow himself - cruel like Angulimaal and kind like Lord Buddha , man-eater to man -saver , monster to monk , Ram and Ravan ,,,,he can be Satan or God to whom even Gods bow -down as to Lord Ram ....immense and enormous potential we have ...think and find out your probabilities .....
'' NOTHING TO US FALLS EARLY OR TOO LATE : WE ARE THE MAKERS OF OUR OWN FATE . * Potential (word ) =a latent excellence or ability that may or may not be developed. "possible" (as opposed to actual ), existing in possibility : capable of development into actuality
"The greatest waste in the world is the difference between what we are and what we could become." - Ben Herbster
"Help me to see the potential you see in others. And speaking of potential, allow me to seemy own unique potential for making a positive difference in my world." - Lee Wise .. A Simple Prayer
"The greatest crime in the world is not developing your potential.When you do what you do best, you are helping not only yourself,but the world." - Roger Williams
"The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean un-sailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good." - Brian Tracy
"There is inside you all of the potential to be whatever you want to be all of the energy to do whatever you want to do." - Donna Levine
"Everyone has inside himself a piece of good news!The good news is that you really don't know how great you can be,how much you can love, what you can accomplish,and what your potential is!" - Anne Frank

Monday, April 18, 2011


You ask me: ‘Where should I live ?’ But I ask You with diffidence: tell me first the place where You are not; then I can show You a suitable place.”On hearing the sage’ RŒma felt abashed and smiled . “Listen, RŒma: I tell You
the places where You should abide . The heart of those whose ears are, like ocean, constantly replenished with a number streams in the shape of Your stories but know no surfeit, shall be Your abode ; the
heart of those whose eyes long to see You even as the CŒhtaka bird longs to see the rain-cloud and, disdaining like the same bird rivers, oceans and big lakes, derive satisfaction from a drop of Your rain-like the drops of SWATI.
You should dwell in the heart of him whose swan-like tongue picks up pearls in the shape of Your virtues in the holy MŒnasarovara lake of Your fame .Abide, O RŒma, in the mind of those whose nose devoutly inhales everyday the fragrance of sacred and lovely offerings and eat only that which has been offered to You , put
on clothes , ornaments first offered to You . adore your feet everyday, who cherish in their heart faith in RŒma and none . Again those who muttering the RŒma-Mantra , the king of all sacred formulas,  who look upon their preceptor as greater than You and wait upon him with due honour and entire devotion—.
Who having done all this ask only one boon - “Let them have devotion in the temple of their heart. Who have no lust, anger, arrogance, pride or infatuation and are without greed, excitement, attraction or aversion and free from fraud, hypocrisy and deceit . Again, who are beloved of all and friendly to all, to whom joy and sorrow, applause and abuse are alike and who scrupulously utter truthful and polite words, who are resigned to You whether awake or asleep and who have no support other than Yourself— ,You should dwell. Again, those who look upon other’s wives as mothers and to whom another’s wealth is the deadliest of all poisons, who rejoice to see others’ prosperity and are particularly grieved to see other’s distress, and to whom, O RŒma, You are dear as their own life— their minds are Your blessed abodes.”
To whom, You are at once master and companion, father and mother, preceptor and everything is in the temple of their mind , You should reside . Who overlook others’ faults and pick out their virtues and endure hardships for the sake of righteousness who have established their reputation in the world as well-versed in the laws of propriety— , their mind is Your excellent abode. Who attributes his virtues to You and holds himself responsible for his faults, who entirely depends on You and loves You . Who, renouncing his caste and kinsmen, wealth, faith and glory, his near and dear ones, his happy home and everything else, cherishes You in his bosom —, You should take up Your residence. To whom heaven and hell and even freedom from birth and death are the same in asmuch as he beholds You armed with a bow and arrow here, there and everywhere, and who is Your servant in thought, word and deed— make his heart, O RŒma, Your permanent abode.