Monday, April 27, 2009

विनयपत्रिका से

हरी आपने मेरे ऊपर बहुत से अनुग्रह किए हैं ;आपने मुझे मनुष्य बनाया और जीवन में बहुत बड़े बड़े उपकार किए ;परन्तु अब आपसे कुछ और मांगता हूँ क्योंकि आप अति उदार हैं अतः मेरी एक और मांग स्वीकार कर लें मेरी मन रूपी मछली विषय रूपी जल से एक क्षण के लिए भी अलग होना नही चाहती , इसी से दारुण दुःख भोग रहा हूँ आप अपनी कृपा को डोर बनायें अपने चरणों को वंशी का कांटा और उसमें प्रेम का चारा लगाकर मुझे फंसा लीजिये इससे आपका मनोरंजन भी होगा और मेरा उद्धार भी हे हरी आपने ही यह बंधन बांधा है , आप ही मुक्त करिए
विनय -पत्रिका १०२ तुलसीदासजी
तू दयाल है तो मै दिन ; तू दानी तो मै भिखारी ; तू पाप समूहों का नाशक तो मै भी प्रसिद्द पापी हूँ ; तू अनाथों का नाथ तो मेरे जैसा अनाथ कहाँ मिले गा ; तुम आर्त लोगो का दुःख हरने में बेजोड़ हो तो मेरे जैसा आर्त भी नही कोई इस दुनिया में ; तू ब्रह्म तो मै जीव और तुम स्वामी तो मै सेवक ; पिता ,माता ,गुरु , सखा सभी रूपों में तू मेरा हित चिन्तक है ; मेरे तुम्हारे रिश्ते तो अनेकानेक बनते हैं ; तुम्हे जो भी पसंद हो चुन लो और उसी को मानकर जिस किसी भी तरह अपने चरणों में शरण दो वही ७९
निम्न कारणों से मै बहुत पहले ही इसीलिए आपकी शरण में गया हूँ , ज्ञान , वैराग्य , भक्ति , साधन , तो मुझे सपने में भी नहीं मिले , दूसरी तरफ़ लोभ -मोह - मद -काम क्रोध सारे दुश्मन रात दिन मेरे पीछे पड़े हैं ; इन सब से मिलकर मेरा मन कुपथ पर चला गया है और अब तो मेरे वश में नहीं इनसे फिरना , तुम्हारे से भले फ़िर जायं संत तो कहते हैं विषय दोषों के घर और शोकप्रद हैं , यह जानकर भी इन्ही से अनुराग है मुझे , यह स्यात् आपकी वजह से है आप तो विष को अमृत और आग को हिम बना सकते हैं और बिना नावके उस पार करने वाले हैं मालिक तो बहुतेरे हैं परन्तु तुम जैसा कृपालु और हित करने वाला कहाँ मिलेगा , ऐसा समझ कर और भलीभांति jankar मै तो केवल एक तुम्हारे भरोसे ही rahataa hun यह जीवन की विपत्ति जाल तो कहे ते मोहि बिसारो जानत
kahe te हरि mohi bisaro
jaanat निज महिमा मेरे अघ तदपि नाथ सम्हारोपतित पुनीत दीन हित असरन सरन कहत श्रुति चारो
हौं नहीं अधम सभीत दीन किन्धौं वेदन मृषा पुकारोखग गनिका गज ब्याधि पांति जहँ तहं हौहूँ बैठारो
अब केहिं लाज कृपानिधान ! परसत पनवारो फारोजौ कलिकाल प्रबल अति होतो तुव निदेस ते न्यारो
तौ हरि रोष भरोस दोस गुन तेहि भजतो तजि गारोमसक बिरंचि बिरंचि मसक सम करै प्रभाऊतिहारो
यह सामरथ अछत मोहिं त्यागहु नाथ तहाँ कछु चारोनाहिन नरक परत मोकह डर हौं यद्यपि अति हारो
यह डि त्रास दास तुलसी के नामहु पाप जारोवही९४

Friday, April 24, 2009


Many statements given in very nonsensical way have great sense and wisdom and every man in search of wisdom should try to understand these kind of expressions by those great engineers of words and expressions . these statements are very common in expression but have far going sense of understanding . there are many , in world philosophy and thoughts , some of them are given here to give you the style to be carried on to add and enrich your way of thinking and understanding .
'' I may be the wisest man in Athens , because only i know that i am a fool .''
'' I know only one thing that i know nothing .'' - Socrates .
'' Beautiful is not always good but good is always beautiful .''
''Wise men use their enemies better than fools their friends . ''
''There is no great genius without some touch of madness . ''
''Those proud in humility are proud in that they are not proud . ''
''It is worse still to be ignorant of your ignorance .''
''To be ignorant is first step to learning. .''
''Judges are men ( with pride and prejudices ).''
''The best of men is , who thinks / is ; what he appears .''
''Blessed are those who are poor , hungry , hapless and neglected as God love them . ''
'' We are born free but every where in chains . ''
''Have only one habit that there should be no habit at all .''
''Poor of the world ! be united for you have nothing to lose but your chains and whole world to win .'' -Marx
''Arjun ! if you win , the kingdom is your and if lose go to heaven , so fight . '' - Lord Krishna
'' The hell is not good , but it is good that hell is , the road toward hell is paved with good intention . ''
'' Every moment you live because every moment you die . (breathing-in and out is slow death . )''
'' When you are not , God is there and when you are , you are nothing .'' --Kabir .
'' The simpler you grow , the greater you become . ''
'' You are the smallest and you are the greatest and you are therefore The God .'' - Upnishad

-------........ advised more studies , like- wise .

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


We are always in search of competent / perfect Guru but the intellectual Shankara charya is of opinion that not perfect Guru but perfect student is required to achieve perfect knowledge . knowledge is universal and pervading the whole creation / universe in the form of consciousness . now it is individual ability raised to this consciousnees . the more you raise your receptivity , the more you understand and realize it . विद्या ददाति विनयम् विनयाद पात्रताम our formal education gives us receptivity and the moment we have the receptivity knowledge comes to us without any effort or Guru or school . you can learn it from stones , plants , animals , say ; the whole nature there to your service to open all the secrets of this universe . it is said one rishi called Dattatreya had many Gurues including a prostitute . this approves the fact thatit is student who is able to have the whole knowledge of this universe provided he is good / competent recepter . so we should increase our hunger for knowledge and raise our receptibility . if one goes to sea , he can fetch the water with his pot that he has and not more than that . but on the other if you go to sea and live with it you can use the whol of the sea . this is what with knowledge . we have to raise ourselves up to the sea and the whole of the sea is ours . it is open to all . Guru is not needed .
The second thing that is importent is clarity in learning and not confussion . you have to delete much of that you have learnt wrong . when you feel that there is some confussion in learning , means you are lead to wrong track . there is no contradiction in knowledge i.e. pure knowledge . say what Vedant tells you or Qura'n or Bible Or any authority of knowledge is trust worthy and if you feel some problem it means your understanding is mislead or unable to follow or the meaning you draw is out of refernce . it is sure that the moment you feel no difference between what Vedas and Qura'n or Bible says . or say you will come to the same that is told by any living and non-living in this nature . each and all speak to you and the same thing , the same fact that is truth and TRUTH AND TRUTH and nothing else .
The moment you begin to feel unity in this universe ,know that your efforts are going to bear fruit. when you begin to feel with that you smile with a flower or weep with a unhappy child , or hungry with hungry , you are nearer the door of knowledge . right knowledge reduces the doubts and the wrong on the other side raise doubts . there are many such words and statements that clear all of our doubts in Vedant and leave no chance of any question to be raised or unanswered . such are - THAT I AM == THAT THOU ART == SERV KHALU IDAM BRAHM == ISHAVASHYAM IDAM SERVAM . सो अहम् अस्मि == तत त्वं असि ==सर्व खलु इदं ब्रह्म == ईशावाश्यम इदं सर्वं ।


There is one other way to serve the society and people and our country . to minimize your own services and needs that are due from the society . reduce these services and try to bring them to zero . keep yourself above the law , means lead a life that does not break any law of the society or Government. you create no work for police , for administration , for justice . you neither create nor need the services of Govt . Agencies because you follow all the rules made by Govt . , society and moral laws coming down by rituals . you may not achieve 100 but more and more you go to the right side of fifty ,the more peace and pleasure and physical and mental prosperity comes to you .you are a law -abiding citizen and you are rich by all means say , save your time , money and trouble of all kind that reduce the charm of good life . see ! one example -- you follow the rules of the road and traffic -police and all its laws become nonexistent . this is great service to man kind and very easy to follow but even those of good intelligence and thinking themselves civilized do not follow saying , '' who cares ? '' these are the services rendered to country are very very common and need common sense. but good people comment , '' common sense is but very uncommon and it is very difficult to be common because it needs total awareness for total time.
the other service of this kind is to save the products and materials that are used in daily life . you can do it in two ways -1- by minimizing your demands / needs / consumption as of cloth , eatables , water , electricity , room /houses , rail , road and others so many things on the list . use that much is necessary. 2 - by saving these things from ill -use , wastage , carelessness and other reasons that are under our control . in Yoga these two methods are taken as means of Yoga under Yama that is Asangrah ( not storing more than needed ) and under Niyam -that is tapah and santosh (practicing penance and contentment ) . this is great contribution and excellent service to the society and country at large but sorry to note , we are not so advanced in these national causes as much as we have gone to ours own .
This is all because of our ill- education ; education without culture , education without great Indian convention and legacy that we have been detached from due to a long period of slavery . but we have not lost them completely and we can revive them easily .
then there is vast field of your individual services to individuals as said in previous writ . '' the good live for others alone . . the wise man should sacrifice himself for others . i can secure my own goodonly by doing your good . there is no other way , none whatsoever . the only way of getting our divine nature manifested , is by helping others to do the same till there is inequality in society . , the poor the downtrodden , the ignorant , let these be your God . '' -Vivekanand .

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Each of us born or placed in this world do not enjoy the same fate in the field of life . some are intellectually superior some economically and some in other fields to others . some need help and service and some can give it . every one can contribute to this service to individual , society and to the world society at large .there are very few who are destitute and hapless either born or by casual happenings and accident and need full as they are not able to do any thing except to keep alive .
This help should not be taken as charity and act of kindness but as act of service to humankind . as the water maintains its level , those by the grace of God or Nature have been provided or granted the gift of riches , muscle power , intelligence , skill of any kind , learning , power of invention , poetic and writing ability , social service as to educate and keep cleanliness in the areas deserve and ability to establish and run , economic , social and educational institutions , should be aware of their abilities and give others , who need . by this service we apparently help the world but really help ourselves . we feel pleasure to give a glass of water to thirsty and a loaf of bread to hungry . this can be done on small scale , in small cases , that perhaps , we over look . it can be five/ten rupees to help a person who is hungry or has cold and cough or the fare or fees . Gandhi jee is of opinion that the poor and needy give us an opportunity for service and we should be rather grateful to them those who gave us a chance to serve them . Swami Vivekanand says , '' there is no service, possible to God ; it is only service to man that is rendered to God .'' Bible says , '' it is not the receiver that is blessed , but it is the giver . '' be thankful that you are allowed to provide your help and power of benevolence and mercy through a person or society .
service to man and nature as a whole is the first good work in once life . the worship and the yajnya and tour to religious places and all religious acts are have no merit . according to theory of karm , the action one has done can not be destroyed until it has born its fruit, no power in nature , as a rule can stop it from yielding its fruit and result . if you do an evil act , you must suffer for it and if good act similarly there is no power in the universe which can stay or stop, bearing good result . the service to others is best of bests ; nothing even seconds to it .
'' who cares , if there is a soul or not ; whether there is Heaven or Hell ;whether you are a Theist or an Atheist ; an Agnostic or Vedantitst ; a Christian or a Mohammedan ; forget yourself , this is the first lesson to be learnt that but there is the world and it is full of pain and misery and struggle to lessen it or die in the attempt . i do not care to kow your various theories about God and subtle doctrines of morals and of Soul . DO GOOD AND BE GOOD . '', said Lord Buddha. he works best who works without any motive , neither for money , nor for fame nor for any thing else .
'' selfishness is the chief sin . he who says / think , '' i will eat first , have more money than others , i will posses every thing first even Heaven / Mukhti is selfish. other who says , '' i will be the last , is unselfish . do not help but serve . use the privilege. you have the privilege to grant leave to those who need and you say , ''no '' you deny the privilege , granted to you by God . thus you defy God . once when i was Principal in one school , some good students committed some mischief as they had to leave the school by their xii exams. some of my friends suggested me to put bad entries to their papers and i thought ; i was not there to give some one bad entry as Head of the school but to award them good entries , good certificates of merit and to my faith , now they are in very good positions and are serving the society as well . thank God , i was right . blessed are those , who are rich (in any thing/ field /faculty ) and doubly blessed the become when they serve the poor and needy .
'' After so much austerity , i have understood ; this is the real truth -- God is present inevery 'JIVA' (living being ) there is no other God besides that . . who serves jiva (being ) serves God , indeed . if in this Hell of a world , one can bring a little joy and peace even for a day into the heart of a single person , that much alone is true . this is the gist of all worship -- to be pure and to do good to others. he who sees Lord in the poor in the weak and in the diseased really worship his Lord , and if he sees Lord in the image his worship is but preliminary . '' Swami Vivekanand.
Let us therefore serve others with all our might and take this service as our privilege , as service to God through man . .