Thursday, December 23, 2010

GROW WISER ..................

GROW WISER THIS TIME ..............................

Having , power ,pelf , position ,learning , all kind of intelligence ; all this and that , is good but better , it wold be to grow a little wiser .............
' Knowledge is invariably a matter of degree: you cannot put your finger upon even the simplest datum and say "this we know."
A toothache, or a violent passion, is not necessarily diminished by our knowledge of its causes, its character, its importance or insignificance.''
- T.S. Eliot
We don't know a millionth of one percent about anything.
- Thomas A. Edison
Wisdom is the quality that keeps you from getting into situations where you need it.
- Doug Larson
Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much;
Wisdom is humble that he knows no more.
- William Cowper
'' The road to wisdom?—Well, it's plain and simple to express:...............
Err.....and err...........and err again
but less...........and less..............and less. '' - Piet Hein

Happy are those who find wisdom, and those who get understanding, for it's income is better than silver, and revenue better than gold. Wisdom is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with . Long life , riches , honor , pleasantness, and all peace come to wise men ..... called happy.
I f you go to temple / masque / church that is good but wiser is to see and feel and realize that you are the best temple of God on Earth and HE is within you and in all in right proportion .
It is nice and good that you do not harm any one but you can grow wiser by helping and serving others who deserve service and you are able to serve .
Charity is good but with to be sure that your money is not misused by hypocrites and cheats who live on in the name of Religion ,wiser is to help your known cases directly .
It may be good to go far to shrines of God and Goddess but wiser to serve your mother-father and ill .
You offer garlands / flowers on idols but be wiser to know that flowers are more alive than stones and mother earth smiles through flowers ; instead you can have flower -pots and flowers -garden and allow them to smile in full on branches . enjoy the beauty and scent . we can have flower- gardens around temples , schools and homes .
You should enjoy all material things and gifts that you have ,earned and offered but you can grow wiser by minimizing your needs and spare a little for others or for society and to the Nation at large .
these are the few points , only as hints and you can find out hundredth of things where and when you can grow a bit wiser .
मंदिर / मस्जिद / चर्च है बहुत दूर ; चलो यूँ करलें , किसी रोते हुए बच्चे कों हंसाया जाए .To look at life differently
'' Some people don't grow wiser they merely grow old
They remain as they were and think in the same way
Financially well to do wise people one might say rare
For wisdom will not make you a millionaire
That the wise are a minority comes as no surprise
for many people grow older but they do not grow wise
No fool like an old fool you do hear .......................''
-  Francis Duggan

Monday, December 20, 2010

सनातन धर्म और राम .......................

'' ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते।
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते॥ ''
पूर्ण है वह पूर्ण है यह
उदित होता है पूर्ण से पूर्ण ही.
पूर्ण से पूर्ण को निकालने के बाद
शेष रहता है पूर्ण ही..

सनातन धर्म ,हिन्दू धर्म का मूल और वास्तविक नाम है .दुनिया के सभी धर्मों कि तुलना में इस धर्म की प्रमुख अलग विशेषताएं निम्न हैं .............
1 - सनातन जैसा इस शब्द का अर्थ है - जिसका आदि और अंत न हो = Eternal .
2 - इस धर्म के तीन संप्रदाय हैं -एक - वैष्णव ; दूसरा - शैव और तीसरा - शाक्त . वैष्णव में विष्णु की ; शैव में शंकर की और शाक्त में शक्ति / देवी / माँ की साधना की जाती है . तीनो सम्प्रदायों में किंचित विरोध पर पूर्ण सामंजस्य है .(तुलसी ने राम चरित मानस में)
3 - सनातन धर्म का कोई एक संस्थापक / पैगम्बर अथवा अधिकारी नहीं है .
4 - सनातन धर्म के दर्शन का मूल चार वेदों में (ऋक ,साम ,अथर्व और यजुरवेद ) है और उन्ही का बिसतर , उपनिषद १०८ की संख्या में (वेदांत भी कहते हैं ) पुराण , महाभारत (भगवत गीता इसी का एक अंश है ) ,रामायण (बहुत भारतीय भाषाओँ में ) और राम चरित मानस आदि ग्रंथों में है .कोई एक ग्रन्थ धर्म का अधिकारी नहीं है .
5 - सारी श्रृष्टि परमात्मा का ही स्वरूप है ,उसे ब्रह्म कहते हैं सारा अस्तित्व ब्रह्म ही है और कुछ है ही नहीं ''ब्रह्म सत्य जगन्नमिथ्या ;जीवो ब्रह्म नापराः ''
6 - मनुष्य ब्रह्म का ही अंश है और वह उन्नत करके ईश्वरत्व प्राप्त कर सकता है ,जों देवताओं से भी बड़ा है जैसे राम ,कृष्ण और बुद्ध .(सूफी धर्म के अलावां दुनिया के किसी धर्म में मनुष्य ईश्वर नहीं हो सकता . ''सोह अस्मि '' = मैं भी वही हूँ (ईश्वर / ब्रह्म )
7 - सनातन धर्म केअनुसार श्रृष्टि में पत्थर ,पौधे ,पशु ,पानी ,हवा विद्युत् आदि सब चेतन हैं ,भिन्न भिन्न स्तर और अवस्थाओं के .
8 - सनातन धर्म का मूल है सब सुखी और स्वस्थ्य हों ,सब का मंगल हो परहित ही सबसे बड़ा धर्म और पर पीड़ा ही पाप है . -
9 - सनातन धर्म प्रजातान्त्रिक ब्यवस्था और सब की समानता में विश्वास करता है ,राम -राज्य इसका आदर्श है .
10 - बौद्ध धर्म , जैन धर्म , सीख धर्म और सभी भारतीय धर्म का मूल सनातन धर्म है और सभी धर्म ॐ कों ईश्वर / ब्रह्म के नाम के रूप में मानते हैं .
11 - दुनिया के सभी धर्मों की तरह सनातन धर्म - करुणा ,प्रेम , अहिंसा ,भाईचारा , सहिशुनता , शांति ,सब धर्मों का आदर आदि सद्गुणों का सम्मान और विधान करता है .
आधुनिक सनातन धर्म के मानने वालों में , - स्वामी विवेक नन्द , रविन्द्र नाथ ठाकुर , महर्षि अरविन्द ,रमण महर्षि ,महात्मा गांधी और सभी शंकराचार्यों सहित अनेकोनेक संत हैं  :
** Some of the Great Statements in Vedanta ( महा वाक्य ) are .................

1 - प्रज्ञानं- ब्रह्म - ऐत्तिरेय उनिषद (ऋग्वेद), Prjnanam Brahm = Consciousness is Brahman .
2 - अहं-ब्रह्मास्मि - ब्रिहदारन्य्क उपनिषद (यजुर्वेद), Aham Brahmaasmi = I am Brahman
3 - तत्वमसि - छान्दोग्य उपनिषद (सामवेद), Tatwmasi = That you are ( too)
4 - अयमात्मा-ब्रह्म - मांडूक्य उपनिषद (अथर्ववेद). Ayam Aatmaa Brahman = This Self is Brahman .
5 - सोहमस्मि - ईशोपनिषद (ऋग्वेद ) Soahmasmi = That I am (too)
6 - सर्वम् खलु इदं ब्रह्म Sarv Khalu Idam Brahman =Really all this is Brahman .
7 - ब्रह्म सत्य जगन्नमिथ्या जीवो ब्रह्मैव नापरा :Brahman satay jagat mithyaa Jiwo brahmaiw naaparah . = Brahman is Real ,world is ephemeral ; being is also Brahaman and no else .
8 - एकम अद्वितिया ब्रह्म Ekam adwitiy Brahman = Brahman is One not being second .
9 - एकम सद विप्र बहुधा वदन्ति Ekam Sad Viprah Vahudhaa vadanti .Truth is One called by various names by wise men .
1o - एकोअहम बहुस्यामि Ekoham bahusyami = I am One and becoming Many .
11 - न जायते मृयते वा कदाचन ( भगवत गीता में कृष्ण ).Na jayate mriyate vaa kadaachan = Nothing is born or die.
Sanatana Dharma recognizes that the Ultimate Reality, which is the ground of infinite potentiality and actualization, cannot be limited by any name or concept. The potential for human wholeness (or in other frames of reference, enlightenment, salvation, liberation, transformation, blessedness, nirvana, moksha) is present in every human being. No race or religion is superior and no color or creed is inferior. All humans are spiritually united like the drops of water in an ocean.
Sanatana Dharma, meaning “Eternal or Universal Righteousness” is the original name of what is now popularly called Hinduism. Sanatana Dharma comprises of spiritual laws which govern the human existence. Sanatana Dharma is to human life what natural laws are to the physical phenomena. Just as the phenomena of gravitation existed before it was discovered, the spiritual laws of life are eternal laws which existed before they were discovered by the ancient rishis (sages) for the present age during the Vedic period. Sanatana Dharma declares that something cannot come out of nothing and, therefore, the universe itself is the manifestation of the Divine being. This truth forms the invocation of the Isa Upanishad (a Hindu scripture):
'' ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते।
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते॥''
That is full; this is full. The full comes out of the full.
Taking the full from the full, the full itself remains. -- -   Ishavashya Upnishad  (Rig Veda)

हिंदू धर्म में राम को विष्णु का सातवाँ अवतार माना जाता है। वैवस्वत मनु के दस पुत्र थे- इल, इक्ष्वाकु, कुशनाम, अरिष्ट, धृष्ट, नरिष्यन्त, करुष, महाबली, शर्याति और पृषध। राम का जन्म इक्ष्वाकु के कुल में हुआ था। (जैन धर्म के तीर्थंकर निमि भी इसी कुल के थे।)
वाल्मीकि -रामायण के अनुसार :- ब्रह्माजी से मरीचि ; मरीचि के पुत्र कश्यप ; कश्यप के विवस्वान ; विवस्वान के वैवस्वत ; वैवस्वत के मनु ; (मनु के समय जल प्रलय हुआ ) वैवस्वतमनु के उपरोक्त दस पुत्रों में से एक का नाम इक्ष्वाकु था। इक्ष्वाकु ने अयोध्या को अपनी राजधानी बनाया और इक्ष्वाकु कुल की स्थापना की।
इक्ष्वाकु के कुक्षि ; कुक्षि के विकुक्षि ; विकुक्षि के पुत्र बाण ; बाण के अनरण्य ; अनरण्य से पृथु ; पृथु ; पृथु से त्रिशंकु ; त्रिशंकु के पुत्र धुंधुमार ; धुन्धुमार के ; युवनाश्व ; युवनाश्व के पुत्र मान्धाता ; मान्धाता से सुसन्धि ; सुसन्धि के दो पुत्र हुए- ध्रुवसन्धि एवं प्रसेनजित। ध्रुवसन्धि के पुत्र भरत हुए।(भरत के नाम पर देश का नाम भारत हुआ ;संस्कृत भाषा में भारत का अर्थ है भरत का (देश) )
भरत के असित हुए ; असित के सगर ; सगर अयोध्या के बहुत प्रतापी राजा थे। सगर के असमंज ; असमंज के अंशुमान ; अंशुमान के दिलीप ; दिलीप के भगीरथ ( गंगा को पृथ्वी पर लाये )। भगीरथ के ककुत्स्थ ; ककुत्स्थ के रघु हुए। रघु के बाद इस वंश का नाम रघुवंश हो गया। [ राम के कुल को रघुकुल कहा गया ]
रघु के पुत्र प्रवृद्ध ; प्रवृद्ध के पुत्र शंखण और शंखण के सुदर्शन ; सुदर्शन के अग्निवर्ण ; अग्निवर्ण के शीघ्रग ; शीघ्रग के पुत्र मरु ; मरु के पुत्र प्रशुश्रुक ; प्रशुश्रुक के अम्बरीष ; अम्बरीष के नहुष ; नहुष के ययाति ; ययाति के पुत्र नाभाग ; नाभाग के पुत्र का नाम अज ; अज के पुत्र दशरथ और दशरथ के चार पुत्र राम, भरत, लक्ष्मण तथा शत्रुघ्न हुए वा‍ल्मीकि रामायण- ॥1-59 से 72।।
* Don't enforce one belief / worship or conduct for all. Don't try to destroy different forms of worship, claiming your to be the only right . Such efforts are against the Divine Law.
Give importance to sincerity of heart and nobleness of conduct in the field of all in their own religions.
Don't try to limit the limitless God. Do not create inter-religious wars / debate / doubts , forcing your claims and dogmas as better or the best, on others.
Give a person freedom to think / reason to believe or disbelieve in his / her own way , which suits his / her temperament. After all, what is important in worship of God is the sincerity of heart, not the outer forms and means .
Don't try / force to divide the human race into conflicts and camps of Holy and Unholy .

Saturday, December 18, 2010


"The secret of karma yoga which is to perform actions without any fruitive desires is taught by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita."  -  Swami Vivekanand
'' When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad-gita and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Those who meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from it every day. '' - Mahatma Gandhi:
'' When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous. '' - Albert Einstein:
 '' In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita, in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial. '' - Henry David Thoreau:'' The Bhagavad-Gita has a profound influence on the spirit of mankind by its devotion to God which is manifested by actions.'' - Dr. Albert Schweitzer:
'' The Bhagavad-Gita is a true scripture of the human race a living creation rather than a book, with a new message for every age and a new meaning for every civilization.'' - Sri Aurobindo
'' The idea that man is like unto an inverted tree seems to have been current in by gone ages. The link with Vedic conceptions is provided by Plato in his Timaeus in which it states..." behold we are not an earthly but a heavenly plant." This correlation can be discerned by what Krishna expresses in chapter 15 of Bhagavad-Gita. '' - Carl Jung:
 '' The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. It is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed; hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all of humanity. '' - Aldous Huxley:
'' In order to approach a creation as sublime as the Bhagavad-Gita with full understanding it is necessary to attune our soul to it. '' - Rudolph Steiner:
'' I owed a magnificent day to the Bhagavad-gita. It was the first of books; it was as if an empire spoke to us, nothing small or unworthy, but large, serene, consistent, the voice of an old intelligence which in another age and climate had pondered and thus disposed of the same questions which exercise us. '' - Ralph Waldo Emerson:
'' The Bhagavad-Gita deals essentially with the spiritual foundation of human existence. It is a call of action to meet the obligations and duties of life; yet keeping in view the spiritual nature and grander purpose of the universe. '' - Jawahar Lal Nehru:
'' From a clear knowledge of the Bhagavad-Gita all the goals of human existence become fulfilled. Bhagavad-Gita is the manifest quintessence of all the teachings of the Vedic scriptures. '' - Aadi Shankaraachaarya
'' The Bhagavad-Gita was spoken by Lord Krishna to reveal the science of devotion to God which is the essence of all spiritual knowledge. The Supreme Lord Krishna's primary purpose for descending and incarnating is relieve the world of any demoniac and negative, undesirable influences that are opposed to spiritual development, yet simultaneously it is His incomparable intention to be perpetually within reach of all humanity. '' - Ramanujachaarya .
'' The Mahabharata has all the essential ingredients necessary to evolve and protect humanity and that within it the Bhagavad-Gita is the epitome of the Mahabharata just as ghee is the essence of milk and pollen is the essence of flowers. '' - Madhvacarya:
'' The Bhagavad-Gita is not seperate from the Vaishnava philosophy and the Srimad Bhagavatam fully reveals the true import of this doctrine which is transmigration of the soul. On perusal of the first chapter of Bhagavad-Gita one may think that they are advised to engage in warfare. When the second chapter has been read it can be clearly understood that knowledge and the soul is the ultimate goal to be attained. On studying the third chapter it is apparent that acts of righteousness are also of high priority. If we continue and patiently take the time to complete the Bhagavad-Gita and try to ascertain the truth of its closing chapter we can see that the ultimate conclusion is to relinquish all the conceptualized ideas of religion which we possess and fully surrender directly unto the Supreme Lord. '' - Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


The statement here ( प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म ) = ''The Brahman is the Supreme Consciousness '' is one of the : The Mahavakyas are the Great Sentences of Advaita Vedanta , and are contained in the Upanishads. Maha is Great, and Vakyas are sentences, or utterances for contemplation. They provide perspective and insights that tie the texts together in a cohesive whole. The contemplations on the Mahavakyas also blend well with the practices of yoga meditation, prayer, and mantra, which are companion practices in Yoga. The pinnacle of the wisdom and practices of the ancient sages is contained in the terse twelve verses of the Mandukya Upanishad, which outlines the philosophy and practices of the OM mantra. This statement comes from Aitereya Upnishad of Rig Vda 3 / 3.
॥ अथ ऐतरोपनिषदि तृतीयोध्यायः ॥
ॐ कोऽयमात्मेति वयमुपास्महे कतरः स आत्मा । येन वा पश्यति येन वा शृणोति येन वा गंधानाजिघ्रति येन वा वाचं व्याकरोति येन वा स्वादु चास्वादु च विजानाति ॥ १॥
यदेतद्धृदयं मनश्चैतत् । संज्ञानमाज्ञानं विज्ञानं प्रज्ञानं मेधा दृष्टिधृर्तिमतिर्मनीषा जूतिः स्मृतिः संकल्पः क्रतुरसुः कामो वश इति । सर्वाण्येवैतानि प्रज्ञानस्य नामधेयानि भवंति ॥ २॥
एष ब्रह्मैष इन्द्र एष प्रजापतिरेते सर्वे देवा इमानि च पञ्चमहाभूतानि पृथिवी वायुराकाश आपो ज्योतींषीत्येतानीमानि च क्षुद्रमिश्राणीव । बीजानीतराणि चेतराणि चाण्डजानि च जारुजानि च स्वेदजानि चोद्भिज्जानि चाश्वा गावः पुरुषा हस्तिनो यत्किञ्चेदं प्राणि जङ्गमं च पतत्रि च यच्च स्थावरं सर्वं तत्प्रज्ञानेत्रं प्रज्ञाने प्रतिष्ठितं प्रज्ञानेत्रो लोकः प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठा प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म *॥ ३॥
स एतेन प्राज्ञेनाऽऽत्मनाऽस्माल्लोकादुत्क्रम्याम
ुष्मिन्स्वर्गे लोके सर्वान् कामानाप्त्वाऽमृतः समभवत् समभवत् ॥ ४॥ - ॥ इत्यैतरोपनिषदि तृतीयोध्यायः ॥ (ऋग्वेद )
Part 3 − Chapter 1: Concerning the Self
1 - Who is He whom we worship, thinking: "This is the Self"? Which one is the Self? Is it He by
whom one sees form, by whom one hears sound and by whom one tastes the sweet and the unsweet?
2 - Is it the heart and the mind. It is consciousness, lordship, knowledge, wisdom, retentive
power of mind, sense knowledge, steadfastness, though, thoughtfulness, sorrow, memory,
concepts, purpose, life, desire, longing: all these are but various names of Consciousness
3 - He is Brahman, He is Indra, He is Prajapati; He is all these gods; He is the five great
elements−earth, air, akasa (space) , water, light; He is all these small creatures and the others
which are mixed; He is the origin−those born of an egg, of a womb, of sweat and of a
sprout; He is horses, cows, human beings, elephants−whatever breathes here, whether
moving on legs or flying in the air or unmoving. All this is guided by Consciousness, is
supported by Consciousness. The basis is Consciousness. Consciousness is Brahman.
4 - He, having realised oneness with Pure Consciousness, soared from this world and having
obtained all desires in yonder heavenly world, became immortal−yea, became immortal. − Aitareya Upanishad − (Rigveda ) 
Prajnanam brahman = Brahman is the supreme knowledge
(Knowing the absolute reality is the supreme knowledge) .The Knowledge out of which other knowledge arises : There are many branches and levels of knowledge one can attain. However, they all stem from & part of, a higher knowledge. There is the highest , the absolute knowledge, which is the supreme . It is called absolute because it is not stemming from something else. Supreme knowledge is the ground out of which the diversity of knowledge and experience comes. It is just about impossible , describing this notion of supreme knowledge, which is part of the reason that there are so many different descriptions given by many people. Thus, we use metaphor after metaphor trying to capture and communicate the essence of the meaning. This Mahavakya (great statement ) is saying that as you climb the ladder of knowledge, this higher knowledge is to be found at the level of Brahman, the oneness of Universal Consciousness.
Intuitively, you come to see that there is consciousness, or whatever term you would like to use, that is higher, more foundational, or prerequisite to the lower knowledge in all of its other forms. The highest rung of the ladder is called supreme knowledge, prajnam, (प्रज्ञानम ) and this is said to be one and the same with brahman, ( ब्रह्म) the oneness.
 Meaning of the word Brahman .... The word Brahman comes from the root Brha or Brhi, which means knowledge, expansion, and all-pervasiveness. It is that existence which alone exists, and in which there is the appearance of the entire universe. Brahman means the absolute reality, that which is Eternal, and not subject to death, decay, or decomposition , having the attribute of Omnipresence & Oneness.
Brahman is not a proper name, but a Sanskrit word that denotes that oneness, the non-dual reality, the substratum underneath all of the many names and forms of the universe. Brahman is somewhat like the difference between the word ocean, and the specific ocean called Pacific Ocean. The word Brahman is like ocean, not Pacific Ocean. Brahman is not a name of God. These thoughts neither promote nor oppose any particular religious concept of God.
One may also choose to think of Brahman in theological terms, though that is not necessary. Within that perspective, the scholars speak of two principles: immanence and transcendence. Immanence is described as the divinity existing in, and extending into all parts of the created world. In that sense, the Mahavakyas can be read as suggesting there is no object that does not contain, or is not part of that creation.
For convenience sake, it is said that Brahman is the nature of existence, consciousness, and bliss. The real meaning comes only in direct experience resulting from contemplation and yoga meditation.Some of the great  Some of the Great Statements in Vedanta ( महा वाक्य ) are .................
प्रज्ञानं- ब्रह्म  - ऐत्तिरेय उनिषद   (ऋग्वेद), Prjnanam Brahm  = Consciousness is  Brahman .
अहं-ब्रह्मास्मि - ब्रिहदारन्य्क उपनिषद (यजुर्वेद),  Aham Brahmaasmi   = I am Brahman
तत्वमसि - छान्दोग्य उपनिषद (सामवेद), Tatwmasi   = That you are ( too)
अयमात्मा-ब्रह्म  -  मांडूक्य उपनिषद (अथर्ववेद). Ayam Aatmaa Brahman  = This Self is Brahman .
सोहमस्मि - ईशोपनिषद (ऋग्वेद ) Soahmasmi   = That I am (too)
सर्वम् खलु इदं ब्रह्म  Sarv Khalu Idam Brahman   =Really all this is Brahman .
ब्रह्म सत्य जगन्नमिथ्या  जीवो ब्रह्मैव नापरा :Brahman satay jagat mithyaa Jiwo brahmaiw naaparah .  = Brahman is Real ,world is  ephemeral ; being is also Brahaman and no else .
एकम अद्वितिया ब्रह्म   Ekam adwitiy Brahman  = Brahman is One not being second .
एकम सद विप्र बहुधा वदन्ति Ekam Sad Viprah Vahudhaa vadanti .Truth is One called by various names by wise men .
एकोअहम बहुस्यामि   Ekoham bahusyami   = I am One and becoming Many .
न जायते मृयते वा कदाचन ( भगवत गीता में कृष्ण ).Na  jayate mriyate vaa kadaachan   = Nothing is born or die.
Please compare  .... (* A Priory knowledge / Noumena )
*A priori knowledge' is known independently of experience, and 'a posteriori knowledge' is proven through experience
The claim is more formally known as Kant's transcendental deduction and it is the central argument of his major work, the Critique of Pure Reason.
According to Kant, it is vital always to distinguish between the distinct realms of Phenomena and Noumena. Phenomena are the appearances, which constitute the our experience; Noumena are the (presumed) things themselves, which constitute reality. All of our synthetic a priori judgments apply only to the phenomenal realm, not the noumenal. (It is only at this level, with respect to what we can experience, that we are justified in imposing the structure of our concepts onto the objects of our knowledge.) Since the thing in itself (Ding an sich) would by definition be entirely independent of our experience of it, we are utterly ignorant of the Noumenal Realm.
