Gandhi ,The Mhatma (Saint ) as now we recognize him all over the world was rhe devotee of Lord Ram as incarnation of God and read two Holy books of Hinduism viz . -1 - Bhagwat Gita (in Sanskrit ) and 2 - Ram Charit Manas ( in Hindi ) . He learned two basic life virtues from these books 1 - desireless action , means renunciation of result in action or action as according to the will of God or as a mission or action as good in itself (see, Immanuel Kant) from Bhagwat Gita and 2 - To fight against ill and injustice as Lord Ram did to establish Ramrajya (a criminal and crime less-men society and State ) from Ram Charit Mnas (RCM ). Here , the reference is that of war that Ram won with bow and arrows ,the old ancient weapon ( that time most advanced especially the arrows of Ram that had unfailing -killing enemy -power ) . Gandhi also fought against British rule but did not use the weapon that were available then but the weapon of love ,nonviolence and disobedience with all humility . Man as provided with nail , tooth , hands and legs by Nature as original weapon advanced and marched to sophisticated atomic weapons of today outwardly singing the songs of peace and love in their prose and poems in their church and temples in their religion and rituals in their holy books of heaven and hell but in real action fought very many battles ,the more in increase the more got civilized , spread more hate , more competitions and worst enmity that we ever had on this Earth .
It was only Gandhi who brought down on earth all that was talked of and talked about peace and love ,fraternity and family hood that Jesus told in Bible Mohammad in Quoran and God in Vedas . This common man did the uncommon task - TO WIN THE HATE WITH LOVE , to get justice by better justice , the art of fighting from soul to soul , to fight to tell the oneness and goodness of the man .
We ,all in the world ,Christian , Hindu , Muslim or any of any religion ,creed or caste used to read and enjoy all kind of heavenly -thoughts in holy -books and thought that all this were ideals , never to be materialized on earth - '' जानते हैं जन्नत की हकीकत ग़ालिब , मगर दिल कों बहलाने का ए ख़याल अच्छा है '' -मिर्जा ग़ालिब , उर्दू भाषा के महान कवि / शायर (Galib says that we know the false -reality of heaven but the thought of it can be a good pass-time . )
But Gandhi did it - thought of it , proposed it , practiced it and finally realized it perfectly in this world on this earth and rhe same has been practiced successfully in other part of the world . Some one asked Vinova Bhawe (said to be metaphysical disciple of Gandhi ) - '' do you think Gandhi was more advanced than Lord Ram ? '' Vinova replied , '' certainly yes ! because when the child sits on the shoulders of his Grand -Father ,he can look far .'' So Gandhi was the best evolution of Lord Ram in thoughts and in action .
Gandhi is a man of common intelligence with very extraordinary behviour and wise-intrigue with his opponents and even friends , co-workers and followers , keep in every one curious to see and trying to find out what would be his next move in any field at any time .( some , therefore ,misunderstood him and called him astute -politician and clever observer of the things happening and opportunities falling down before him ) . In psychological term in reference , this is very common to understand that truth is most difficult rather, rare and the simple is complicated for a normal-common -average man . Gandhi's plannings and actions were mostly unexpected ,unpredictable as these actions looked as chanced ,really never truly planned but suddenly happened.
One example ... he went on fast with an issue till it was solved or compromised and simultaneously he improved his digestive -system . But this simultaneity was not planned but the prevailing circumstances suggested him to act like that , although were it wisdom ? of simple -complicated system . Gandhi had that aptness not with any astute -intention ,as it looks but with pure and true devotion to his cause of moral motive and self sacrifice to public -service .
Although it has been an established fact and philosophy that states must follow morals and the source of morals are in religions but to recent political -systems in majority rulers want to keep religion and politics apart . Gandhi is obstinate to say that there can be no good politics without religion and any religion without morals is no religion . Who knows , corruption and criminalization in politics is due to this so called secularism and Gandhi seems right . Gandhi was leading the fight and all kind of opposition with revolutionary activities against the British Rule in India ( not Against British people ) and commonly it was evident that he was worst enemy of British but in real way he was the only best friend of English people in India as he prevented any and all kind of violence against English
Gandhi was , as he called him , staunch -Hindu but he many times taught Christians , what the Christian religion really was and how Christians failed it in practice and were trying others to follow Christin -religion and convert in to this . He was against any conversion . See what he says about this in his own words -----
'' There was a time in my life when I sincerely considered Christianity as my religion . Although I admire much in Christianity, I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it, entirely satisfies my soul, and fills my whole being. The missionaries come to India thinking that they come to a land of heathen, of idolaters, of men who do not know God. My own experiences all over India have been on the contrary. An average Indian is as much a seeker after truth as the Christian . If I have read the Bible correctly, I know many men who have never known the name of Jesus Christ, men who have even rejected the official interpretations of Christianity, but would nevertheless, if Jesus came in our midst today in the flesh, be probably owned by him more than many of us. My position is that it does not matter what faith you practice, as long as the soul longs for truth .To be a good Hindu also meant that I would be a good Christian. There was no need for me to join your creed to be a believer in the beauty of the teachings of Jesus ” - Gandhi
Gandhi was a man of extraordinary man of adjustment and confidence . Although Gandhi born and brought up in rich ,respectable family , decided to go poorest of poor to identify him with destitute whom he called Daridr Narayan ( best place of God to find was to serve the poor ) but he had his followers friends co -workers and disciples in politics like Jawahar Lal Neharu extraordinarily sophesticatrd in dress ,living and behaviour as he used to tag in a fresh rose flower in his coat each day and Gandhi never picked a flower nor accepted garlands and flowers in his welcome and again , Sardaar Patel whom staunch Hindu -group in India favoured as orthodox ,hard liner Hindu but they accepted Gandhi as their true leader and had full adjustment . Gandhi shared the chair with Viceroy of India in his drawing or meeting rooms half clad in rough linen and looked as some Indian -illiterate -farmer was sharing table with English Lord . This was his confidence and boldness that was irrigated by truth and purity of divine heart . This poor ill-clad man , over more , used to live in Birala house whenever he was in Delhi .
Often , he was called by abusive names as 'an Indian Rat ' , 'a faquir '(beggar ) , ' a hypocrite ' by great contemporaries political estate men and person s in great places and positions better not to name them as he proved all of them wrong and mistaken .He rose as one storm from South Africa to India and did not give time to others understand that he was some one in particular , an Epoch -Man as it took at least two decades to recognize him as great political leader in India and abroad . well said , '' the owl of Minerva takes it's flight but only at gathering of dusk .''
It was great political and social irony of history that he made India free and fought against British -Christian and called him a true -staunch Hindu but he was killed by a criminal who was born Indian and called himsel ' Hindu ' Yet whatever gains he had for Hindus and India these came to regard as loss of his life because of not as pure and true Hindu was the charge of a group of blind Hindus who could not understand Gandhi in the same ill-spirit that Christians put Jesus on Cross on one of those days of ill-fate .
Any one on earth (why not myself ? ) can canonize him with sole authority as a saint as no one become saint by canonization but because of one's attributes , that all he had viz. - 1 - Venerable - a deceased person recognized as having lived heroic virtues. 2.- Blessed - in addition to personal attributes of charity and heroic virtue, one miracle, acquired through the individual's intercession, is required. 3.- Saint - Canonization requires two miracles or Martyrdom.He was the greatest man after Christ and Buddha in the world and Lord Ram and Lord Krishna in India .He was also the one and only leader religious political and social who calls him staunch Hindu but does not claim his religion is better .
He was man of ironies and charisma he never tried for goals but achieved many ,ie political ,economical .social , religious ,moral , individual , psychological , philosophical and personal (mahatma , father of nation , world citizen and great warrior without weapon world ever produced ). He went to South Africain search of bread as could not succeed in India in his own profession and wanted to earn his bread through right cause and this he found in S.Africa and never anticipated that he would be recognized in world for his own personal Experiment with Truth that he did for his own personal growth and development - He had no goals but of his individual life but he gained many not only for him but for the whole of Humanity never to go irrelevant if this Human race has to survive and outlive - '' with theory of Non -Violence and Love . ''
It was only Gandhi who brought down on earth all that was talked of and talked about peace and love ,fraternity and family hood that Jesus told in Bible Mohammad in Quoran and God in Vedas . This common man did the uncommon task - TO WIN THE HATE WITH LOVE , to get justice by better justice , the art of fighting from soul to soul , to fight to tell the oneness and goodness of the man .
We ,all in the world ,Christian , Hindu , Muslim or any of any religion ,creed or caste used to read and enjoy all kind of heavenly -thoughts in holy -books and thought that all this were ideals , never to be materialized on earth - '' जानते हैं जन्नत की हकीकत ग़ालिब , मगर दिल कों बहलाने का ए ख़याल अच्छा है '' -मिर्जा ग़ालिब , उर्दू भाषा के महान कवि / शायर (Galib says that we know the false -reality of heaven but the thought of it can be a good pass-time . )
But Gandhi did it - thought of it , proposed it , practiced it and finally realized it perfectly in this world on this earth and rhe same has been practiced successfully in other part of the world . Some one asked Vinova Bhawe (said to be metaphysical disciple of Gandhi ) - '' do you think Gandhi was more advanced than Lord Ram ? '' Vinova replied , '' certainly yes ! because when the child sits on the shoulders of his Grand -Father ,he can look far .'' So Gandhi was the best evolution of Lord Ram in thoughts and in action .
Gandhi is a man of common intelligence with very extraordinary behviour and wise-intrigue with his opponents and even friends , co-workers and followers , keep in every one curious to see and trying to find out what would be his next move in any field at any time .( some , therefore ,misunderstood him and called him astute -politician and clever observer of the things happening and opportunities falling down before him ) . In psychological term in reference , this is very common to understand that truth is most difficult rather, rare and the simple is complicated for a normal-common -average man . Gandhi's plannings and actions were mostly unexpected ,unpredictable as these actions looked as chanced ,really never truly planned but suddenly happened.
One example ... he went on fast with an issue till it was solved or compromised and simultaneously he improved his digestive -system . But this simultaneity was not planned but the prevailing circumstances suggested him to act like that , although were it wisdom ? of simple -complicated system . Gandhi had that aptness not with any astute -intention ,as it looks but with pure and true devotion to his cause of moral motive and self sacrifice to public -service .
Although it has been an established fact and philosophy that states must follow morals and the source of morals are in religions but to recent political -systems in majority rulers want to keep religion and politics apart . Gandhi is obstinate to say that there can be no good politics without religion and any religion without morals is no religion . Who knows , corruption and criminalization in politics is due to this so called secularism and Gandhi seems right . Gandhi was leading the fight and all kind of opposition with revolutionary activities against the British Rule in India ( not Against British people ) and commonly it was evident that he was worst enemy of British but in real way he was the only best friend of English people in India as he prevented any and all kind of violence against English
people in India . It is evident again that a group of leaders and freedom fighters were not confident that any thing as freedom could be won without violent -action against British .It was Gandhi who prevented them and in many cases convinced them to leave the means of violence ,although he regarded these freedom -fighters and could feel their spirit of sacrifice to Mother land but only Gandhi had the moral and love- force to convert them as non-violent freedom fighter. These freedom -fighters some time criticized Gandhi but in many cases followed him as they all honoured him .Great leader of this group Subash Chand Bose had differed him but both had mutual respect for each other . Gandhi realized that all these fighters who believed in violence had the same good goal of freedom but he did not approve violence as his convicted principle of non -violence . Thus he had prevented horrible blood-shed that could prevail during freedom -fight and many British and Indian were saved . To fight for justice against slavery and exploitation , he learned it from Bhagwat Gitabut but to think of welfare of the opponent and to ' love your enemy ' he learned these virtues from Ram Charit Manas and Bible ----
'' मोर काज तासु हित होई : रिपु सन करेहु बतकही सोई - राम चरित मानस में श्री राम '' Shri Ram told his Ambassador Angad to talk to Ravana in light of line and way so that he gives back His wife Sita and let avoid war , bloodshed and have peace . '' love not only your friend but your enemy '' and '' forgive your enemy not seven times but seventy times seven .'' - Jesus in Bible .Gandhi practiced his principle successfully - '' hate the sin not the sinner ''
Round Table Conference, held in London(1930–32), a series of meetings in three sessions called by the British government to consider the future constitution of India. The first session (1931) had 73 representatives, from all Indian states and all parties except the Indian National Congress, which was waging a civil disobedience campaign against the government. Its principal achievement was an insistence on apply parliament -system , including the princes, of the federal principle—and on dominion status as the goal of constitutional development. The second session ( 1931) was attended by Gandhi as the Congress representative; it failed to reach agreement, either constitutionally or on communal representation. The third session ( 1932) was shorter , less important, with the result of these deliberations was the Government of India Act, 1935, establishing provincial autonomy and also a federal system that was never implemented. on the failure of this conference Gandhi said - '' although we have lost this talk on the round table but we have won the thought minds and hearts of British people , mostly intellectuals , who are in the favour of Indian freedom . This i think a big gain and little loss . This was the simple greatness of Gandhi who believed in winning the hearts with love and not the body with a weapon .Gandhi was , as he called him , staunch -Hindu but he many times taught Christians , what the Christian religion really was and how Christians failed it in practice and were trying others to follow Christin -religion and convert in to this . He was against any conversion . See what he says about this in his own words -----
'' There was a time in my life when I sincerely considered Christianity as my religion . Although I admire much in Christianity, I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it, entirely satisfies my soul, and fills my whole being. The missionaries come to India thinking that they come to a land of heathen, of idolaters, of men who do not know God. My own experiences all over India have been on the contrary. An average Indian is as much a seeker after truth as the Christian . If I have read the Bible correctly, I know many men who have never known the name of Jesus Christ, men who have even rejected the official interpretations of Christianity, but would nevertheless, if Jesus came in our midst today in the flesh, be probably owned by him more than many of us. My position is that it does not matter what faith you practice, as long as the soul longs for truth .To be a good Hindu also meant that I would be a good Christian. There was no need for me to join your creed to be a believer in the beauty of the teachings of Jesus ” - Gandhi
Gandhi was a man of extraordinary man of adjustment and confidence . Although Gandhi born and brought up in rich ,respectable family , decided to go poorest of poor to identify him with destitute whom he called Daridr Narayan ( best place of God to find was to serve the poor ) but he had his followers friends co -workers and disciples in politics like Jawahar Lal Neharu extraordinarily sophesticatrd in dress ,living and behaviour as he used to tag in a fresh rose flower in his coat each day and Gandhi never picked a flower nor accepted garlands and flowers in his welcome and again , Sardaar Patel whom staunch Hindu -group in India favoured as orthodox ,hard liner Hindu but they accepted Gandhi as their true leader and had full adjustment . Gandhi shared the chair with Viceroy of India in his drawing or meeting rooms half clad in rough linen and looked as some Indian -illiterate -farmer was sharing table with English Lord . This was his confidence and boldness that was irrigated by truth and purity of divine heart . This poor ill-clad man , over more , used to live in Birala house whenever he was in Delhi .
Often , he was called by abusive names as 'an Indian Rat ' , 'a faquir '(beggar ) , ' a hypocrite ' by great contemporaries political estate men and person s in great places and positions better not to name them as he proved all of them wrong and mistaken .He rose as one storm from South Africa to India and did not give time to others understand that he was some one in particular , an Epoch -Man as it took at least two decades to recognize him as great political leader in India and abroad . well said , '' the owl of Minerva takes it's flight but only at gathering of dusk .''
It was great political and social irony of history that he made India free and fought against British -Christian and called him a true -staunch Hindu but he was killed by a criminal who was born Indian and called himsel ' Hindu ' Yet whatever gains he had for Hindus and India these came to regard as loss of his life because of not as pure and true Hindu was the charge of a group of blind Hindus who could not understand Gandhi in the same ill-spirit that Christians put Jesus on Cross on one of those days of ill-fate .
Any one on earth (why not myself ? ) can canonize him with sole authority as a saint as no one become saint by canonization but because of one's attributes , that all he had viz. - 1 - Venerable - a deceased person recognized as having lived heroic virtues. 2.- Blessed - in addition to personal attributes of charity and heroic virtue, one miracle, acquired through the individual's intercession, is required. 3.- Saint - Canonization requires two miracles or Martyrdom.He was the greatest man after Christ and Buddha in the world and Lord Ram and Lord Krishna in India .He was also the one and only leader religious political and social who calls him staunch Hindu but does not claim his religion is better .
He was man of ironies and charisma he never tried for goals but achieved many ,ie political ,economical .social , religious ,moral , individual , psychological , philosophical and personal (mahatma , father of nation , world citizen and great warrior without weapon world ever produced ). He went to South Africain search of bread as could not succeed in India in his own profession and wanted to earn his bread through right cause and this he found in S.Africa and never anticipated that he would be recognized in world for his own personal Experiment with Truth that he did for his own personal growth and development - He had no goals but of his individual life but he gained many not only for him but for the whole of Humanity never to go irrelevant if this Human race has to survive and outlive - '' with theory of Non -Violence and Love . ''
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