Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Action may not always bring happiness,success and achievements but there is none of these without action. it is only good action that is important and action is the result .dream then pass into reality by action that allows you to dream again and then action and thus you go to the TOP .if you can be of any service to the needful . useful to yourself and moral to society ; your actions are fruitful and peace to your mind and Soul . good ACTIONS make the life meaningful , beautiful , loving and WORTH-LIVING , as it is . LIFE is life ; small or big BUT beautiful . we are born once and die for ever. THE ONLY ONCE , makes it most beautiful .'' सुन्दर हैं विहग, सुमन सुन्दर ; मानव तुम सबसे सुन्दरतम '' so try to live to the BEST .
'' किम कर्मम किम अकरमम इति , कवयः अपि अत्र मोहिता ''- गीता में कृष्ण .
Even wise confuse between action and inaction . only those who are detached and have no envy ; free from their sense lures can decide between right and wrong action . these type of people , very rare, are called stable in their minds ( sthitiprjna ) who have realized the Truth about right action. actions according to the circumstances , your ability and resources that goes to the benefit of whole society are recommended . for this you will have to follow the teaching of Krishna and that is to do your duty with all your might , skill and sincerity . every one of us has got one field of action with abilities and to do it is perfection . '' They serve Him best, who bear His mild yoke '' - Milton in ' On His Blindness ' any action should be that includes - morals , benefit of all and truth . PERFECTION IN ACTION IS YOGA = '' योगः कर्मसु कौशलम '' - गीता में श्री कृष्ण . 
'' नीति प्रीति परमारथ स्वारथ . कोऊ न राम सन जान जथारथ - राम चरित मानस में तुलसी दास '' Moral- Laws , love and maintaining of relations , welfare of the people and society and sublimation of the individual-self , all these are best known to Lord Ram . it is said , ' Ram speaks but once , acts the same and proves to be the best . He sublimated Himself to the mark that even God of Gods obeyed Him . all Nature / Creation ; each and everyone made pace with Him .He elated Him so great that is regarded greatest among Gods and men of all time . it was because of His actions . if you want to know of His , these actions , read RAM CHARIT MANAS BY Tulasidas ji .

'' The good will is the only good without qualification. The good will is a will that acts for the sake of duty, as a "good-in-itself." If the purpose of life were just to achieve happiness, then we would all seek pleasure and gratification and hope that it would lead to happiness. The problem is that happiness is not totally within our power to achieve; The class of actions in accordance with duty must be distinguished from the class of actions performed for the sake of duty. Kant believes only actions performed for the sake of duty have moral worth. He seems to suggest that the greater one's disinclination to act for the sake of duty, the greater the moral worth of the action.
If one performs an action by inclination, then that action has no moral worth
Two things fill the mind with ever increasing wonder and awe. The more often and the more intensely the mind of thought is drawn to them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me. Morality is not properly the doctrine of how we may make ourselves happy, but how we may make ourselves worthy of happiness." Immanuel kant .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very motivitating. Thank You Sir.