True happiness is synonymous with God and that is eternal, unlimited, infinite, permanent and immeasurable. (Chandogya)
Once divine bliss is attained, it is attained forever. (Vedas)
God is bliss (ananda). From bliss all beings are born, in bliss all beings are sustained, and into bliss all beings will merge at the time of complete dissolution of the universe. (Taitariya)
God is omniscient (all-knowing). He Himself is the form of knowledge. (Mundak )
He is God, the supreme divine personality who is the governor of Maya (material energy). He is the one in whom the material universe exists and from whom the material universe evolves. Within Him the material universe is established, and due to His inspiration the material universe is produced. (Bhagwat)
God does exist, and He can be experienced. When you have complete faith in Him, you receive God's grace fully, and due to this you are liberated from Maya forever. (Vedas)
God is omniscient and omnipotent. The individual soul has limited powers. Due to Maya, he is in ignorance and attached to the sense objects of the world. Both God and the souls are eternal. Apart from these two there is a third eternal existence: Maya. God is supreme. He enlivens Maya through His grace, and with this inspiration, Maya creates this universe. God is not the direct creator of this world. (Vedas)
Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, "I am the ultimate goal of the all the souls. I am their protector. I grace them with divine knowledge and love. I am their loving supreme God. I am the observer of the actions of the souls. All the souls reside in Me; I am their ultimate refuge when they humbly surrender to Me."
God is one. He resides in the hearts of all the living beings. He is omnipresent. He is the supreme soul of all the souls and graciously observes all their actions as an eternal witness. He is absolute bliss, which is beyond all mayic (material) qualities. (Shvetashvatar)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Don't compare yourself with any one in this world. If you compare, you are insulting yourself.what you are , you are the best and beautiful .
No lock is without a key, similarly no problem without solutions ,find out the alternative ways of solutions .
Every success has a painful story. Every struggle has a successful end. our duty is to strive for that we can do the best on our part ..
Try not to criticize and judge the mistakes of others. Difficult,recognize your own and correct it .It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to cover the earth with carpet.
We can not bring back the events and things already happened; But we can start now and create and write a new fate.If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If a problem cannot be solved what is the use of worrying. Don't complain about others; Change yourself.
Mistakes are painful when they happen. But year's later collection of mistakes is called experience, which leads to success.
Be bold when you loose and be calm when you win.
No lock is without a key, similarly no problem without solutions ,find out the alternative ways of solutions .
Every success has a painful story. Every struggle has a successful end. our duty is to strive for that we can do the best on our part ..
Try not to criticize and judge the mistakes of others. Difficult,recognize your own and correct it .It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to cover the earth with carpet.
We can not bring back the events and things already happened; But we can start now and create and write a new fate.If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If a problem cannot be solved what is the use of worrying. Don't complain about others; Change yourself.
Mistakes are painful when they happen. But year's later collection of mistakes is called experience, which leads to success.
Be bold when you loose and be calm when you win.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Not through much learning is the Atman reached, nor through the intellect and 'the sacred teachings. It is reached by those whom He chooses; to His chosen the Self reveals His glory.
Beyond the senses is the mind, beyond the mind is the intellect, higher than the intellect is the Great Atman [the totality of all minds], higher than the Great Atman is the Umanifest. Beyond the Unmanifest is the Person, all-pervading, and imperceptible.
Smaller than the smallest, greater than the greatest, this Self forever dwells within the hearts of all. When a man is free from desire, his mind and senses purified, he beholds the glory of the Self and is without sorrow.
Though seated, he travels far; though at rest, he moves all things. Who but the purest of the pure can realize this Effulgent Being, who is joy and who is beyond joy.
Formless is he, though inhabiting form. In the midst of the fleeting he abides forever. All-pervading and supreme is the Self. The wise man, knowing him in his true nature, transcends all grief.
As long as there is duality, one sees "the other," one hears "the other," one smells "the other," one speaks to "the other," one thinks of "the other," one knows "the other"; but when for the illumined soul the all is dissolved in the Self, who is there to be seen by whom, who is there to be smelled by whom, who is there to be heard by whom, who is there to be spoken to by whom, who is there to be thought of by whom, who is there to be known by whom? Ah, Maitreyi, my beloved, the Intelligence which reveals all--by what shall it be revealed? By whom shall the Knower be known? The Self is described as "not this, not that" (neti, neti). It is incomprehensible, for it cannot be comprehended; undecaying, for it never decays; unattached, for it never attaches itself; unbound, for it is never bound. By whom, O my beloved, shall the Knower be known?
* : Bhrihadaranyaka
If you think that you know well the truth of Brahman, know that you know little. What you think to be Brahman in your self, or what you think to be Brahman in the gods--that is not Brahman. What is indeed the truth of Brahman you must therefore learn.
I cannot say that I know Brahman fully. Nor can I say that I know Him not. He among us knows Him best who understands the spirit of the words, "Nor do I know that I know Him not."
He truly knows Brahman who knows Him as beyond knowledge; he who thinks that he knows, knows not. The ignorant think that Brahman is known, but the wise know Him to be beyond knowled
* Kena
The door of the Truth is covered by a golden
disc. Open it, O Nourisher!
Remove it so that I who have been worshipping
the Truth may behold It.
O Nourisher, lone Traveler of the sky! Controller!
O Sun, offspring of Prajapati! Gather Your rays;
withdraw Your light. I would see, through Your grace,
that form of Yours which is the fairest.
He, that Person who dwells there--is I myself!
* Isha
Dwelling in every heart,
the Self is the Lord of all,
the seer of all,
the source and goal of all.
The Self is not outer awareness,
It is not inner awareness,
Nor is it the suspension of awareness.
It is not knowing,
It is not unknowing,
Nor is it knowingness itself
It cannot be seen nor grasped,
It cannot be contained.
It is beyond all expression and beyond
all thought.
It is indefinable.
The only way to know it is to become
* Mandukya
Beyond the senses is the mind, beyond the mind is the intellect, higher than the intellect is the Great Atman [the totality of all minds], higher than the Great Atman is the Umanifest. Beyond the Unmanifest is the Person, all-pervading, and imperceptible.
Smaller than the smallest, greater than the greatest, this Self forever dwells within the hearts of all. When a man is free from desire, his mind and senses purified, he beholds the glory of the Self and is without sorrow.
Though seated, he travels far; though at rest, he moves all things. Who but the purest of the pure can realize this Effulgent Being, who is joy and who is beyond joy.
Formless is he, though inhabiting form. In the midst of the fleeting he abides forever. All-pervading and supreme is the Self. The wise man, knowing him in his true nature, transcends all grief.
As long as there is duality, one sees "the other," one hears "the other," one smells "the other," one speaks to "the other," one thinks of "the other," one knows "the other"; but when for the illumined soul the all is dissolved in the Self, who is there to be seen by whom, who is there to be smelled by whom, who is there to be heard by whom, who is there to be spoken to by whom, who is there to be thought of by whom, who is there to be known by whom? Ah, Maitreyi, my beloved, the Intelligence which reveals all--by what shall it be revealed? By whom shall the Knower be known? The Self is described as "not this, not that" (neti, neti). It is incomprehensible, for it cannot be comprehended; undecaying, for it never decays; unattached, for it never attaches itself; unbound, for it is never bound. By whom, O my beloved, shall the Knower be known?
* : Bhrihadaranyaka
If you think that you know well the truth of Brahman, know that you know little. What you think to be Brahman in your self, or what you think to be Brahman in the gods--that is not Brahman. What is indeed the truth of Brahman you must therefore learn.
I cannot say that I know Brahman fully. Nor can I say that I know Him not. He among us knows Him best who understands the spirit of the words, "Nor do I know that I know Him not."
He truly knows Brahman who knows Him as beyond knowledge; he who thinks that he knows, knows not. The ignorant think that Brahman is known, but the wise know Him to be beyond knowled
* Kena
The door of the Truth is covered by a golden
disc. Open it, O Nourisher!
Remove it so that I who have been worshipping
the Truth may behold It.
O Nourisher, lone Traveler of the sky! Controller!
O Sun, offspring of Prajapati! Gather Your rays;
withdraw Your light. I would see, through Your grace,
that form of Yours which is the fairest.
He, that Person who dwells there--is I myself!
* Isha
Dwelling in every heart,
the Self is the Lord of all,
the seer of all,
the source and goal of all.
The Self is not outer awareness,
It is not inner awareness,
Nor is it the suspension of awareness.
It is not knowing,
It is not unknowing,
Nor is it knowingness itself
It cannot be seen nor grasped,
It cannot be contained.
It is beyond all expression and beyond
all thought.
It is indefinable.
The only way to know it is to become
* Mandukya
Friday, April 23, 2010
No matter how things are regarded-as being or non-being,
It is manifest everywhere before you.
... One in all,
All in One
If only this is realized,
No more worry about your not being perfect!
Do you know that leisurely sage who has gone beyond learning, and who does not exert himself in anything?
He neither endeavors to avoid idle thoughts nor seeks after the Truth;
[For he knows that] ignorance is also the Reality,
[And that] this empty, illusory, body is nothing but the absolute Reality .
When the mind is not disturbed, it is as if there is no mind.
The subject is quieted as the object ceases;
The object ceases as the subject is quieted.
The object is an object for the subject;
The subject is a subject for an object.
Know that the relativity of the two
Rests ultimately on the oneness of the Void.
In the oneness of the Void, the two are one,
And each of the two contains in itself all the ten thousand things.
When no discrimination is made between this and that,
How can a one-sided and prejudiced view arise?
When oneness is not thoroughly understood,
In two ways loss may be sustained:
The denial of the world may lead to its absolute negation,
While the denying of the
Void may result in the denying of your [true] Self.
The Truth is perfect like the vastness of space,
With nothing wanting, nothing superfluous;
It is indeed due to making choices
That the One Reality is lost sight of.
Pursue not the outer entanglements,
Dwell not in the inner Void;
When the mind rests serene in the oneness of 'things,
Dualism vanishes by itself.
--- Buddhism (Dharmakaya).
It is manifest everywhere before you.
... One in all,
All in One
If only this is realized,
No more worry about your not being perfect!
Do you know that leisurely sage who has gone beyond learning, and who does not exert himself in anything?
He neither endeavors to avoid idle thoughts nor seeks after the Truth;
[For he knows that] ignorance is also the Reality,
[And that] this empty, illusory, body is nothing but the absolute Reality .
When the mind is not disturbed, it is as if there is no mind.
The subject is quieted as the object ceases;
The object ceases as the subject is quieted.
The object is an object for the subject;
The subject is a subject for an object.
Know that the relativity of the two
Rests ultimately on the oneness of the Void.
In the oneness of the Void, the two are one,
And each of the two contains in itself all the ten thousand things.
When no discrimination is made between this and that,
How can a one-sided and prejudiced view arise?
When oneness is not thoroughly understood,
In two ways loss may be sustained:
The denial of the world may lead to its absolute negation,
While the denying of the
Void may result in the denying of your [true] Self.
The Truth is perfect like the vastness of space,
With nothing wanting, nothing superfluous;
It is indeed due to making choices
That the One Reality is lost sight of.
Pursue not the outer entanglements,
Dwell not in the inner Void;
When the mind rests serene in the oneness of 'things,
Dualism vanishes by itself.
--- Buddhism (Dharmakaya).
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Nature brings forth the whole Creation consisting of both sentient and insentient beings ;it is due to this cause that the wheel of coming- going world is going round . 9/11
I ,(Atma /Universal Soul /Prsonified God /here Lord Krishna )am the Vaidic Ritual ;the sacrifice ; the offerings ; the herbage ;the food grains ; the sacred formula (mantra ) ; clarified -butter ; ;the sacred fire and I am verily the act of offering oblations into the fire . 9/16
I am the sustainer and ruler of this Universe ;its father , mother and grand -grand -father; the one worth knowing ; the purifier ;the sacred syllable OUM and all knowledge i.e. four Vedas . 9/17
Iam the supreme goal ;supporter ; Lord ; Witness ; Abode ;Refuge ; Well-wisher ; Seeking no return ; Origin and the End;Resting Place ; Store-house and Imperishable -ever growing ;all developed seed . 9/18
I rediate heat as the Sun ;send forth showers . I am the Immortality as well as Death .; even so I am the Being and the Non-being both . 9/19
The devotees ,however ,who loving no one else constantly think of ME in a disinterested spirit ; to those ever united in thought with ME I bring full security and attend to their needs . 9/22
Even those devotees with faith worship other Gods (with some interested motives )worship ME only though with a mistaken approach .9/23
Whatever you act; whatever you eat ;whatever you offer as oblation to the sacred fire ;whatever you bestow as a gift ; whatever you do as way of penance ; OFFER IT ALL TO ME (Renunciation in action /KARM SANYAS ).9/27
With your mind thus established in the Yoga of Renunciation (offering of all actions to ME), you will be freed from the bond of action in the shape of good and evil concequences . 9/28
Even if the Vilest sinner worships ME with exclusive devotion he should be accounted as saint for he has rightly resolved . speedily he becomes Virtuous and secure lasting peace as for certain MY devotee never falls . 9/30 ;31
Women ,men of all creeds and castes ,those of vile-birth and even prostitutes can take refuge in ME and attain the supreme -goal in their lives . 9/32
-From Bhagwat Gita
I ,(Atma /Universal Soul /Prsonified God /here Lord Krishna )am the Vaidic Ritual ;the sacrifice ; the offerings ; the herbage ;the food grains ; the sacred formula (mantra ) ; clarified -butter ; ;the sacred fire and I am verily the act of offering oblations into the fire . 9/16
I am the sustainer and ruler of this Universe ;its father , mother and grand -grand -father; the one worth knowing ; the purifier ;the sacred syllable OUM and all knowledge i.e. four Vedas . 9/17
Iam the supreme goal ;supporter ; Lord ; Witness ; Abode ;Refuge ; Well-wisher ; Seeking no return ; Origin and the End;Resting Place ; Store-house and Imperishable -ever growing ;all developed seed . 9/18
I rediate heat as the Sun ;send forth showers . I am the Immortality as well as Death .; even so I am the Being and the Non-being both . 9/19
The devotees ,however ,who loving no one else constantly think of ME in a disinterested spirit ; to those ever united in thought with ME I bring full security and attend to their needs . 9/22
Even those devotees with faith worship other Gods (with some interested motives )worship ME only though with a mistaken approach .9/23
Whatever you act; whatever you eat ;whatever you offer as oblation to the sacred fire ;whatever you bestow as a gift ; whatever you do as way of penance ; OFFER IT ALL TO ME (Renunciation in action /KARM SANYAS ).9/27
With your mind thus established in the Yoga of Renunciation (offering of all actions to ME), you will be freed from the bond of action in the shape of good and evil concequences . 9/28
Even if the Vilest sinner worships ME with exclusive devotion he should be accounted as saint for he has rightly resolved . speedily he becomes Virtuous and secure lasting peace as for certain MY devotee never falls . 9/30 ;31
Women ,men of all creeds and castes ,those of vile-birth and even prostitutes can take refuge in ME and attain the supreme -goal in their lives . 9/32
-From Bhagwat Gita
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Wisdom is meaningless unless you experience its meaning.
A man must have a certain amount of wise- ignorance to get anywhere.
The realization that there are other points of view is the beginning of wisdom.
The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook and neglect.
Follow your instincts. That's where true wisdom manifests itself.
Wisdom is not wisdom when it is derived from books alone.
Wisdom lies in small acts ,smaller things and smallest awareness .
Simplicity and frugality in any and every thing is all uncommonly wisdom .
If you follow the crowd, you will likely get no further than the crowd. If you walk alone, you're likely to end up in a place, no one has ever been before. Being an achiever is not without its difficulties. The unfortunate thing about being ahead of your time is that when people finally realize you were right, they'll simply say it was obvious to everyone all along. You have two choices in life. You can dissolve into the main stream, or you can choose to become an achiever and be distinct. To be distinct, you must be different. To be different, you must strive to be what no else but you can be.
At first people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done,
then they hope it can be done, then they see it can be done — then it
is done and the whole world wonders why it was not done centuries ago.
A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his
work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body;
his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which.
He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is
doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing.
To himself, he always appears to be doing both..
A man must have a certain amount of wise- ignorance to get anywhere.
The realization that there are other points of view is the beginning of wisdom.
The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook and neglect.
Follow your instincts. That's where true wisdom manifests itself.
Wisdom is not wisdom when it is derived from books alone.
Wisdom lies in small acts ,smaller things and smallest awareness .
Simplicity and frugality in any and every thing is all uncommonly wisdom .
If you follow the crowd, you will likely get no further than the crowd. If you walk alone, you're likely to end up in a place, no one has ever been before. Being an achiever is not without its difficulties. The unfortunate thing about being ahead of your time is that when people finally realize you were right, they'll simply say it was obvious to everyone all along. You have two choices in life. You can dissolve into the main stream, or you can choose to become an achiever and be distinct. To be distinct, you must be different. To be different, you must strive to be what no else but you can be.
At first people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done,
then they hope it can be done, then they see it can be done — then it
is done and the whole world wonders why it was not done centuries ago.
A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his
work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body;
his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which.
He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is
doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing.
To himself, he always appears to be doing both..
Monday, April 19, 2010
जैन धर्म / तुलसीदास ने सम्यक ब्यक्तित्व की बात की है कि लाखों लोगों में कोई सम्यक ज्ञानी होता है . लोग बहुत बुद्धिमान ,पदासीन .ऐश्वर्य युक्त होकर भी सम्यक ज्ञानी नहीं होते .सम्यक ज्ञान अपने जीवन के साथ दूसरे प्राणी के साथ सहजीवी होकर सतत एकरस जीना होता है ;पूरी सावधानी और सम्पूर्णता के साथ जिसके आधार हैं १-सत्य २-तर्क ३- निति और विज्ञानं ; सभी समन्वित और एक साथ .और कहीं चूक नहीं .
दो उदहारण - १ सामान्यतया बड़े बड़े महात्मा और ज्ञानी फूलों की माला .फूल चढाते और पहनते है उन्हें पता नहीं फूल ईश्वर /प्रकृति की सुन्दरतम -सजीव स्रष्टि है और मनुष्य या मूर्ति से उत्तम है और कि फूल तोड़ना हिंसा है .(गाँधी फूल नहीं तोड़ते थे -सूत माला लेते- देते थे .)
२-जार्ज बी . शा बहुत बुद्धिमान .पटु-वक्ता . लेखक और सर्व संपन्न अंग्रेज महापुरुष थे परन्तु बहुत चाहते हुए भी धूम्र-पान न छोड़ सके .( गाँधी जी पत्नी के स्वस्थ्य रहने के सहयोग में भोजन में नमक नहीं लेते थे )
३-गुरु से शिष्य बड़ा नहीं होता ;शिष्य से गुरु जाना जाता है .गुरु सीमित साधन है ;साध्य तुम्ही हो ;बुद्ध कोई दूसरा बुद्ध नहीं बना सके ; बोले "आप्त दीपो भव ,खुद ही जलो .
पहले तो गुरु की जरुरत ज्यादा है नहीं पर यदि हो तो बहुत ही समझदारी से गुरु का चुनाव करे .आधुनिक तथाकथित गुरु (इस शब्द पर ध्यान दें )प्रायः धर्म और शिष्य दोनों का शोषण ही करते है .९८ % गुरु को धर्म ,ईश्वर , ज्ञान और विज्ञानं की कोई भी जानकारी नहीं होती ;ए लोग धन से पागल हुए लोग जिन्हें सुख शांति नहीं है जिनको रोग और विपत्ति घेर लिए हैं के धन और मन का ढोंग से हरण (शोषण)करते हैं ऐसे लोग जों पाप-कर्मों में लगे रहे और जिनका अपराध -बोध उनके गले/कंठ तक भर चुका है वही घबराहट में इन संतो के घर जाते हैं औरऐसे संत इनका धन तो हर लेते हैं पर शोक नहीं हर पाते . (तुलसीदास जी ) क्योंकि .सुख और दुःख अपने कर्मों से ही मिलते ,होते और जाते हैं अतः अच्छे कर्ममें प्रवृत होना एकमात्र मार्ग है
आपका गुरु आपके भीतर ही है .अच्छा -बुरा सब आपको मालूम है अच्छे का चुनाव करो और उसी के अनुसार काम .इस के लिए प्रार्थना काफी है -कहीं भी ; किसी समय एकदम मौन से जरुरत हो तो किसी से सलाह ले लेना .
बुद्ध से बड़ा कोई तपस्वी ,त्यागी और ज्ञानी नहीं हुआ जों कहते हैं "आप्तदीपो भव '' खुद जलकर प्रकश बनो .
Lord Krishna, is the Supreme Being reincarnate, who spoke in about 3,100 years BC. The Gita gives a non-fearing knowledge of the higher Self, and answers two universal questions: Who am I, and how I can live a happy and peaceful life in this world of dualities? It's a book of wisdom,that inspired Thoreau, Emerson, Einstein, Gandhi and many others. A repeated study purifies our psyche and guides us to face the challenges of modern living leading to inner peace.
" When the lamp of knowledge shines and purifies all the organs of our body, then it should be known that Sattva is predominant." -- Gita (14.11)
"Loud speech, profusion of words, and possessing skillfulness in expounding scriptures are merely for the enjoyment of the learned. They do not lead to liberation."
"I am the nature of Pure Consciousness. I am always the same to beings, one alone; ;the highest Brahman,like the sky,all-pervading, imperishable, auspicious, uninterrupted, undivided. I do not belong to anything since I am free from attachment. Nondual-That am I, and I am forever released."- Aadi Shankaracharya
दो उदहारण - १ सामान्यतया बड़े बड़े महात्मा और ज्ञानी फूलों की माला .फूल चढाते और पहनते है उन्हें पता नहीं फूल ईश्वर /प्रकृति की सुन्दरतम -सजीव स्रष्टि है और मनुष्य या मूर्ति से उत्तम है और कि फूल तोड़ना हिंसा है .(गाँधी फूल नहीं तोड़ते थे -सूत माला लेते- देते थे .)
२-जार्ज बी . शा बहुत बुद्धिमान .पटु-वक्ता . लेखक और सर्व संपन्न अंग्रेज महापुरुष थे परन्तु बहुत चाहते हुए भी धूम्र-पान न छोड़ सके .( गाँधी जी पत्नी के स्वस्थ्य रहने के सहयोग में भोजन में नमक नहीं लेते थे )
३-गुरु से शिष्य बड़ा नहीं होता ;शिष्य से गुरु जाना जाता है .गुरु सीमित साधन है ;साध्य तुम्ही हो ;बुद्ध कोई दूसरा बुद्ध नहीं बना सके ; बोले "आप्त दीपो भव ,खुद ही जलो .
पहले तो गुरु की जरुरत ज्यादा है नहीं पर यदि हो तो बहुत ही समझदारी से गुरु का चुनाव करे .आधुनिक तथाकथित गुरु (इस शब्द पर ध्यान दें )प्रायः धर्म और शिष्य दोनों का शोषण ही करते है .९८ % गुरु को धर्म ,ईश्वर , ज्ञान और विज्ञानं की कोई भी जानकारी नहीं होती ;ए लोग धन से पागल हुए लोग जिन्हें सुख शांति नहीं है जिनको रोग और विपत्ति घेर लिए हैं के धन और मन का ढोंग से हरण (शोषण)करते हैं ऐसे लोग जों पाप-कर्मों में लगे रहे और जिनका अपराध -बोध उनके गले/कंठ तक भर चुका है वही घबराहट में इन संतो के घर जाते हैं औरऐसे संत इनका धन तो हर लेते हैं पर शोक नहीं हर पाते . (तुलसीदास जी ) क्योंकि .सुख और दुःख अपने कर्मों से ही मिलते ,होते और जाते हैं अतः अच्छे कर्ममें प्रवृत होना एकमात्र मार्ग है
आपका गुरु आपके भीतर ही है .अच्छा -बुरा सब आपको मालूम है अच्छे का चुनाव करो और उसी के अनुसार काम .इस के लिए प्रार्थना काफी है -कहीं भी ; किसी समय एकदम मौन से जरुरत हो तो किसी से सलाह ले लेना .
बुद्ध से बड़ा कोई तपस्वी ,त्यागी और ज्ञानी नहीं हुआ जों कहते हैं "आप्तदीपो भव '' खुद जलकर प्रकश बनो .
Lord Krishna, is the Supreme Being reincarnate, who spoke in about 3,100 years BC. The Gita gives a non-fearing knowledge of the higher Self, and answers two universal questions: Who am I, and how I can live a happy and peaceful life in this world of dualities? It's a book of wisdom,that inspired Thoreau, Emerson, Einstein, Gandhi and many others. A repeated study purifies our psyche and guides us to face the challenges of modern living leading to inner peace.
" When the lamp of knowledge shines and purifies all the organs of our body, then it should be known that Sattva is predominant." -- Gita (14.11)
"Loud speech, profusion of words, and possessing skillfulness in expounding scriptures are merely for the enjoyment of the learned. They do not lead to liberation."
"I am the nature of Pure Consciousness. I am always the same to beings, one alone; ;the highest Brahman,like the sky,all-pervading, imperishable, auspicious, uninterrupted, undivided. I do not belong to anything since I am free from attachment. Nondual-That am I, and I am forever released."- Aadi Shankaracharya
Monday, April 12, 2010
"Where and whenever irreverent are worshiped and followed and those venerable despised and treated irrelevant , famine,death, ruin ,violence peacelessness and anarchy prevail " -Panchtantra .```
Now we have to decide ,which category does Gandhi belong to?
Gandhi is relevant not even for today ,but he has proved by his work and deed that he was relevant yesterday ,equally and Universally accepted relevant today and without any doubt in future at large ,say till human fate allow it to be alive on earth .why ? - because ....
About six decade back Gandhi was a person. a man made of common clay of which great contemporary scientist Albert Ienstien declared - " non would believe in the days to come that a man in body and flesh like Gndhi ever walked on this earth " that body has gone but the thought , the deeds , the style of life and the way of action of that of Gandhi have become the script written on stone of time never to be deleted , never to be neglected .why ?
Because Gandhi has become a THOUGHT ,a philosophy of life ,a view to social problems ,a new culture put before us that was there already in but in a very extraordinary new tinge , new perspective . the perspective that Heavenly thoughts of all great Religion ,all great and long-cherished virtues of all great men of Human History in the whole world dreamed to realize and materialize on Earth . Gandhi has become 'A THOUGHT IN ACTION '.- WHY ?
Because.... as Harishchandra stand for Truth ,Dadhichi ,Bali and Karna for Charity ;Lord Bauddha for compassion (Karuna) Mahavir for Non-violence ,Jesus for Love ;Mohammad for Brotherhood and so for Democracy and so for Secularism and sor this and so for that Gandhi is now Universally accepted and recognized in full well for all these great Virtues in one .why ?
Because ..... Gandhi has credit to stand as the Best Evolution of HUMAN-SPECIES and a Unique Evolution To Revolution .He is evolution in the field of thought and mind and again in field of moral and ethics in the field of means and ends in the field of eduction and economy ,say in all the fields around and over the human -life .. it is well said " whatsoever he touched he decorated and gave new meaning that looked so far imaginary to us . and he touched the whole of life ; the life in individual and life in the society and again society in individual . why ?
Because he was an staunch Hindu as he mostly declared often but in South Africa when an English friend of his asked with wonder ,where from did he learn that much compassion and forgiveness pat was his reply - " From Bible ; from your Religion .sorry that you people do not understand and follow - i.e. 1-put your second cheek if one is being already slapped and forgive your enemy not seven times but seventy times seven as they do not know that they are doing .it is one stance and he had the same spirit and reverence for all the religions of the world . he said-'' hate the sin not the sinner and he knew the meaning . why ?
Because ....he knew hi Religions in full and well and taught him to have reverence to all the Religions as all had the same essence of Truth more or less their accesses were different ways going to the same because Truth is one and only one that can not be true . he asked us to keep our windows of mind open and let the fresh thoughts come from all direction . why ?
Because ....... he looked at human life not only as Art but also as Science and took it to his laboratory of life and made a successful experiment with it and told the whole Universe that it is TRUTH THAT WINS . he kept him on the side of Truth and put his life and fate of South-Africa and his own country India at irreparable- risk and won and proved that he was right . if one reads his Auto-biography "My Experiment with Truth" he realizes that Gandhi is very very relevant to him .why?
Because ......he had the immense faith in God and invincible will-power -what he thought right he did it .once some doctor told her wife not take salt in her diet at she said , " how it would be to go without salt in long run , Gandhi decided to leave salt in his diet and followed it whole life without fail or fault and left no alternative to Kastur ba .had J.B.Shaw had that will power (although a great figure of that time in many respect as intellect and wisdom of his own type )would have given up smoking that he aspired for but he expressed his weakness in these witty words " to give up smoking is so easy that i have given it up more than hundredth time . .should i submit humbly that how far relevant Gandhi would have been in so small a matter to so great a man as J.B.Shaw .Gandhi was so great a man even in small things that we think negligible , common and futile in our lives . Gndhi is relevant to all who love life .why ?
Because .....Gandhi believes in good means to good end and the means are always very small and petty and we are not aware of their results in course of time and think that all may end well and can be corrected at any stage or step but when the small acts are being done , according those acts result becomes inevitable . Gandhi says - any and all actions must pure and pious as the actions are the really nothing but results in themselves ." action good or bad is result in itself " -(Immanuel Kant in Moral Law ) and again , " Duty is thy concern " - (Bhagwat Gita)
Now we have to decide to be on one side - on Peace or on War side ? Gandhi is openly on the side of Peace .love . brotherhood , co-operation m world -unity . what do you like ? it is said where there is Krishna ,there will be victory (Yato Krishna tato jaya ) but Lord Krishna says No!this is not true -true is rather this -" where there is Moral/Religion that wins(yato Dharmah tato Jaya)" reality is that where there is Moral /Dharm there is Krishna and thus the saying becomes this -(yato Dharmah tato Krishana and yato Krishna tato jaya ) this equation is fully applicble in the case of Gandhi . He is on the Right side . then , how and why can he be irrelevant to those who want love and peace in this world .
All those who are working for peace and love anywhere in the world ,small or big ; thinkers or poets ; politicians or estatemen ;individual or institutions either in the family or in UNO they all have spirit of Gandhi . you can not exclude him. one Gandhi was born in India in 1869 but now in the whole world Gandhis are taking birth and making efforts and are beng called with great reverence as Gandhi of that place or nation and of this time (in our college one student was called as GANDHI OF OUR COLLEGE not his real name but because of his nature and deeds and love to Gandhian way of life .) who does not want to be Gandhi in his own life but had it been easier to be than to wish and want .
Gandhi is world citizen who believes in world- religion and one humanity ;who mix religion and life and politics all in one . he is a person who looks far than his forefathers as he is sitting on the shoulders of greatest men in the world .
Although Gandi .now universally accepted as world-citizen and declared by UNO the paragon of peace and human-virtue but he was born in India the country of Himalaya and river Ganga and the country of Vedas and BUdhas already recognized by western sheers and wisest men of philosophy and learning , please see the following quotes that are about the country of Gandhi (India her culture,thought and life-divine --
"He (Rama) is the type of a perfect husband, son, and brother. Sita also rises in character far above Helen and even above Penelope, both in her sublime devotion and loyalty to her husband, and her indomitable patience and endurance under suffering and may be affirmed generally that the whole tone of the Ramayana is certainly above that of the Iliad."
(source: Eminent Orientalists).
"If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered over the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions of some of them which well deserve the attention even of those who have studied Plato and Kant, I should point to India." And if I were to ask myself from what literature we who have been nurtured almost exclusively on the thoughts of Greeks and Romans, and of the Semitic race, the Jewish, may draw the corrective which is most wanted in order to make our inner life more perfect, more comprehensive, more universal, in fact more truly human a life...again I should point to India."
(source: The World's Religions - By Huston Smith.)
Prof Max Mueller, an authority on ancient India, says: "I do not deny that the manly vigor, the public spirit and the private virtues of the citizens of European states represent one side of the human destiny." But, surely, he asserts, "there is another side to our nature and possibly another destiny open to man."
And he points to India, "Where the climate was mild and the soil fertile." He asks: "Was it not, I say, natural then, that another side of human nature should be developed — not the active, the combative and acquisitive, but the passive, the meditative and reflective?"
If India is relevant ,Indian thought and way of life is relevant to the world -family how Gandhi the father of Nation can be irrelevant ?
Now we have to decide ,which category does Gandhi belong to?
Gandhi is relevant not even for today ,but he has proved by his work and deed that he was relevant yesterday ,equally and Universally accepted relevant today and without any doubt in future at large ,say till human fate allow it to be alive on earth .why ? - because ....
About six decade back Gandhi was a person. a man made of common clay of which great contemporary scientist Albert Ienstien declared - " non would believe in the days to come that a man in body and flesh like Gndhi ever walked on this earth " that body has gone but the thought , the deeds , the style of life and the way of action of that of Gandhi have become the script written on stone of time never to be deleted , never to be neglected .why ?
Because Gandhi has become a THOUGHT ,a philosophy of life ,a view to social problems ,a new culture put before us that was there already in but in a very extraordinary new tinge , new perspective . the perspective that Heavenly thoughts of all great Religion ,all great and long-cherished virtues of all great men of Human History in the whole world dreamed to realize and materialize on Earth . Gandhi has become 'A THOUGHT IN ACTION '.- WHY ?
Because.... as Harishchandra stand for Truth ,Dadhichi ,Bali and Karna for Charity ;Lord Bauddha for compassion (Karuna) Mahavir for Non-violence ,Jesus for Love ;Mohammad for Brotherhood and so for Democracy and so for Secularism and sor this and so for that Gandhi is now Universally accepted and recognized in full well for all these great Virtues in one .why ?
Because ..... Gandhi has credit to stand as the Best Evolution of HUMAN-SPECIES and a Unique Evolution To Revolution .He is evolution in the field of thought and mind and again in field of moral and ethics in the field of means and ends in the field of eduction and economy ,say in all the fields around and over the human -life .. it is well said " whatsoever he touched he decorated and gave new meaning that looked so far imaginary to us . and he touched the whole of life ; the life in individual and life in the society and again society in individual . why ?
Because he was an staunch Hindu as he mostly declared often but in South Africa when an English friend of his asked with wonder ,where from did he learn that much compassion and forgiveness pat was his reply - " From Bible ; from your Religion .sorry that you people do not understand and follow - i.e. 1-put your second cheek if one is being already slapped and forgive your enemy not seven times but seventy times seven as they do not know that they are doing .it is one stance and he had the same spirit and reverence for all the religions of the world . he said-'' hate the sin not the sinner and he knew the meaning . why ?
Because ....he knew hi Religions in full and well and taught him to have reverence to all the Religions as all had the same essence of Truth more or less their accesses were different ways going to the same because Truth is one and only one that can not be true . he asked us to keep our windows of mind open and let the fresh thoughts come from all direction . why ?
Because ....... he looked at human life not only as Art but also as Science and took it to his laboratory of life and made a successful experiment with it and told the whole Universe that it is TRUTH THAT WINS . he kept him on the side of Truth and put his life and fate of South-Africa and his own country India at irreparable- risk and won and proved that he was right . if one reads his Auto-biography "My Experiment with Truth" he realizes that Gandhi is very very relevant to him .why?
Because ......he had the immense faith in God and invincible will-power -what he thought right he did it .once some doctor told her wife not take salt in her diet at she said , " how it would be to go without salt in long run , Gandhi decided to leave salt in his diet and followed it whole life without fail or fault and left no alternative to Kastur ba .had J.B.Shaw had that will power (although a great figure of that time in many respect as intellect and wisdom of his own type )would have given up smoking that he aspired for but he expressed his weakness in these witty words " to give up smoking is so easy that i have given it up more than hundredth time . .should i submit humbly that how far relevant Gandhi would have been in so small a matter to so great a man as J.B.Shaw .Gandhi was so great a man even in small things that we think negligible , common and futile in our lives . Gndhi is relevant to all who love life .why ?
Because .....Gandhi believes in good means to good end and the means are always very small and petty and we are not aware of their results in course of time and think that all may end well and can be corrected at any stage or step but when the small acts are being done , according those acts result becomes inevitable . Gandhi says - any and all actions must pure and pious as the actions are the really nothing but results in themselves ." action good or bad is result in itself " -(Immanuel Kant in Moral Law ) and again , " Duty is thy concern " - (Bhagwat Gita)
Now we have to decide to be on one side - on Peace or on War side ? Gandhi is openly on the side of Peace .love . brotherhood , co-operation m world -unity . what do you like ? it is said where there is Krishna ,there will be victory (Yato Krishna tato jaya ) but Lord Krishna says No!this is not true -true is rather this -" where there is Moral/Religion that wins(yato Dharmah tato Jaya)" reality is that where there is Moral /Dharm there is Krishna and thus the saying becomes this -(yato Dharmah tato Krishana and yato Krishna tato jaya ) this equation is fully applicble in the case of Gandhi . He is on the Right side . then , how and why can he be irrelevant to those who want love and peace in this world .
All those who are working for peace and love anywhere in the world ,small or big ; thinkers or poets ; politicians or estatemen ;individual or institutions either in the family or in UNO they all have spirit of Gandhi . you can not exclude him. one Gandhi was born in India in 1869 but now in the whole world Gandhis are taking birth and making efforts and are beng called with great reverence as Gandhi of that place or nation and of this time (in our college one student was called as GANDHI OF OUR COLLEGE not his real name but because of his nature and deeds and love to Gandhian way of life .) who does not want to be Gandhi in his own life but had it been easier to be than to wish and want .
Gandhi is world citizen who believes in world- religion and one humanity ;who mix religion and life and politics all in one . he is a person who looks far than his forefathers as he is sitting on the shoulders of greatest men in the world .
Although Gandi .now universally accepted as world-citizen and declared by UNO the paragon of peace and human-virtue but he was born in India the country of Himalaya and river Ganga and the country of Vedas and BUdhas already recognized by western sheers and wisest men of philosophy and learning , please see the following quotes that are about the country of Gandhi (India her culture,thought and life-divine --
"He (Rama) is the type of a perfect husband, son, and brother. Sita also rises in character far above Helen and even above Penelope, both in her sublime devotion and loyalty to her husband, and her indomitable patience and endurance under suffering and may be affirmed generally that the whole tone of the Ramayana is certainly above that of the Iliad."
(source: Eminent Orientalists).
"If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered over the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions of some of them which well deserve the attention even of those who have studied Plato and Kant, I should point to India." And if I were to ask myself from what literature we who have been nurtured almost exclusively on the thoughts of Greeks and Romans, and of the Semitic race, the Jewish, may draw the corrective which is most wanted in order to make our inner life more perfect, more comprehensive, more universal, in fact more truly human a life...again I should point to India."
(source: The World's Religions - By Huston Smith.)
Prof Max Mueller, an authority on ancient India, says: "I do not deny that the manly vigor, the public spirit and the private virtues of the citizens of European states represent one side of the human destiny." But, surely, he asserts, "there is another side to our nature and possibly another destiny open to man."
And he points to India, "Where the climate was mild and the soil fertile." He asks: "Was it not, I say, natural then, that another side of human nature should be developed — not the active, the combative and acquisitive, but the passive, the meditative and reflective?"
If India is relevant ,Indian thought and way of life is relevant to the world -family how Gandhi the father of Nation can be irrelevant ?
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Eight Major Siddhis
1. Anima: to become as minute as one wants ..
2. Mahima: to become as big as wants.
3. Laghima: He can make his body as light as possible .
4. Garima: This is the opposite of Laghima. to be heavy as possible .
5. Prapti: reach any place or height .
6. Prakamya: becomes omnipresent in water.air and on earth .
7. Vashitvam: is the power of taming wild animals and people .
8. Ishitvam: It is the attainment of divine power. mastery over the world .
NAV NIDHI (from the treasure of Kuber .the God of riches )
1 - Padma (lake in Himalaya with minerals and jewels)
2 - Mahapadma (lake double the size of padma in Himalaya with minerals and jewels)
3 - Makara (Synonym of Padmini, black antimony)
4 - Nila (Antimony)
5 - Mukunda (cinnabar, or quicksilver)
6 - Kunda (arsenic)
7 - Kharva (cups or vessels baked in fire)
8 - Kachchhapa (tortoise or turtle shell)
9 - Sankha (conch shell)
अष्ट सिद्धि नव निधि के दाता :अस वर दीन्ह जानकी माता :: - हनुमान चालीसा
*अणिमा ; महिमा ; गरिमा ; लघिमा ; प्राप्ति ; प्राकाम्य ; वशित्व और ईशत्व.
** पद्म ; महापद्म ; शंख ; मकर ; कच्छप ; कुंद ; मुकुंद ; नील और खर्व
### this post on the request of one of the friends.
Eight Major Siddhis
1. Anima: to become as minute as one wants ..
2. Mahima: to become as big as wants.
3. Laghima: He can make his body as light as possible .
4. Garima: This is the opposite of Laghima. to be heavy as possible .
5. Prapti: reach any place or height .
6. Prakamya: becomes omnipresent in water.air and on earth .
7. Vashitvam: is the power of taming wild animals and people .
8. Ishitvam: It is the attainment of divine power. mastery over the world .
NAV NIDHI (from the treasure of Kuber .the God of riches )
1 - Padma (lake in Himalaya with minerals and jewels)
2 - Mahapadma (lake double the size of padma in Himalaya with minerals and jewels)
3 - Makara (Synonym of Padmini, black antimony)
4 - Nila (Antimony)
5 - Mukunda (cinnabar, or quicksilver)
6 - Kunda (arsenic)
7 - Kharva (cups or vessels baked in fire)
8 - Kachchhapa (tortoise or turtle shell)
9 - Sankha (conch shell)
अष्ट सिद्धि नव निधि के दाता :अस वर दीन्ह जानकी माता :: - हनुमान चालीसा
*अणिमा ; महिमा ; गरिमा ; लघिमा ; प्राप्ति ; प्राकाम्य ; वशित्व और ईशत्व.
** पद्म ; महापद्म ; शंख ; मकर ; कच्छप ; कुंद ; मुकुंद ; नील और खर्व
### this post on the request of one of the friends.
Let me give you the definition of ethics: it is good to maintain life and to further life. It is bad to damage and destroy life. And this ethic, profound and universal, has the significance of a religion. It is religion .
Civilization can only revive when there shall come into being in a number of individuals a new tone of mind, independent of the prevalent one among the crowds, and in opposition to it -- a tone of mind which will gradually win influence over the collective one, and in the end determine its character. Only an ethical movement can rescue us from barbarism, and the ethical comes into existence only in individuals.
Reverence for Life affords me my fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, assisting, and enhancing life and that to destroy, harm, or to hinder life is evil. Affirmation of the world -- that is affirmation of the will to live, which appears in phenomenal forms all around me -- is only possible for me in that I give myself out for other life .
What does Reverence for Life say abut the relations between [humanity] and the animal world? Whenever I injury any kind of life I must be quite certain that it is necessary. I must never go beyond the unavoidable, not even in apparently insignificant things. The farmer who has mowed down a thousand flowers in his meadow in order to feed his cows must be careful on his way home not to strike the head off a single flower by the side of the road in idle amusement, for he thereby infringes on the law of life without being under the pressure of necessity.
Ethics cannot be based upon our obligations toward [people], but they are complete and natural only when we feel this Reverence for Life and the desire to have compassion for and to help all creatures insofar as it is in our power. I think that this ethic will become more and more recognized because of its great naturalness and because it is the foundation of a true humanism toward which we must strive if our culture is to become truly ethical.
---- Albert Schweitzer:
A man is truly ethical only when he obeys the compulsion to help all life which he is able to assist, and shrinks from injuring anything that lives.
---- Algernon Black:
Why not let people differ about their answers to the great mysteries of the Universe? Let each seek one's own way to the highest, to one's own sense of supreme loyalty in life, one's ideal of life. Let each philosophy, each world-view bring forth its truth and beauty to a larger perspective, that people may grow in vision, stature and dedication.
Civilization can only revive when there shall come into being in a number of individuals a new tone of mind, independent of the prevalent one among the crowds, and in opposition to it -- a tone of mind which will gradually win influence over the collective one, and in the end determine its character. Only an ethical movement can rescue us from barbarism, and the ethical comes into existence only in individuals.
Reverence for Life affords me my fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, assisting, and enhancing life and that to destroy, harm, or to hinder life is evil. Affirmation of the world -- that is affirmation of the will to live, which appears in phenomenal forms all around me -- is only possible for me in that I give myself out for other life .
What does Reverence for Life say abut the relations between [humanity] and the animal world? Whenever I injury any kind of life I must be quite certain that it is necessary. I must never go beyond the unavoidable, not even in apparently insignificant things. The farmer who has mowed down a thousand flowers in his meadow in order to feed his cows must be careful on his way home not to strike the head off a single flower by the side of the road in idle amusement, for he thereby infringes on the law of life without being under the pressure of necessity.
Ethics cannot be based upon our obligations toward [people], but they are complete and natural only when we feel this Reverence for Life and the desire to have compassion for and to help all creatures insofar as it is in our power. I think that this ethic will become more and more recognized because of its great naturalness and because it is the foundation of a true humanism toward which we must strive if our culture is to become truly ethical.
---- Albert Schweitzer:
A man is truly ethical only when he obeys the compulsion to help all life which he is able to assist, and shrinks from injuring anything that lives.
---- Algernon Black:
Why not let people differ about their answers to the great mysteries of the Universe? Let each seek one's own way to the highest, to one's own sense of supreme loyalty in life, one's ideal of life. Let each philosophy, each world-view bring forth its truth and beauty to a larger perspective, that people may grow in vision, stature and dedication.
Friday, April 9, 2010
The better way to criticize any person ,thought,work and deed is; to be ,think,do and act better.TO DRAW THE BIGGER LINE
You are free to criticize any thing harmful to individual and society but equally ready to accept others opinion (may not agree )
Not in almost all cases but in many cases people criticize because they are weak in their own understanding or they wish to boast of themselves ,
Those person,thought and ideas ,moral-laws and religions accepted by a group ,majority.nation ,community,race and wise should never be criticized .(you are free to accept it or reject it to your own but not to criticize it in public)Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.
Dale Carnegie
When we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person; it merely says something about our own need to be critical.
"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving." -- Dale Carnegie
"Don’t criticize what you don’t understand, son. You never walked in that man’s shoes." -- Elvis Presley
“One mustn't criticize other people on grounds where he can't stand perpendicular himself” -- Mark Twain
"How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct." -- Benjamin Disraeli
"Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing " -- Aristotle
adversus solem ne loquitor (Latin )
Don't speak against the sun (i.e., don't argue an obvious fact)
conscientia mille testes (latin )
Conscience is as good as a thousand witnesses
You are free to criticize any thing harmful to individual and society but equally ready to accept others opinion (may not agree )
Not in almost all cases but in many cases people criticize because they are weak in their own understanding or they wish to boast of themselves ,
Those person,thought and ideas ,moral-laws and religions accepted by a group ,majority.nation ,community,race and wise should never be criticized .(you are free to accept it or reject it to your own but not to criticize it in public)Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.
Dale Carnegie
When we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person; it merely says something about our own need to be critical.
"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving." -- Dale Carnegie
"Don’t criticize what you don’t understand, son. You never walked in that man’s shoes." -- Elvis Presley
“One mustn't criticize other people on grounds where he can't stand perpendicular himself” -- Mark Twain
"How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct." -- Benjamin Disraeli
"Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing " -- Aristotle
adversus solem ne loquitor (Latin )
Don't speak against the sun (i.e., don't argue an obvious fact)
conscientia mille testes (latin )
Conscience is as good as a thousand witnesses
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Maslow(1908- 70) served as the chair of the psychology department at Brandeis from 1951 to 1969 had originated the idea of self-actualization in his famous book, lists the following characteristics of self-actualizers
1. more efficient perception of reality and more comfortable relations with it
2. acceptance (self, others, nature)
3. spontaneity; simplicity; naturalness
4. problem centering [as opposed to ego-centered]
5. the quality of detachment; the need for privacy
6. autonomy; independence of culture and environment
7. continued freshness of appreciation
8. mystic and peak experiences
9.A feeling of kinship with others] and deeper & profound interpersonal relations
10. the democratic character structure
11. discrimination between means and ends, between good and evil
12. philosophical, unhostile sense of humor
13. self-actualizing creativity
14. resistance to enculturation; the transcendence of any particular culture
Self-actualization Theory -
1. Concentration "First, self- actualization means experiencing fully, vividly, selflessly, with full concentration and total absorption" . Usually, we are relatively unaware of what is going on within or around us.
2. Growth Choices If we think of life as a series of choices, then self actualization is the process of making each decision a choice for growth. We often have to choose between growth and safety, between progressing and regressing. To choose growth is to open oneself to new and challenging experiences but to risk the unknown and possible failure.
3. Self-awareness In the process of self-actualizing we become more aware of our inner nature and act in accordance with it. This means we decide for ourselves whether we like certain films, books, or ideas, regardless of others' opinions.
4. Honesty and taking responsibility for one's actions are essential elements in self- actualizing. Rather than pose and give answers that are calculated to please another or to make ourselves look good, we can look within for the answers.
5. Judgment The first four steps help us develop the capacity for "better life choices." We learn to trust our own judgment and our own inner feelings and to act accordingly.
6. Self-development Self-actualization is also a continual process of developing one's potentialities. It means using one's abilities and intelligence and "working to do well the thing that one wants to do" (The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. Great talent or intelligence is not the same as self-actualization; many gifted people fail to use their abilities fully while others, with perhaps only average talents, accomplish a great deal. Self-actualization is not a thing that someone either has or does not have. It is a never-ending process of making real one's potential. It refers to a way of continually living, working, and relating to the world rather than to a single accomplishment.
7. Peak Experiences "Peak experiences are transient moments of self-actualization" . We are more whole, more integrated, more aware of ourselves and of the world during peak moments. At such times we think, act, and feel most clearly and accurately. We are more loving and accepting of others, have less inner conflict and anxiety, and are better able to put our energies to constructive use. .
8. Lack of Ego Defenses A further step in self-actualization is to recognize our ego defenses and to be able to drop them when appropriate. To do so, we must become more aware of the ways in which we distort our images of ourselves and of the external world-through repression, projection, and other defenses.
1. more efficient perception of reality and more comfortable relations with it
2. acceptance (self, others, nature)
3. spontaneity; simplicity; naturalness
4. problem centering [as opposed to ego-centered]
5. the quality of detachment; the need for privacy
6. autonomy; independence of culture and environment
7. continued freshness of appreciation
8. mystic and peak experiences
9.A feeling of kinship with others] and deeper & profound interpersonal relations
10. the democratic character structure
11. discrimination between means and ends, between good and evil
12. philosophical, unhostile sense of humor
13. self-actualizing creativity
14. resistance to enculturation; the transcendence of any particular culture
Self-actualization Theory -
1. Concentration "First, self- actualization means experiencing fully, vividly, selflessly, with full concentration and total absorption" . Usually, we are relatively unaware of what is going on within or around us.
2. Growth Choices If we think of life as a series of choices, then self actualization is the process of making each decision a choice for growth. We often have to choose between growth and safety, between progressing and regressing. To choose growth is to open oneself to new and challenging experiences but to risk the unknown and possible failure.
3. Self-awareness In the process of self-actualizing we become more aware of our inner nature and act in accordance with it. This means we decide for ourselves whether we like certain films, books, or ideas, regardless of others' opinions.
4. Honesty and taking responsibility for one's actions are essential elements in self- actualizing. Rather than pose and give answers that are calculated to please another or to make ourselves look good, we can look within for the answers.
5. Judgment The first four steps help us develop the capacity for "better life choices." We learn to trust our own judgment and our own inner feelings and to act accordingly.
6. Self-development Self-actualization is also a continual process of developing one's potentialities. It means using one's abilities and intelligence and "working to do well the thing that one wants to do" (The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. Great talent or intelligence is not the same as self-actualization; many gifted people fail to use their abilities fully while others, with perhaps only average talents, accomplish a great deal. Self-actualization is not a thing that someone either has or does not have. It is a never-ending process of making real one's potential. It refers to a way of continually living, working, and relating to the world rather than to a single accomplishment.
7. Peak Experiences "Peak experiences are transient moments of self-actualization" . We are more whole, more integrated, more aware of ourselves and of the world during peak moments. At such times we think, act, and feel most clearly and accurately. We are more loving and accepting of others, have less inner conflict and anxiety, and are better able to put our energies to constructive use. .
8. Lack of Ego Defenses A further step in self-actualization is to recognize our ego defenses and to be able to drop them when appropriate. To do so, we must become more aware of the ways in which we distort our images of ourselves and of the external world-through repression, projection, and other defenses.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Advaita" in Sanskrit means "Non-Duality." This is a difficult concept for most people as we look about us and see multiple objects. But what we see are only transformations not permanent forms, whether we are speaking of a stone , a plant,a fish or a human being. Each exists provisionally, but is certainly not lasting. One day the stone may become the statue or sand and soil and the human body will be turned to ashes . The "I" that observes all this may disappear and become another "I" and that observed another object .
When you go beyond awareness, there is a state of non-duality, in which there is no cognition, only pure being. In the state of non-duality, all separation ceases''
To be freed of the pairs." That is, the great liberation consists in being freed of the pairs of opposites, freed of duality-and finding instead the non-dual. One Taste that gives rise to both. This is liberation because we cease the impossible, painful dream of spending our entire lives trying to find an up without a down, an inside without an outside, a good without an evil, a pleasure without pain.- Vedant
“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” --Albert Einstein
Force is the same throughout and the whole is in every part of it. Force is a spiritual power, an invisible energy which is imparted by violence from without to all bodies out of their natural balance. -Leonardo Davinci
Not only is there but one way of doing things rightly, but there is only one way of seeing them, and that is, seeing the whole of them. -Ruskin,John
You won't find God anywhere unless you find Him within. Find Him within, and you shall find Him without, everywhere. If you find Him in the temple of your soul, you find Him enshrined in all temples and churches, and in all souls.
When you go beyond awareness, there is a state of non-duality, in which there is no cognition, only pure being. In the state of non-duality, all separation ceases''
To be freed of the pairs." That is, the great liberation consists in being freed of the pairs of opposites, freed of duality-and finding instead the non-dual. One Taste that gives rise to both. This is liberation because we cease the impossible, painful dream of spending our entire lives trying to find an up without a down, an inside without an outside, a good without an evil, a pleasure without pain.- Vedant
“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” --Albert Einstein
Force is the same throughout and the whole is in every part of it. Force is a spiritual power, an invisible energy which is imparted by violence from without to all bodies out of their natural balance. -Leonardo Davinci
Not only is there but one way of doing things rightly, but there is only one way of seeing them, and that is, seeing the whole of them. -Ruskin,John
You won't find God anywhere unless you find Him within. Find Him within, and you shall find Him without, everywhere. If you find Him in the temple of your soul, you find Him enshrined in all temples and churches, and in all souls.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
To live is to risk Death. To act is to risk failure.
To laugh risks, appearing a fool. To love has risk not being loved .
To cry is to risk appearing sentimental and weak .
To reach out to another is to risk involvement or rejection.
To place your ideas, dreams, and desires before people is to risk ridicule and criticism .
The greatest omission in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing gets nothing,reach nothing, has nothing, is ultimately nothing. He may avoid suffering, pain and sorrow, but he does not learn, grow, live, or love. He is only a slave - chained by safety - locked away by fear. Only a person who is willing to risk, not knowing the results, is alive ,hopeful successful and all rewarded and awarded.
The World is full of critics ,The vicarious Athletes . They play no ball. They fight no fights. They make no mistakes, because they attempt nothing. Down in the arena are the doers. They make mistakes because they attempt many things. The person who makes no mistakes lacks boldness and the spirit of adventure. He is the one who never, ever tries anything new. He is the check and brake on the wheel of progress. The very fact that he tries nothing, takes no chances, does nothing except criticize those who try.
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
~ Michael Jordan
To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
To laugh risks, appearing a fool. To love has risk not being loved .
To cry is to risk appearing sentimental and weak .
To reach out to another is to risk involvement or rejection.
To place your ideas, dreams, and desires before people is to risk ridicule and criticism .
The greatest omission in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing gets nothing,reach nothing, has nothing, is ultimately nothing. He may avoid suffering, pain and sorrow, but he does not learn, grow, live, or love. He is only a slave - chained by safety - locked away by fear. Only a person who is willing to risk, not knowing the results, is alive ,hopeful successful and all rewarded and awarded.
The World is full of critics ,The vicarious Athletes . They play no ball. They fight no fights. They make no mistakes, because they attempt nothing. Down in the arena are the doers. They make mistakes because they attempt many things. The person who makes no mistakes lacks boldness and the spirit of adventure. He is the one who never, ever tries anything new. He is the check and brake on the wheel of progress. The very fact that he tries nothing, takes no chances, does nothing except criticize those who try.
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
~ Michael Jordan
To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
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