ओमिति ब्रह्म । ओमितीदँ सर्वम् । ओमित्येतदनुकृतिर्ह स्म वा अप्यो श्रावयेत्याश्रावयन्ति ।
ओमिति सामानि गायन्ति । ओँ शोमिति शस्त्राणि शँ सन्ति । ओमित्यध्वर्युः प्रतिगरं प्रतिगृणाति ।
ओमिति ब्रह्मा प्रसौति । ओमित्यग्निहोत्रमनुजानाति ।
ओमिति ब्राह्मणः प्रवक्ष्यन्नाह ब्रह्मोपाप्नवानीति । ब्रह्मैवोपाप्नोति ॥ १ ॥ इत्यष्टमोऽनुवाकः ॥
Om means Brahman. Om means all this. Om means obedience. When they have been told, 'Om, speak,' they speak. After Om they sing Vaidic songs . After Om they recite hymns. After Om the Adhvaryu gives the response. After Om the teacher gives orders. After Om he (the sacrificer) allows the performance of the Agnihotra. When a Braahmana is going to begin his lecture, he says, 'Om, may I acquire Brahman (the Veda).' He thus acquires the Veda.
"The goal which all the Vedas declare, which all austerities aim at, and which men desire when they lead the life of continence … is OUM . This syllable OUM is indeed Brahman (Universal Self ). Whosoever knows this achieves all that he desires. This is the best support; this is the highest support. Whosoever knows this support is adored in the world of Brahma." -Kathopanishad
"OUM is the one eternal syllable of which all that exists is but the all development, The past, present and the future all included in this one sound, and all that exists beyond the three forms of time is also implied in it". -Mundakopanishad'' There is harmony, peace and bliss in this simple but deeply philosophical sound. By vibrating the sacred syllable OUM, the supreme combination of letters, if one thinks of the Ultimate Personality of Godhead , he will certainly reach the highest state of "stateless" eternity, - Bhagavad Gita.
A Mantra chanted correctly or incorrectly, knowingly or unknowingly, carefully or carelessly, is sure to bear the desired result for physical and mental well being. It is also Scientifically True that the effects of chanting OUM cannot be established through reasoning and intellect. It can be Experienced or Realized only through Practice , and constant repetition only ..
OUM harmonizes the physical,psychological and spiritual forces with the intellectual and Natural forces. When this happens, you begin to feel like a complete being - mentally and physically. All Virtues follow you and all vices leave you and you do not know ,when and how . But this process is very slow , although sure and requires a lot of patience and perseverance .
"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God."- Bible . Thus interpreted this teaching of the Bible, and equated OUM with God. All mantras generally begin and often also end with OUM.
पुरुष विशेषः ईश्वरः ; सः गुरुनाम गुरु ; तस्य वाचकः प्रणवः ( ओउम )
Best among men is God .HE is the Guru of Gurues (best of all teachers ) Name by which He is called is Pranaw = OUM - Patnjal- Yog -Sutra .