Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Questions (asked by Garun ,The Best among Birds )
1 -Who is the best among all living beings ?
2 - What is the worst of miseries ?
3 - What is the best of blessings ?
4 - What are the characters of good and bad men ?
5 - What is good (Punya ); best Religion to be fallowed ?
6 - What is evil or sin strictly negated ?
7 - What are the diseases caused by our mental abnormalities /mind set ?

Answers given by Kagbhushundi .the worst among birds (but excels in Knowledge)

1. Human body is the BEST form of living being on this Earth. those who loose this life and do not try of their best are dammed .

2. Poverty is the worst of miseries in this world .

3. Company of good /saint is the best source of bliss and happiness .

4. Saint suffer for others but those mean , suffer themselves to cause suffering for others moreover,without any reasonable cause .

5 Non-violence( love to all living and non-living ) is the highest religion as command in Vedas .

6. To speak ill of others is worst of all evils . .

7 Infatuation is the root cause and source of all the disease .
Lust causes wind (vataz roga ); greed > phlegm ; anger > bile, when all these three are tempered in one results in Typhoid Delirium (Sannipata ). desires for many immoral objects of senses cause many different kinds of nameless aches.
Attachment causes skin-disease ;enevy >ring worm .Grudg to see others happy ,causes consumption (T.B.); wickedness ,mean- mentality and narrow-mindedness causes leprosy. Egotism is the cause of painful gout; and hypocrisy, deceit, arrogance pride cause of parasite -disease called Neharua in Hindi. Thirst for enjoyment causes dropsy; while the three types of craving - for progeny, riches and honour is the root cause of weight -gain and its resulting ailments and different kind of incurable fevers . There are many more to mention.now much of that . one can kill then we may think of the results of these all and many.
we reduce the effect of these disease by this knowledge by correcting our mind in right direction and right action but this can be only easy if we go to refuge of God .
- From Ramcharitmanas (Uttarkand ) Plz. read in original from 120 to 122 dohas .

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