सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत् ॥
Happiness be unto all,
Perfect health be unto all.
May all see good in everyone,
May all be free from suffering.
अज्येष्ठासो अकनिष्ठासा
एते सम भ्रतारो ववृधुह सौभाग्य
“No one is superior or inferior . All are brothers. All should strive for the interest of all and should progress collectively.
श्रेय और प्रेय ::The Better & The Dearer-
The better is one thing, the dearer is another thing; these two bind a man in opposite ways. Of these two, it is well for him who takes the better; he who chooses the dearer fails of his object.
The better and the dearer approach a man; Going round them, the sage discerns between them. The sage chooses the better rather than the dearer; The fool chooses the dearer, through lust of possession.
(Katha Upanishads)
Human Greed: You can have or be anything you want, but . . . ... Since we cannot have everything we want, frustration and unhappiness are unavoidable, unless we learn how to curb our greed. One of the major causes of suffering in the world is greed, also known as avarice, covetousness, or cupidity.
लोभः पापस्य करणं ( Greed is the cause of sin.)
अविद्यास्मितारागद्वेषाभिनिवेशाः पञ्च क्लेशाः॥३॥
Avidyāsmitārāgadveṣābhiniveśāḥ pañca kleśāḥ - Paatanjal-Yog sutra .
Afflictions (kleśāḥ) -
1 - Ignorance (in the form of a misapprehension about reality) (ávidyā),
2 - Egoism (in the form of an erroneous identification of the Self with the intellect) (asmitā),
3 - Attachment (rāga),
4 - Aversion (dveṣa), and
5 - Fear of death (which is derived from clinging ignorantly to life) (abhiniveśāḥ).
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