Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Any new situation (S) organism/person (O) reacts (R) .his action is /may be complicated and it needs to be analyzed properly. say- A goes angry with you and uses rough words and you react in the same vein the matter is raised hot and high. the second chance you may take to keep silent and otherwise show compassion why?,thinking that A's anger on so a petty thing is not instant and ephemeral but this has it's root in past and reasons are behind the curtain. it is rather stored thought through negative thinking and this present incident has given A a suitable time to express his old stock . therefore the later way of reaction is recommended.
A can/may behave with many reasons unknown to you but you can see that there is something wrong with A because of his impropriety in behaviour . so you have to be cautious while having the company of A or any of your family and friends and talking and reacting .if you err the matter may worsen and pretty small things may turn to sad unexpected.
so in this way we learn that S (the first action) is not very important as it is very very important to react (R). the thing that is kept in mind is to be very careful while reacting and not to feel hurt yourself . this is the key of success and any failure on your part may damage the whole environment and at large the relation between the two i.e A AND YOU. we can conclude -- see yourself,think yourself improve yourself ,react wisely and keep awareness and wit alive while reacting with any ,A B C D, on any subject X Y Z.

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