Monday, April 12, 2010


"Where and whenever irreverent are worshiped and followed and those venerable despised and treated irrelevant , famine,death, ruin ,violence peacelessness and anarchy prevail " -Panchtantra .```
Now we have to decide ,which category does Gandhi belong to?
Gandhi is relevant not even for today ,but he has proved by his work and deed that he was relevant yesterday ,equally and Universally accepted relevant today and without any doubt in future at large ,say till human fate allow it to be alive on earth .why ? - because ....
About six decade back Gandhi was a person. a man made of common clay of which great contemporary scientist Albert Ienstien declared - " non would believe in the days to come that a man in body and flesh like Gndhi ever walked on this earth " that body has gone but the thought , the deeds , the style of life and the way of action of that of Gandhi have become the script written on stone of time never to be deleted , never to be neglected .why ?
Because Gandhi has become a THOUGHT ,a philosophy of life ,a view to social problems ,a new culture put before us that was there already in but in a very extraordinary new tinge , new perspective . the perspective that Heavenly thoughts of all great Religion ,all great and long-cherished virtues of all great men of Human History in the whole world dreamed to realize and materialize on Earth . Gandhi has become 'A THOUGHT IN ACTION '.- WHY ?
Because.... as Harishchandra stand for Truth ,Dadhichi ,Bali and Karna for Charity ;Lord Bauddha for compassion (Karuna) Mahavir for Non-violence ,Jesus for Love ;Mohammad for Brotherhood and so for Democracy and so for Secularism and sor this and so for that Gandhi is now Universally accepted and recognized in full well for all these great Virtues in one .why ?
Because ..... Gandhi has credit to stand as the Best Evolution of HUMAN-SPECIES and a Unique Evolution To Revolution .He is evolution in the field of thought and mind and again in field of moral and ethics in the field of means and ends in the field of eduction and economy ,say in all the fields around and over the human -life .. it is well said " whatsoever he touched he decorated and gave new meaning that looked so far imaginary to us . and he touched the whole of life ; the life in individual and life in the society and again society in individual . why ?
Because he was an staunch Hindu as he mostly declared often but in South Africa when an English friend of his asked with wonder ,where from did he learn that much compassion and forgiveness pat was his reply - " From Bible ; from your Religion .sorry that you people do not understand and follow - i.e. 1-put your second cheek if one is being already slapped and forgive your enemy not seven times but seventy times seven as they do not know that they are doing .it is one stance and he had the same spirit and reverence for all the religions of the world . he said-'' hate the sin not the sinner and he knew the meaning . why ?
Because ....he knew hi Religions in full and well and taught him to have reverence to all the Religions as all had the same essence of Truth more or less their accesses were different ways going to the same because Truth is one and only one that can not be true . he asked us to keep our windows of mind open and let the fresh thoughts come from all direction . why ?
Because ....... he looked at human life not only as Art but also as Science and took it to his laboratory of life and made a successful experiment with it and told the whole Universe that it is TRUTH THAT WINS . he kept him on the side of Truth and put his life and fate of South-Africa and his own country India at irreparable- risk and won and proved that he was right . if one reads his Auto-biography "My Experiment with Truth" he realizes that Gandhi is very very relevant to him .why?
Because ......he had the immense faith in God and invincible will-power -what he thought right he did it .once some doctor told her wife not take salt in her diet at she said , " how it would be to go without salt in long run , Gandhi decided to leave salt in his diet and followed it whole life without fail or fault and left no alternative to Kastur ba .had J.B.Shaw had that will power (although a great figure of that time in many respect as intellect and wisdom of his own type )would have given up smoking that he aspired for but he expressed his weakness in these witty words " to give up smoking is so easy that i have given it up more than hundredth time . .should i submit humbly that how far relevant Gandhi would have been in so small a matter to so great a man as J.B.Shaw .Gandhi was so great a man even in small things that we think negligible , common and futile in our lives . Gndhi is relevant to all who love life .why ?
Because .....Gandhi believes in good means to good end and the means are always very small and petty and we are not aware of their results in course of time and think that all may end well and can be corrected at any stage or step but when the small acts are being done , according those acts result becomes inevitable . Gandhi says - any and all actions must pure and pious as the actions are the really nothing but results in themselves ." action good or bad is result in itself " -(Immanuel Kant in Moral Law ) and again , " Duty is thy concern " - (Bhagwat Gita)
Now we have to decide to be on one side - on Peace or on War side ? Gandhi is openly on the side of Peace .love . brotherhood , co-operation m world -unity . what do you like ? it is said where there is Krishna ,there will be victory (Yato Krishna tato jaya ) but Lord Krishna says No!this is not true -true is rather this -" where there is Moral/Religion that wins(yato Dharmah tato Jaya)" reality is that where there is Moral /Dharm there is Krishna and thus the saying becomes this -(yato Dharmah tato Krishana and yato Krishna tato jaya ) this equation is fully applicble in the case of Gandhi . He is on the Right side . then , how and why can he be irrelevant to those who want love and peace in this world .
All those who are working for peace and love anywhere in the world ,small or big ; thinkers or poets ; politicians or estatemen ;individual or institutions either in the family or in UNO they all have spirit of Gandhi . you can not exclude him. one Gandhi was born in India in 1869 but now in the whole world Gandhis are taking birth and making efforts and are beng called with great reverence as Gandhi of that place or nation and of this time (in our college one student was called as GANDHI OF OUR COLLEGE not his real name but because of his nature and deeds and love to Gandhian way of life .) who does not want to be Gandhi in his own life but had it been easier to be than to wish and want .
Gandhi is world citizen who believes in world- religion and one humanity ;who mix religion and life and politics all in one . he is a person who looks far than his forefathers as he is sitting on the shoulders of greatest men in the world .
Although Gandi .now universally accepted as world-citizen and declared by UNO the paragon of peace and human-virtue but he was born in India the country of Himalaya and river Ganga and the country of Vedas and BUdhas already recognized by western sheers and wisest men of philosophy and learning , please see the following quotes that are about the country of Gandhi (India her culture,thought and life-divine --
"He (Rama) is the type of a perfect husband, son, and brother. Sita also rises in character far above Helen and even above Penelope, both in her sublime devotion and loyalty to her husband, and her indomitable patience and endurance under suffering and may be affirmed generally that the whole tone of the Ramayana is certainly above that of the Iliad."
(source: Eminent Orientalists).
"If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered over the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions of some of them which well deserve the attention even of those who have studied Plato and Kant, I should point to India." And if I were to ask myself from what literature we who have been nurtured almost exclusively on the thoughts of Greeks and Romans, and of the Semitic race, the Jewish, may draw the corrective which is most wanted in order to make our inner life more perfect, more comprehensive, more universal, in fact more truly human a life...again I should point to India."
(source: The World's Religions - By Huston Smith.)
Prof Max Mueller, an authority on ancient India, says: "I do not deny that the manly vigor, the public spirit and the private virtues of the citizens of European states represent one side of the human destiny." But, surely, he asserts, "there is another side to our nature and possibly another destiny open to man."
And he points to India, "Where the climate was mild and the soil fertile." He asks: "Was it not, I say, natural then, that another side of human nature should be developed — not the active, the combative and acquisitive, but the passive, the meditative and reflective?"
If India is relevant ,Indian thought and way of life is relevant to the world -family how Gandhi the father of Nation can be irrelevant ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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I want to read and here what you say and would like to recommend this book-
I love this book, I and learned a lot

John R. Trimble, Writing with Style