Tuesday, June 15, 2010


The lion has legs so does sheep, the lion has a mouth so does a sheep, the lion have ears so does a sheep. Physically both can walk and eat. But the lion will not eat grass like a sheep neither the sheep will eat meat like a lion. The distinction is in the nature. By nature, the Lion is different than a sheep.
Is lion violent as it can not survive without hunting?does it kill more because of anger or to feed it's hunger ? lion's hunting in majority of cases , i believe is with an intent to feed it and to live . should we call it violent
On the other hand elephant does not eat meat but often kills men and animals out of revenge ,madness ,anger and to defend it from anticipated danger.  bu it goes so rare and some time .
But what is it with man ? psychologically he has the instinct of violence and biologically has four canine teeth and with this the most advanced mind with discriminatory power on earth .he can supplement his food with meat and in scarcity of veg. he can use non-veg to required quantity . the serious thing that is that violence done by man for food is much less than violence done to man and living beings including animals and plants
viz. - murder , sexual violence, youth violence, inpatient aggression against staff, suicide,child maltreatment, bullying, intimate partner violence, international violence,exploitation of different nature ,abuse ,humiliation ,obligation ,subordination ,ill-thought ,envy ,bad intent .,feeling to defeat others and feeling joy in torturing others or letting it go that is wrong and immoral ,crime and violence in the name of religion and terrorism that kills those all innocent etc etc . 
We as call ourselves civilized ;psychologically have most advance mind and biologically four canine teeth can supplement our diets with meat when we discriminate it necessary to keep us up and alive but the serious thing is that can we tame ourselves on individual level not to harm others men, animal and plants and moreover i say , to any thing in Nature by thoughts words and action to strengthen the thought and feeling of non-violence . let us take it at personal level not and never to raise an ill-thought ,word or action that has violent-intent against others with us . 
Are we men naturally violent? If so, how do we explain the large differences in violence rates across cultures and nations? Why is the United States among the most violent of industrialized countries? Why are most of us less non-violent than others? Psychologists and social scientists have studied violence for many decades, but modern approaches draw heavily not only on traditional psychological, sociological and cultural theories, but also on evolutionary psychology, genetics, and neuroscience. Although many people seem to think that we need a special, ESOTERIC-PSYCHOLOGY to explain the violent behaviour and that is feeling of  COMPASSION (karuna of Buddha ) and feeling the feelings of others equally as ours to delete violence from our minds .
सहानुभूति चाहिए , महाविभूति है यही - मैथिलीशरण गुप्त और ------
वैष्णव जन तो तेने कहिये जों पीर पराई जाने रे - गाँधी जी के भजन से
" I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and Non-violence are as old as the hills. All I have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could.
Poverty is the worst form of violence.
I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.
It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence.
Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit.
The pursuit of truth does not permit violence on one's opponent." ( MK Gandhi)

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