Saturday, July 24, 2010


The Means to Ends are corrupt, not the ends because the ends are the crops that we harvest .Means are the seeds and ends the fruits . As you show so shall you reap .The means ,smallest that may be ;should be pure and pious .
The more laws, more police , more inspection and more inquiry shows that we are growing more and more corrupt (call ourselves civilized).Really to root out corruption we need more ,better and proper /right education .We have to make corrupt -proof individual . here Gandhi comes to our rescue .we should apply RIGHT means to achieve any thing in our life .
"माता सम देखहिं पर नारी ;धनु पराव विष ते विष भारी (रामचरितमानस में तुलसी )
our culture allows us to have one woman as wife and others as mothers and if we are not honest and moral , we can suffer as ever .To love one person as wife or husband and to deceive her/him in love is moral meanness and worst of corruptions .a person who commits adultery is a criminal (Bible )
There are varieties of poisons and thousands ways to kill men but the money and the means that is not earnestly your, is the most fatal than any .( and this poison i.e. corrupt money and means every one is striving to earn extraordinarily ,amazingly and deliberately .) 
It has always seemed strange to me... the Virtues we admire viz. kindness , generosity, openness, honesty, understanding and feeling, are the concomitants of failure in our society and those vices we condemn, sharpness, greed, acquisitiveness, meanness, egotism and self-interest, are the common clue to success. Vow ! we admire the first and strive for second for instant results seems to be success , although we know , these bring to us unending miseries .
Love begets love and hate begets hate. Hate can not win hate but love wins hate . Love does not win love but begets love . Hate can neither win hate nor love it begets only hate and enmity . Thus hate has nothing to win but love has to win but hate . Love never does win love ;love begets love and love always sacrifices to other love . So violence has to be won only by non-violence . Non-violence is relevant till the violence prevails . Violence has to win but nothing .Say -  violence has no winning power or potential .Non-violence has it .
That is why in all religions Truth has been crowned. In our Vaidic scriptures it has been said " it is Truth that wins not the untruth " " सत्यमेव जयते नानृतम " . The weapon of Gandhi is non-violence ;the well thought theory as violence has no winning power ,it can defeat none ; it is born to be defeated only and non- violence is born to win violence . this is All-time ,Eternal Rule of Nature and no power can record it otherwise . this simple premise says - "Gandhi whose weapon is non-violence is eternal winner and therefore Gandhi is relevant till there is violence and war . peace does not go to war but see ! war always goes to peace (world history )
In any activity of life ,therefore , non-violence is the test. non-violence is next to truth . Gandhi says - truth is not known to us nor easily attainable .non-violence is real and practical truth to us . if you follow non-violence you follow the truth . therefore any action having the slightest tinge of violence can not be regarded as Right Means and the Ends thus achieved are devastating and ruinous . non-violence is the test of all the actions and means that gives us a perfect human trait . in Bible Jesus calls the man as the Salt of the Earth and this Salt in man is nothing but non-violence and love (positive of non-violence ) . the aim is to develop an individual as to make him feel and realize that he is the part of the whole humanity and in all activities he feels this Oneness . " सो अहम् अस्मि इति वृत्ति अखंडा " (तुलसी रामचरितमानस में ) और "सोअहम अस्मि " (ईशावाश्य उपनिषद /१६ ) " That I (also) am
''So we can conclude the Non-violence /Love is the Cardinal Virtue to MK.Gandhi that made him Mahatma ;The Great Soul and the cardinal Sin is all that is thought .done or behaved touched with violence .

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