Saturday, July 3, 2010


“Woman was taken out of man; not out of his head to top him, nor of his feet to be trampled ; but out of his side to be equal , in his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved”. Man and woman are tow in one ;'' गिरा अरथ ,जल बीचि सम कहियत भिन्न न भिन्न '' मानस में तुलसी जी means - man and woman are like word & meaning ; lie water & wave. compliment to each other ''जिय बिनु देह नदी बिनु बारी :तैसे नाथ पुरुष बिनु नारी . '' - means - body sans life ,river sans water and woman sans man can not exist.(ibid) No doubt women have been exploited amost in the whole world and caused great damage to us .(in China women were treated as matter/lifeless/without soul ) .
In India we had reverence for women in earlier culture but this vanished because of long slavery . Although we honored women in India as mothers rightly but today we are again going on the wrong line of west culture where we want to make a woman a man .This is dangerous . Women are neither inferior, nor equal or superior but different and Better Half (Ardhangini in Sanskrit) to man . So we should not try to make them ,men /fathers but women /mothers.Women ,genetically ,biologically ,physically and psychologically are different by the intent of Nature . Therefore , women should have different kind of physical training/exercise , as dance , education , movies ,drama and other many social and cultural activities that help them to make a home and bring-up children as expert mothers and teachers . they can contribute to world peace and war-less world by their representation in UNO and in politics also . They should wear lose cloth that appears peaceful ,serene and beautiful . they have not to loose their beauty ,delicacy and womanhood .If a man looks womanish ,he lose his repute then how it with woman who turns to be a man .? Then where will mother go ? we need great mothers , the symbol of purity ,knowledge , goodness , kindness, love and compassion that rare great men have .In prayer to God we say , - You are my mother , you are my father ... if we change our mothers in to fathers both will be lost . Being any and many thing else mother and father these two are one that can not be alternated . Let mothers should be mothers and so on ..... if we turn a woman in to man the number of men will be increased and that may cause chaos . women well educated , can play an important role in bringing a revolutionary change in world -peace and brotherhood .Let therefore women be grow as better women ,educated ,advanced and leaders in the field of education peace and moreover in their motherhood up to the excellence . we want great mothers ,great teachers .
" यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यंते रमंते तत्र देवताः।'' Where women are worshiped, goddesses dwell.

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