Saturday, August 7, 2010


" What he is  and what he should be or can be "  this statement is only applicable to 'MAN' on this planet Earth . What is Instinct  ?
An inherited tendency of an organism to behave in a certain way, usually in reaction to its environment & for the purpose of fulfilling a specific need. It does not depend upon the specific details of an individual's learning experiences but in the same way for all individuals of the same species. Example - birds will build nest typical of their species although they never have seen such a nest being built before. Butterfly species undertake long migrations to wintering grounds that they have never seen. Behavior in animals often reflects the influence of a combination of instinct and learning. The basic song pattern of many bird species is inherited, but it is often refined by learning from other members. Dogs that naturally seek to gather animals such as sheep or cattle into a group are said to have a herding instinct, but the effective use of this instinct by the dog also requires learning on the dog's part. Instinct, as opposed to reflex, is usually used of inherited behavior .
1- anger 2- fear 3 - hunting (violence ) 4 - acquisitiveness 5 - constructiveness 6 - sympathy 7 - imitation 8 - playfulness 9 - curiosity 10 - sociability 11 - modesty / shame 12 - love (sex ) - by James .
1- escape 2- combat (fight/violence ) 3 - repulsion 4 - mating /sex 5 - food-seeking 6 - hoarding /storing 7 - submissiveness 8 - assertion 9 - curiosity 10 - construction 11 - gregariousness/sociability -- by Mecdougall 1908Behind every action is a thought, and behind that thought is a desire of some kind. Our desires are tied to survival and reproduction--the first two basic instincts.
Every human desire, impulse, or feeling is tied to a basic instinct.There is not one example of a pleasure, pain, or emotion that exists simply for its own sake. They are always tied to a basic instinct. Our subconscious mind is the caretaker of basic instincts. Daniel Goleman writes, "In a very real way, we have two brains." Only that our feelings are independently managed by the subconscious mind. 
All other living beings go in their lives according to their INSTINCTS . Only man can SUBLIMATE his INSTINCTS from bad to good and good to better & again can use bad instincts to good > better > best (from negative to positive ).see ! some more examples - USE /sublimate Anger to physical & productive work ;Fear to GOD &Corrupt practices ;sex to creative art & music/ poetry ;hate to your lust & irregularity.late rising / smoking etc .;Escape from duty & study ; Combat against injustice ;Hoarding of knowledge/ learning ;Assertion in charity & help and so on .
Sublimation (psychology)
In psychology, sublimation is a coping mechanism. It has its roots in the Nietzschean & psychoanalytical approach, and is often also referred to as a type of defense mechanism.Sublimation is the refocusing of psychic energy (which Sigmund Freud believed was limited) away from negative outlets to more positive outlets. These drives which cannot find an outlet are rechanneled. For example, a student who has a major upcoming test, rather than spending time and energy worrying about it, might rechannel that time and energy into studying; and a rageful person who is accustomed to wasting time and energy on lashing out at others, might instead rechannel those outlets towards expressions of art, music or poetry.
Sublimation is the term for when matter undergoes a phase transition directly from a solid to gaseous form, or vapor, without passing through the more common liquid phase between the two. It is a specific case of vaporization.)

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