In this writ i use the word Nature as the whole o f the Creation or the Solar Family or all about and around and beyond , that we are part of . from the smallest to the biggest , one whole and united and again each free and complete in its own entity . this Nature is truth , dynamic and joyful together ; three in one . Nature is ; Nature being and Nature joyful .Nature has science ,Nature has morals and Nature has art/pleasure . we the men and all other in Nature have these there aspects . its rules are science , its movement is morals and its enjoying itself is pleasure .
Rules of Nature are fixed and final that we call science . whole of Nature goes by these fixed rules without any change or deviation . some of these rules we have discovered and know and use accordingly to assist our life to better . rest , much more need to be explored . all the branches of science are the discoveries that we have done so far .
The second is the dynamic aspect of Nature and this is ruled by moral laws . to certain extent we are free to act and decide our course of action . but results are as per action . we can take action , 'A ', 'B' or 'C'........' Z' and the results will be accordingly , Ar, Br, Cr , ....Zr. (r=result ). there is no way out to act 'A' and have Cr or Xr .there is no excuse , no alternative , no alteration .
One who understands this rule is safe . the simple and the safe way to keep you from the bad fruit /result you have to sow right seed /action . this need no cleverness . a man of common sense can use it and keep himself safe . but we mostly fine , not in all cases , but in many cases that so called clever(themselves they think so ) commit the mistake and entrap themselves . Awareness of action and its initiation and also anticipation of results can prevent you from inevitable unwanted results . this is Moral -Science and perfect in its rules as of science . thus to be true . to be pure , to be simple , to be same inside and outside , to be one in thought and speech and action is the safest way to lead a fearless life . this is Pearl of Wisdom . the so called clever think to fool other /but Nature and do not ultimately get wise to them .
You can be able to get what you want in a clever way especially by tricking or cheating somebody and think yourself crafty and wily and feel that you have outwitted one / many /others but remember ! you can outwit Nature and Laws of Nature (in Vedas it is Rit) when you are fooling others , you are fooling Nature , rather challenging the Rules of Nature । you understand not and know not that really , unknowingly you are fooling yourself । there is no History otherwise . no record . otherwise the Moral -Laws would have been changed and recorded other way . It is Truth that wins '' सत्यमेव जायते , नान्रितं '' this saying of Vedas would have been recorded otherwise. if you fool about with matches you will end up getting yourself burned . be wise to be simple and plain not wise to be clever and cunning .
To be simple needs no much brain but restrain and to be clever , to fool others need mean -wisdom , quick brain । well writes , Shakespeare , '' it needs to be wise enough to play the part of fool . ''
If we follow the above two rules , the rule of science and the rule of moral science ; both together Rule of Nature , we enjoy this life in full .
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