The human mind is free , wild and powerful . mind is the centre of thought energy and travels through five senses into external world to enjoy it . in Gita Lord Krishna has called these senses as much powerful as elephant . the mind is the ruler of these senses and uses them to its' end , to enjoy the subjects of its choice . this mind leads and misleads the Ego , the part of the mind that is responsible for your sense of who you are (your identity ) . now the other part of the mind is called Id , the unconscious part of the mind , where many of individual's basic needs , feelings wants and desires are supposed to exist and arise . now the one part more , called , Super-Ego , that has the power to decide , between Right and Wrong and also to create a feeling of guilt when any thing wrong has been done . this Super Ego can tame the Id and lead the Ego to go on right path. MIND> (1-EGO ,2-ID 3-SUPER EGO .) now see which part of the mind is stronger that leads your mind . if the Id is stronger , your mind goes out of your control and is wild and beast and uses the senses to worldly objects to Ids' choice (all the animal desires to be fulfilled ). again if the Super Ego is made / persuaded to be stronger it leads to right path and keep you (Ego) the master of your mind and senses . this is the taming of the mind . this is pure Science , this is pure Psychology and this is what is called Metaphysics = the branch of Philosophy that deals with the nature of Existence , Truth and Knowledge .
This taming of mind has scores of, hundred of ways and means and in our Indian thoughts we have three ways well known as , 1 - Gyan Yoga , 2 - Karm Yoga and 3 - Bhakti Yoga । Gyan Yoga is the method through which we need to know the Truth that this whole world is he manifestation of one single element , call it by any name , God , Parmatmaa ,Ishwar , Nature , Allah , Khudaa .you are the man with perfect knowledge when you are always , each and every moment aware that of this Truth . the continuous awareness of this fact that of singleness of the existence and unity of the Universe is knowledge. Vedanta is the founder of this theory . the sutras like -- '' एको अहम् द्वितीयो नास्ति ; सो अहम् अस्मि ; तत् त्वम् अस्ति ; सर्व खलु इदम् ब्रह्म ; न इति न इति ; ईशा वास्य इदम् सर्वम् । '' that propound the theory of knowledge । this way is the toughest and need a genius to follow it . Karm Yoga is simple and known as theory of Action . Lord Krishna says ,- the skilled performance of the given duty with all your might , physical and mental is Yoga without any desire of result whatsoever . '' योगः कर्मसु कौशलम ''Work is Worship . the third way of knowledge is Bhakti in different forms , -- 1- have good company of good and great people , 2- devotion to God , -3 - learning Bhakti from a competent Master (guru ) , 4 - worship God in any form , -5 - chanting the name of God (Mantra Jap ) , - 6 - remembering God always with all and alone and renunciation of worldly lures , and saintly hood / life , - 7 to see the all as one manifestation of God , 8 - contentment with all one has . and 9 - does not see the weaknesses of others . (based on Ram Charit Manas . )
We can understand that in all of methods one thing that is common and all science and psychology , the element of regular AWARENESS. AWARENESS is the key of all these activities . that is - be aware every moment ; be aware, what you are doing , the same moment , breathing, eating , playing , sleeping , talking , so on and so forth . the more your awareness grows the Id of your mind weakens and the Super Ego strengthens . take any action with awareness , better awareness and then full awareness . it need long and continuous , unfailing ,. nonstop practice . BE AWARE OF YOUR AWARENESS. tough but not impossible . growing easier and easier and with the feeling of unique pleasure growing sweeter and sweeter .
Generally , what do we do ? DOING ONE THING , THINKING OTHER ; THINKING ONE , DOING OTHER . taking your break fast and thinking of classroom ; playing in the field and thinking of your test / exam . this dividing of the mind is the game of mind that has to be stopped . THINK OF WHAT YOU DO AND DO WHAT YOU THINK OF . this is the key . walk while walking and take full care of walking , do not go any where else , be with walk , only with walk . when eating take the whole and full test of what you are eating and do not think of any thing other than eating , how important it may be . I don't go now in detail , try to understand and follow . first start with your breath , when you have some spare moment , see ! how , you are breathing , see each and every breath, in and out , see in full , totally absorbed , be the breath yourself .leave it . again when get time start it for a minute or two . then after some practice you can use the same with other activities and the day you are aware with all your activities you become perfect . the more you grow in your practice the more you become happy and easy . Lord Krishna has given this practice to be followed with ease . start the easiest way to Yoga and Wisdom .
.you can use any way / method you have to achieve full awareness in all of yogas /theories . full and complete awareness is the final achievement of an individual . we can not have cent percent of it because being human being , as the moment one grows so high becomes God , i. e .reduced /ceased to be man and become the whole . free from individual identity . this is difference between God and man but it can be aspired and rather achieved .जौ जीवहि रह ज्ञान एक रस । ईश्वर जीवहि भेद कहौ कस ॥ और पुनः यह हो भी सकता है परन्तु आदमी रहकर नही , ईश्वर बन कर , '' सोईजानै जेहि देऊ जनाई । जानत तुमहि तुमहि होइ जाई ॥ एकरस ज्ञान की अवस्था ही फुल अवेयरनेस है ।
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