Try to be stable in your mind in good and bad that counters you and face this situation /work / person with calm and peace of mind but with all your might and resources available there then . do not search , doubt and debate ; do not ride and lose hope or confidence . /1 /
Divide your self in between two , no -1 and no - 2 . let the no 1 see /watch / be witness what the no - 2 does . no - 1 is moral mind and no -2 is acting mind . if moral mind is always aware what acting mind is doing or going to do you can not go wrong . example - no - 2 is breathing / talking / walking /eating / cheating /receiving / deceiving etc. etc. and no- 1 is watching it all , is aware of no - 2 's actions. by little practice it goes to your Nature and you find that you have grown extremely strong in your Will- Power . based on theory of continuous Awareness of Lord Krishna in GEETA . continuous Awareness is the best way to save from wrong and leading to right . /2/
Open yourself to achieve any thing in life . do not wait for any help from any one . if it comes , let it come . when you open yourself to action you open to World and God . the Moment you have is the Best ; the life you have is the Best. the ability and resources you have is the Best and the Work you have is the BEST and only of and for you to be completed . / 3 /
HUMILITY is the beginning of all goodness and greatness .do not leave it , never . /4 /
Any thing you heard , learned , taught , told , advised , suggested and asked to do , please apply your own REASON and only do it when your reason agrees to it . be scientific as well as moral in your approach . learn to say ' NO ' if reason says 'no' . /5 /
There is nothing beyond and out-side you . all that is out is in you and you are in all . you are the part of Whole and again whole exists in you . if you do not the whole does not . do not run , do not search , do not be fooled by those who say that they will reach you God and moreover do not be fool about yourself by wasting your life and time . THIS WHOLE CREATION and YOU and YOURSELF/YOUR LIFE , THIS ALL IN ONE , is GOD . /6 /
PRAYER has true love , peace , progress , brotherhood , good will and GOD. /7 /
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
धन्य तुलसीदास
वही सर्व ज्ञानी और ज्ञाता , पंडित , गुणी और दाता है , धर्म परायण है , कुलभूषण है , जो राम भक्त है । वही नीति -निपुण , परम सयाना , श्रुति सिद्धांत अच्छी तरह से जानने वाला है , वही कवि और बुद्धिमान है , वही बहादुर है जो राम -भक्त है । वह देश धन्यजहाँ गंगा हैं , वह स्त्री धन्य जो पतिव्रता है , धन्य राज नेता जो नैतिक है , धन्य वह जो अपना धर्म नही छोड़ता । वह धन , धन्य जो दान में खर्च हो , धन्य वह बुद्धि जो परहित और पुण्य में लगी हो ; धन्य वह समय जब संतों का साथ और सत्संग हो । शिव शिवा से कहते हैं , '' वह कुल धन्य जिसमें राम भक्त पैदा हो '' ।
धन्य वह देश भारत, जहाँ तुलसी दास ऐसा महान कवि हुआ और जिसने राम चरित मानस ऐसा अनुपम महाकाब्य लिखा । '' संभु प्रसाद सुमति हिय हुलसी । राम चरित मानस कवि तुलसी ॥ '' और धन्य हैं तुलसी के ' राम '
धन्य वह देश भारत, जहाँ तुलसी दास ऐसा महान कवि हुआ और जिसने राम चरित मानस ऐसा अनुपम महाकाब्य लिखा । '' संभु प्रसाद सुमति हिय हुलसी । राम चरित मानस कवि तुलसी ॥ '' और धन्य हैं तुलसी के ' राम '
तुलसी के राम , एक रूप
तुलसी के राम सर्व कालिक , सर्व देशीय और सर्व स्यूत हैं । '' हरि अनंत हरि कथा अनन्ता ''। राम ब्रह्म हैं , राम मनुष्य हैं , राम आदर्श हैं , राम के अनन्त रूप , कार्य और ब्यवहार हैं , राम पुरुषोत्तम हैं , अनादि , अज और अब्यक्त हैं । उनके विविध रूप और विविध कार्य -ब्यवहार हैं । यह सब राम चरित मानस को पूरा और बार बार पढ़ने ,समझने और चिंतन मनन करने से ही ज्ञात हो सकेगा । सभी संदेह , शंका समाधान राम -कथा में ही मिल जायेगी । '' राम कथा सुंदर करतारी । संसय बिहग उडावनहारी ॥ '' यहाँ हम एक रूप की चर्चा करते हैं । --
'' राम सौ करोड़ कामदेवों से सुंदर हैं और अनंत दुर्गाओं से अधिक शत्रु नाशक हैं । सत कोटि पवन से अधिक बल वाले है । उनका प्रकाश सौ करोड़ सूर्यों से अधिक है तथा वे सत -कोटि चन्द्रमा से शीतल तथा सुखदायी है । सत कोटि ( सौ करोड़ ) यम् /काल से दुस्तर , दुर्गम और दुरंत हैं । सत कोटि धूमकेतु से प्रबल और सत कोटि पाताल से गहरे /अगाध हैं । अमित कोटि ( अनंत करोड़ ) तीर्थों से पवित्र उनका नाम है । कोटि हिमालय से अधिक स्थिर और सत कोटि समुद्रों से अधिक गंभीर हैं । सभी की कामनाओं को पूरा करने में सत कोटि कामधेनु के सामान हैं । अमित कोटि सरस्वती / ज्ञान की देवी से अधिक बुद्धिमान , चतुर और रचना करने में सत कोटि ब्रह्माओं से निपुण हैं । सौ करोड़ विष्णु से अधिक पालन कर्ता और सौ करोड़ शिव से अधिक संहारक हैं । सौ करोड़ धनवान भी उनकी बरबरी में नही है और सौ करोड़ मायाओं से अधिक मायावी हैं । भार उठाने में सौ करोड़ शेष नाग से बली हैं । श्री राम सीमा रहित और उपमा रहित हैं । यह तो मात्र एक कथन है जो अभिब्यख्ति की परम -चरम सीमा हो सकती है । राम तो निरुपम /उपमा रहित हैं , किसकी कैसे उपमा दें , राम के सामान तो बस राम ही हैं । आप ही सोचिये ? क्या यह कहा जा सकता है कि सौ करोड़ खद्योतों / जुगुनुओं से सूर्य अधिक प्रकाशवान है ? ऐसा कहना तो सूर्य का मजाक उड़ाना हुआ परन्तु किया भी क्या जाए , अपनी मति / बौद्धिक क्षमता के अनुसार ही तो कहा जा सकता है सो संत और मुनि निज निज मति अनुसार ऐसा ही कहते हैं ।
श्री राम अपार गुणों के समुद्र हैं ,क्या उनकी कोई थाह पा सकता है , संतों से मैंने (तुलसी दास ) जैसा कुछ सुना था , वही आपको सुनाया ।
--राम चरित मानस ; उत्तर कांड - ९० से ९२ दोहों के मध्य ।
'' राम सौ करोड़ कामदेवों से सुंदर हैं और अनंत दुर्गाओं से अधिक शत्रु नाशक हैं । सत कोटि पवन से अधिक बल वाले है । उनका प्रकाश सौ करोड़ सूर्यों से अधिक है तथा वे सत -कोटि चन्द्रमा से शीतल तथा सुखदायी है । सत कोटि ( सौ करोड़ ) यम् /काल से दुस्तर , दुर्गम और दुरंत हैं । सत कोटि धूमकेतु से प्रबल और सत कोटि पाताल से गहरे /अगाध हैं । अमित कोटि ( अनंत करोड़ ) तीर्थों से पवित्र उनका नाम है । कोटि हिमालय से अधिक स्थिर और सत कोटि समुद्रों से अधिक गंभीर हैं । सभी की कामनाओं को पूरा करने में सत कोटि कामधेनु के सामान हैं । अमित कोटि सरस्वती / ज्ञान की देवी से अधिक बुद्धिमान , चतुर और रचना करने में सत कोटि ब्रह्माओं से निपुण हैं । सौ करोड़ विष्णु से अधिक पालन कर्ता और सौ करोड़ शिव से अधिक संहारक हैं । सौ करोड़ धनवान भी उनकी बरबरी में नही है और सौ करोड़ मायाओं से अधिक मायावी हैं । भार उठाने में सौ करोड़ शेष नाग से बली हैं । श्री राम सीमा रहित और उपमा रहित हैं । यह तो मात्र एक कथन है जो अभिब्यख्ति की परम -चरम सीमा हो सकती है । राम तो निरुपम /उपमा रहित हैं , किसकी कैसे उपमा दें , राम के सामान तो बस राम ही हैं । आप ही सोचिये ? क्या यह कहा जा सकता है कि सौ करोड़ खद्योतों / जुगुनुओं से सूर्य अधिक प्रकाशवान है ? ऐसा कहना तो सूर्य का मजाक उड़ाना हुआ परन्तु किया भी क्या जाए , अपनी मति / बौद्धिक क्षमता के अनुसार ही तो कहा जा सकता है सो संत और मुनि निज निज मति अनुसार ऐसा ही कहते हैं ।
श्री राम अपार गुणों के समुद्र हैं ,क्या उनकी कोई थाह पा सकता है , संतों से मैंने (तुलसी दास ) जैसा कुछ सुना था , वही आपको सुनाया ।
--राम चरित मानस ; उत्तर कांड - ९० से ९२ दोहों के मध्य ।
Monday, July 27, 2009
राम चरित मानस में चिंतनीय /सोचनीय /शोक करने योग्य लोग
राम चरित मानस में उन लोगों का विवरण है जो चिंतनीय / सोचनीय / शोक करने योग्य हैं । कृपया देखें ----
शिक्षक जो ज्ञान से हीन/ रहित हो । जो अपना धर्म /कर्तब्य छोड़कर अन्यथा अतिअधिक विषयों में लीन हो । राजा / शासक /राज - नेता जो नीति न जनता हो और जिसे प्रजा / जनता प्राणों के सामान प्रिय न हो । जो धनवान होकर भी कंजूस हो और अतिथि तथा गरीबों की मदद न करता हो । जो मुर्ख , वाचाल , अहंकारी , स्व- मानप्रिय और ज्ञान -गुमानी हो । पत्नी जो पति- वंचक , कुटिल , कलह- प्रिय और असंयमित हो । पुरूष जो पर धन और पर पत्नी में कुदृष्टि रखता हो . क्षात्र जो पढ़ाई नही करता और गुरु का आदर भी नही करता । वह गृहस्थ जो मोह वश अपने गृहस्थी के कार्य नही करता । सन्यासी जो विवेक और वैराग्य से विमुख /विरत होकर प्रपंच -रत है । वैरागी जो तप छोड़कर भोग में लगा हो । जो निंदा करने वाला , अकारण क्रोध करने वाला , माता -पिता , गुरु और बंधु / बांधवों का विरोध करने वाला है । जो दूसरों का बुरा / अपकार करने वाला , अपने ही शरीर का पोषण करने वाला और भारी निर्दयी है । जो प्रभु की प्रार्थना नही करता ।
उपरोक्त सभी चिंता करने / सोच करने और शोक करने योग्य हैं ।
शिक्षक जो ज्ञान से हीन/ रहित हो । जो अपना धर्म /कर्तब्य छोड़कर अन्यथा अतिअधिक विषयों में लीन हो । राजा / शासक /राज - नेता जो नीति न जनता हो और जिसे प्रजा / जनता प्राणों के सामान प्रिय न हो । जो धनवान होकर भी कंजूस हो और अतिथि तथा गरीबों की मदद न करता हो । जो मुर्ख , वाचाल , अहंकारी , स्व- मानप्रिय और ज्ञान -गुमानी हो । पत्नी जो पति- वंचक , कुटिल , कलह- प्रिय और असंयमित हो । पुरूष जो पर धन और पर पत्नी में कुदृष्टि रखता हो . क्षात्र जो पढ़ाई नही करता और गुरु का आदर भी नही करता । वह गृहस्थ जो मोह वश अपने गृहस्थी के कार्य नही करता । सन्यासी जो विवेक और वैराग्य से विमुख /विरत होकर प्रपंच -रत है । वैरागी जो तप छोड़कर भोग में लगा हो । जो निंदा करने वाला , अकारण क्रोध करने वाला , माता -पिता , गुरु और बंधु / बांधवों का विरोध करने वाला है । जो दूसरों का बुरा / अपकार करने वाला , अपने ही शरीर का पोषण करने वाला और भारी निर्दयी है । जो प्रभु की प्रार्थना नही करता ।
उपरोक्त सभी चिंता करने / सोच करने और शोक करने योग्य हैं ।
राम चरित मानस में कहे गए पाप कर्म
राम चरित मानस के अयोध्या कांड में भरत द्वारा उन कर्मों का कथन है जों पाप हैं । कृपया देखें ---
माता , पिता और पुत्र का बध करना । गोशाला , मनुष्य का घर और नगर में आग लगाकर उसे जलाना ।
स्त्री और बालकों /बच्चों का बध करना । मित्र और राजा /अधिकारी / मालिक को विष दे कर मरना ।
जे अघ तिय बालक बध कीन्हें। मीत महीपति माहुर दीन्हें।।
जे पातक उपपातक अहहीं। करम बचन मन भव कबि कहहीं।।
ते पातक मोहि होहुँ बिधाता। जौं यहु होइ मोर मत माता।।
दो0-जे परिहरि हरि हर चरन भजहिं भूतगन घोर।
तेहि कइ गति मोहि देउ बिधि जौं जननी मत मोर।।167।।
बेचहिं बेदु धरमु दुहि लेहीं। पिसुन पराय पाप कहि देहीं।।
कपटी कुटिल कलहप्रिय क्रोधी। बेद बिदूषक बिस्व बिरोधी।।
लोभी लंपट लोलुपचारा। जे ताकहिं परधनु परदारा।।
पावौं मैं तिन्ह के गति घोरा। जौं जननी यहु संमत मोरा।।
जे नहिं साधुसंग अनुरागे। परमारथ पथ बिमुख अभागे।।
जे न भजहिं हरि नरतनु पाई। जिन्हहि न हरि हर सुजसु सोहाई।।
तजि श्रुतिपंथु बाम पथ चलहीं। बंचक बिरचि बेष जगु छलहीं।।
माता , पिता और पुत्र का बध करना । गोशाला , मनुष्य का घर और नगर में आग लगाकर उसे जलाना ।
स्त्री और बालकों /बच्चों का बध करना । मित्र और राजा /अधिकारी / मालिक को विष दे कर मरना ।
जों ईश्वर के अतिरिक्त भूत इत्यादि की प्रार्थना /आराधना करते हों । जों वेद / ज्ञान को बेचते हों और धर्म का और धर्म के द्वारा दूसरों का शोषण करते हों । जों दूसरों की निंदा और कमियों को कहते फिरते हैं । जों कपटी , कुटिल /नीच , कलहप्रिय अर्थात झगड़ने में आनंद लेने वाले और अकारण क्रोधी हैं । जों वेद /धार्मिक ग्रंथों और ज्ञान का मजाक उड़ाते हैं और अनायास सभी का विरोध करते हैं । जों लोभी , लम्पट /चरित्र हीन और दूसरों की संपत्ति देख कर विचलित हो जाते हैं और फ़िर जों दूसरे की पत्नी और धन पर कुदृष्टि रखते हैं । जिनकी संगति साधु पुरुषों की नही है तथा जों परहित से विमुख हो गए हैं । जों प्रभु की प्रार्थना नही करते । जों महापुरुषों से सुने गए श्रुति -मार्ग को छोड़कर उसके प्रतिकूल चलते हैं । जों ठग हैं और भिन्न भिन्न झूठा वेश बनाकर दूसरों तथा जगत को ठगते और छलते हैं ।
मूल पाठ .................
जे अघ मातु पिता सुत मारें। गाइ गोठ महिसुर पुर जारें।।जे अघ तिय बालक बध कीन्हें। मीत महीपति माहुर दीन्हें।।
जे पातक उपपातक अहहीं। करम बचन मन भव कबि कहहीं।।
ते पातक मोहि होहुँ बिधाता। जौं यहु होइ मोर मत माता।।
दो0-जे परिहरि हरि हर चरन भजहिं भूतगन घोर।
तेहि कइ गति मोहि देउ बिधि जौं जननी मत मोर।।167।।
बेचहिं बेदु धरमु दुहि लेहीं। पिसुन पराय पाप कहि देहीं।।
कपटी कुटिल कलहप्रिय क्रोधी। बेद बिदूषक बिस्व बिरोधी।।
लोभी लंपट लोलुपचारा। जे ताकहिं परधनु परदारा।।
पावौं मैं तिन्ह के गति घोरा। जौं जननी यहु संमत मोरा।।
जे नहिं साधुसंग अनुरागे। परमारथ पथ बिमुख अभागे।।
जे न भजहिं हरि नरतनु पाई। जिन्हहि न हरि हर सुजसु सोहाई।।
तजि श्रुतिपंथु बाम पथ चलहीं। बंचक बिरचि बेष जगु छलहीं।।
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The great thinker educationist and philosopher J.J.Rousseau writes - '' you are born free but everywhere you are in shackles / chains . '' if you take an action of your choice , you are free but when you have taken that one action you are bound or under bandage of the result of that action . one action taken , is being affected by many factors , say , uncountable and bound you to limit your freedom to next or the sama action taken earlier . see ! one example , very simple - one asks you to one of your two legs to keep up and you kept your left leg up but now you can not keep the right one up , if asked to do so while you put the first down . you were free to make a choice between the right and left but after one action taken you were not free to make another choice because of the result of first action .
We are living in a society at large , in a world and even in whole creation and we all are the part of this whole . so we are partly free and wholly bound . individual freedom has meaning but little . Lord Baudha talked of emancipation of all . your liberation , your freedom , your education , your prosperity , your wealth , health and happiness is mere dream and really a feeling of foolishness . since i came to learn Lord Baudha and Theory of Oneness of Vedanta and understanding of Mahatma Gandhi and today i feel and know in full that while there is a mean , a criminal , an ignorant , a poor and an ill ; i am all that as i am the part of that society where in all these evils exist . and then i feel the work before us , human being is far than farthest and greater than the greatest .
Therefore we should not work as we have to help others , weak and poor and ignorant and ill but we should work with an understanding that we are the part of these evils and we have to work together , to fight together and to achieve the goal of goodness and freedom together as one . i am not free , rich , happy and all etc . while others are not .
Now one of these days in our society /state and nation , individuals are trying to gather power and pelf not thinking of others . our leaders not in almost all cases but in many cases in India are blindly hankering after money and fake power. they have neither fear nor shame nor face but trying their best to win the worthless race . they have no understanding of their double death that goes unwept , unhonored and unsung . these poor people; poor in mind and understanding , (although they think they are rich and wise say clever and cunning ) are free to gamble but do not know that one who gambles is sure to lose and the call of wisdom they do not hear is -- if you do not want to lose , do not gamble please . they , again, do not know that in each and every game people win or lose except in gambling wherein all lose , who play .
It is sad and thoughtfully sad that our Leaders of these days( not all but many ) want to avail and enjoy the freedom of wolf who is angry with the shepherd because he has driven it away from the throat of ship (common people called praja of the tantra = democracy ) and denounce the shepherd as destroyer of it's freedom to kill the ship .
We want freedom for all and equal and till we achieve this , our fredom and democracy is but a fooling about ourselves . therefore be united and try to fail so called freedom of few by peaceful means and democratic ways .
We are living in a society at large , in a world and even in whole creation and we all are the part of this whole . so we are partly free and wholly bound . individual freedom has meaning but little . Lord Baudha talked of emancipation of all . your liberation , your freedom , your education , your prosperity , your wealth , health and happiness is mere dream and really a feeling of foolishness . since i came to learn Lord Baudha and Theory of Oneness of Vedanta and understanding of Mahatma Gandhi and today i feel and know in full that while there is a mean , a criminal , an ignorant , a poor and an ill ; i am all that as i am the part of that society where in all these evils exist . and then i feel the work before us , human being is far than farthest and greater than the greatest .
Therefore we should not work as we have to help others , weak and poor and ignorant and ill but we should work with an understanding that we are the part of these evils and we have to work together , to fight together and to achieve the goal of goodness and freedom together as one . i am not free , rich , happy and all etc . while others are not .
Now one of these days in our society /state and nation , individuals are trying to gather power and pelf not thinking of others . our leaders not in almost all cases but in many cases in India are blindly hankering after money and fake power. they have neither fear nor shame nor face but trying their best to win the worthless race . they have no understanding of their double death that goes unwept , unhonored and unsung . these poor people; poor in mind and understanding , (although they think they are rich and wise say clever and cunning ) are free to gamble but do not know that one who gambles is sure to lose and the call of wisdom they do not hear is -- if you do not want to lose , do not gamble please . they , again, do not know that in each and every game people win or lose except in gambling wherein all lose , who play .
It is sad and thoughtfully sad that our Leaders of these days( not all but many ) want to avail and enjoy the freedom of wolf who is angry with the shepherd because he has driven it away from the throat of ship (common people called praja of the tantra = democracy ) and denounce the shepherd as destroyer of it's freedom to kill the ship .
We want freedom for all and equal and till we achieve this , our fredom and democracy is but a fooling about ourselves . therefore be united and try to fail so called freedom of few by peaceful means and democratic ways .
Friday, July 24, 2009
Any action is judged upon by the intent /intention that one has before initiating the action . one example - you go to temple for your betterment or to harm your enemy . if you go to harm your enemy or pray to God to harm others ; it is most likely to fail than succeed . this is one very simple instance and this is the spirit of judgment on Earth and that is also clear that that would be the scale of theory of karma not known to many of us .
Therefore one should learn to discriminate ( here discern ) right action from the wrong . if you learn or develop your understanding to learn this mental ability that is more or less in each and every individual of commonsense then you can very easily decide the course of your actions in daily life . more and more you you learn this the more and more harmony seems to come in your life . your faults are reducing ; doubts are disappearing ; questions that come to your mind look -like irrelevant . this is clear notion that your intents and purposes are in consonance / agreement with those of Nature. this is , really great achievement in your life and you begin to feel your life easier , better and happier . neither you debate nor doubt . you get yourself full of thought than speech and all this World come closer to you .
I would like to recommend reading Ram Charit Manas of Goswami Tulasidas Ji that can develop this ability of discernment up to full .
There are more than many hundred instances of this discernment /discrimination that you can learn from this great book । only two of these are given here for your understanding .
जड़ चेतन गुन -दोष मय विश्व कीन्ह करतार । संत हंस गुन गहहिं पय पारिहर वारि विकाr ॥
एण्ड शोविंग intent ---------
सम प्रकास तम पाख दुहुं नाम भेद बुध कीन्ह । ससि सोषक पोषक समुझि जग जस अपजस दिन्ह ॥
God has created this Universe with living and non-living but saints are like the bird Hans who discriminate between right and wrong like the Hans take the milk and leave the water when both are mixed together .
The Hindi Calender a month is divided in two fortnights one called he dark fortnight and the second called bright fortnight but if calculated both the parts have equal amount / duration of light . as one reduces the form of Moon and the other increases the form of Moon . one hat reduce is called dark fort-night and that which increases called the bright .
First two lines show the power/ ability of discernment that saint (sant) has and the second two lines show the INTENT that decide the judgment and brings good or bad name .
Therefore one should learn to discriminate ( here discern ) right action from the wrong . if you learn or develop your understanding to learn this mental ability that is more or less in each and every individual of commonsense then you can very easily decide the course of your actions in daily life . more and more you you learn this the more and more harmony seems to come in your life . your faults are reducing ; doubts are disappearing ; questions that come to your mind look -like irrelevant . this is clear notion that your intents and purposes are in consonance / agreement with those of Nature. this is , really great achievement in your life and you begin to feel your life easier , better and happier . neither you debate nor doubt . you get yourself full of thought than speech and all this World come closer to you .
I would like to recommend reading Ram Charit Manas of Goswami Tulasidas Ji that can develop this ability of discernment up to full .
There are more than many hundred instances of this discernment /discrimination that you can learn from this great book । only two of these are given here for your understanding .
जड़ चेतन गुन -दोष मय विश्व कीन्ह करतार । संत हंस गुन गहहिं पय पारिहर वारि विकाr ॥
एण्ड शोविंग intent ---------
सम प्रकास तम पाख दुहुं नाम भेद बुध कीन्ह । ससि सोषक पोषक समुझि जग जस अपजस दिन्ह ॥
God has created this Universe with living and non-living but saints are like the bird Hans who discriminate between right and wrong like the Hans take the milk and leave the water when both are mixed together .
The Hindi Calender a month is divided in two fortnights one called he dark fortnight and the second called bright fortnight but if calculated both the parts have equal amount / duration of light . as one reduces the form of Moon and the other increases the form of Moon . one hat reduce is called dark fort-night and that which increases called the bright .
First two lines show the power/ ability of discernment that saint (sant) has and the second two lines show the INTENT that decide the judgment and brings good or bad name .
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Vedanta is made of two words - 1 - Veda = knowledge and 2 - ant = the end . so Vedanta= the end of knowledge ; the perfect knowledge ; there is no knoledge beyond that ; there can not be /is more knowledge than this ; the knowledge all that can be ; the knowledge that one could have as human being and should have .
Vedas are also called as Shruties = the knowledge that Heard by competent students from their scholar Gurus that were Realized Souls . Realized Souls = those who had unity with the Whole / Atma / Universal Soul .Vedas are also called Srmities = the memory that has been maintained by those competent students who themselves grew to the level of their Gurus and passed on the same to their students some times more refined and mature and clear but some time with some deviations .
Upnishdas are Vedant , the perfect knowledge ; Dialogues between Guru and student both of the same and almost equal caliber , equal achievement and equal understanding .
Vedas are the source of all schools of Indian philosophies except one Charwak . Sankhya- Yoga , Nyay- Vaisheshik , Mimansa , varities of Vedanta , Baudhism in many forms and Janism in various sects , all these have their roots in Vedas .
Vedant (called Adwait Vedant =where there is One and no second ) is the represetative Philosophy of India and very source of Sanatan Dharm =Eternal Religion or Hindu Dharm .
In all the Religions of world including India some one has been founder of their Religions but Sanatan dharm has no founder whatsoever . likewise all the Philosophies have their founder even many in India all including Baudhism and Janism except Vedanta .
Really Vedanta is the spiritual crop of the Best Brains of India who devoted and sacrifised their lives in pursuit of REALITY / TRUTH but to great wonder they did not claim to be founders for three good reasons . 1 - this great effort was made by groups / group of best brains spread and unfolded over long span of time and experience , therefore no one could claim of it as his . 2 - they all were in agreement /consonance that this knowledge was a Vision of Reality when they were with It or in It . 3 - Because of their great / extreme Humility .
The theory of Vedanta says - there is only ONE ELEMENT called ATMA in Samskrit language and all the Creation is manifestation of this Atma . this Atma is Eternal all pervading and this whole Existence is nothing but ATMA itself . IT/ATMA is that exists in all and IT is CONSCIOUSNESS in all conscious and unconscious and pervade all that exists . IT is with good intent OMNISCIENCE , OMNIPOTENT AND OMNIPRESENT .( THAT we common eople personify for our understanding and call by various names as God .
This theory has not been negated so far by science and all theories similar to it are in agreement with it .
Friday, July 17, 2009
Entertainment includes - fun , recreation , play , pleasure and amusement . all these words for things and activities used to entertain people , when they are not working .
Recreation means to create some way out to run away from your allotted / given / aimed work . it shows that you are not getting satisfaction in your own job or work and feeling bored . the situation is that , because of one or more than one reason you are not mentally happy with your job /work . so you run away to do some other work or to watch some other doing his work .
The time thus you put in so called entertainment is TIME-OUT from your working - life- span . the time given to entertainment is minus your work -life .
This period of time in entertainment is minus your CREATIVE- LIFE - SPAN . (because you are doing or watching other doing is not always creative - except conditions given below .)
When you are entertaining yourself you may be acting as vicarious - player/doer and watching others working . it is , because , watching other acting is easier than self .
Entertainment is useful when - 1 - used for learning and learning takes place when there is positive modification in your behavior . 2 - when you get trained in the same field / faculty / . 3- when you are one of the judges in that activity . other than these , all the ways to entertain you are non - creative and runaways .
THE BEST WAY to avoid entertainment therefore , is to create pleasure / fun / joy / amusement / play /interest in your own work . take your work not as task but as pleasure . any work , how tough and hard can be changed into fun . READING/ LEARNING can be as easy and pleasing as game and movies only with interest put to them Lord Krishna calls it EXPERTIZE IN ANY ACTION IS YOGA ( YOGAH KARMASU KAUSHALAM ) . thus for an expert there is no place for entertainment / watching (only and not acting ) others doing , in their life . entertainment is mostly for those who are non-active and non- creative .
IN brief in the same way to taking of drugs and smoking etc. is not RELAXING but rather running away from real life to forgetful - life and the act of killing oneself for the time being so that to avoid creativity and real life . it is intermittent -slow suicide .
This is psychology behind so called entertainment and relaxing .
Recreation means to create some way out to run away from your allotted / given / aimed work . it shows that you are not getting satisfaction in your own job or work and feeling bored . the situation is that , because of one or more than one reason you are not mentally happy with your job /work . so you run away to do some other work or to watch some other doing his work .
The time thus you put in so called entertainment is TIME-OUT from your working - life- span . the time given to entertainment is minus your work -life .
This period of time in entertainment is minus your CREATIVE- LIFE - SPAN . (because you are doing or watching other doing is not always creative - except conditions given below .)
When you are entertaining yourself you may be acting as vicarious - player/doer and watching others working . it is , because , watching other acting is easier than self .
Entertainment is useful when - 1 - used for learning and learning takes place when there is positive modification in your behavior . 2 - when you get trained in the same field / faculty / . 3- when you are one of the judges in that activity . other than these , all the ways to entertain you are non - creative and runaways .
THE BEST WAY to avoid entertainment therefore , is to create pleasure / fun / joy / amusement / play /interest in your own work . take your work not as task but as pleasure . any work , how tough and hard can be changed into fun . READING/ LEARNING can be as easy and pleasing as game and movies only with interest put to them Lord Krishna calls it EXPERTIZE IN ANY ACTION IS YOGA ( YOGAH KARMASU KAUSHALAM ) . thus for an expert there is no place for entertainment / watching (only and not acting ) others doing , in their life . entertainment is mostly for those who are non-active and non- creative .
IN brief in the same way to taking of drugs and smoking etc. is not RELAXING but rather running away from real life to forgetful - life and the act of killing oneself for the time being so that to avoid creativity and real life . it is intermittent -slow suicide .
This is psychology behind so called entertainment and relaxing .
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
One of my principals in secondary school , whenever saw us students in a group used to say - '' do good and be good . '' when i became a teacher , i added two more words to it to my students and the maxim became - '' think good , do good and be good '' that i read in Brahmins of Veda that goes like this in samskrit - '' yan manasa dhyayati tad wacha vadati ; yad wacha vadati tat karmana karoti ; yad karmana karoti tadabhi sampdyate . '' means - as you think , so you act and as you act so is the establishment of your personality . here think , act and be are three in one . thinking good is good but it needs action and when the action is being taken accordingly the result is your personality . every action as per the law of nature entails result ; good action - good result and bad action - bad result . i do not believe in Hell or Heaven ; it is all here on Earth and we reap as we sow in this one and only life . i don't know of Rebirth and think that Man the individual dies but the Man as a being continues in its progeny as seed grows in plant and plant ends in seed and this process goes on and on .
Now i come to Prayer . to me prayer is thought , action and result . Nature / God allows us to come here in this World as wish / prayer of our parents and our life starts as prayer . we will and God says - '' yes '' means the prayer is granted then we act and action is granted and we have the results as per action , both united. every sun -rise grants us new birth and we start willing an doing and enjoying life . we should thank God for this new life , every day and this thank -giving is also prayer . some time our prayer /will / desire is not granted and we can not do and enjoy that particular will . and some time it happens so that God rejects one will and grant some other , i think better than earlier rejected . that is why , it has been said - '' leave all the choices to God and He will give you the best . '' i therefore of the opinion that pray and act and act and pray and enjoy the both in one the prayer in action and action in prayer . we are the result of the prayer of someone / parents and we are also praying for our results . this world is the result of the prayers of our forefathers and we have to make it better by our prayers for those to come .
I therefore say again and again , pray and act and act while pray and enjoy the present life ; never to come again . Lord Krishna ask us time and again to act , make efforts and efforts and efforts and don't think of result .action without hope and result is yours '. it is not the result but efforts that counts and go on in action . the action is prayer .
Now i come to Prayer . to me prayer is thought , action and result . Nature / God allows us to come here in this World as wish / prayer of our parents and our life starts as prayer . we will and God says - '' yes '' means the prayer is granted then we act and action is granted and we have the results as per action , both united. every sun -rise grants us new birth and we start willing an doing and enjoying life . we should thank God for this new life , every day and this thank -giving is also prayer . some time our prayer /will / desire is not granted and we can not do and enjoy that particular will . and some time it happens so that God rejects one will and grant some other , i think better than earlier rejected . that is why , it has been said - '' leave all the choices to God and He will give you the best . '' i therefore of the opinion that pray and act and act and pray and enjoy the both in one the prayer in action and action in prayer . we are the result of the prayer of someone / parents and we are also praying for our results . this world is the result of the prayers of our forefathers and we have to make it better by our prayers for those to come .
I therefore say again and again , pray and act and act while pray and enjoy the present life ; never to come again . Lord Krishna ask us time and again to act , make efforts and efforts and efforts and don't think of result .action without hope and result is yours '. it is not the result but efforts that counts and go on in action . the action is prayer .
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