Friday, July 24, 2009


Any action is judged upon by the intent /intention that one has before initiating the action . one example - you go to temple for your betterment or to harm your enemy . if you go to harm your enemy or pray to God to harm others ; it is most likely to fail than succeed . this is one very simple instance and this is the spirit of judgment on Earth and that is also clear that that would be the scale of theory of karma not known to many of us .
Therefore one should learn to discriminate ( here discern ) right action from the wrong . if you learn or develop your understanding to learn this mental ability that is more or less in each and every individual of commonsense then you can very easily decide the course of your actions in daily life . more and more you you learn this the more and more harmony seems to come in your life . your faults are reducing ; doubts are disappearing ; questions that come to your mind look -like irrelevant . this is clear notion that your intents and purposes are in consonance / agreement with those of Nature. this is , really great achievement in your life and you begin to feel your life easier , better and happier . neither you debate nor doubt . you get yourself full of thought than speech and all this World come closer to you .
I would like to recommend reading Ram Charit Manas of Goswami Tulasidas Ji that can develop this ability of discernment up to full .
There are more than many hundred instances of this discernment /discrimination that you can learn from this great book । only two of these are given here for your understanding .
जड़ चेतन गुन -दोष मय विश्व कीन्ह करतार । संत हंस गुन गहहिं पय पारिहर वारि विकाr
एण्ड शोविंग intent ---------
सम प्रकास तम पाख दुहुं नाम भेद बुध कीन्ह । ससि सोषक पोषक समुझि जग जस अपजस दिन्ह ॥
God has created this Universe with living and non-living but saints are like the bird Hans who discriminate between right and wrong like the Hans take the milk and leave the water when both are mixed together .
The Hindi Calender a month is divided in two fortnights one called he dark fortnight and the second called bright fortnight but if calculated both the parts have equal amount / duration of light . as one reduces the form of Moon and the other increases the form of Moon . one hat reduce is called dark fort-night and that which increases called the bright .
First two lines show the power/ ability of discernment that saint (sant) has and the second two lines show the INTENT that decide the judgment and brings good or bad name .

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