Tuesday, July 7, 2009


One of my principals in secondary school , whenever saw us students in a group used to say - '' do good and be good . '' when i became a teacher , i added two more words to it to my students and the maxim became - '' think good , do good and be good '' that i read in Brahmins of Veda that goes like this in samskrit - '' yan manasa dhyayati tad wacha vadati ; yad wacha vadati tat karmana karoti ; yad karmana karoti tadabhi sampdyate . '' means - as you think , so you act and as you act so is the establishment of your personality . here think , act and be are three in one . thinking good is good but it needs action and when the action is being taken accordingly the result is your personality . every action as per the law of nature entails result ; good action - good result and bad action - bad result . i do not believe in Hell or Heaven ; it is all here on Earth and we reap as we sow in this one and only life . i don't know of Rebirth and think that Man the individual dies but the Man as a being continues in its progeny as seed grows in plant and plant ends in seed and this process goes on and on .
Now i come to Prayer . to me prayer is thought , action and result . Nature / God allows us to come here in this World as wish / prayer of our parents and our life starts as prayer . we will and God says - '' yes '' means the prayer is granted then we act and action is granted and we have the results as per action , both united. every sun -rise grants us new birth and we start willing an doing and enjoying life . we should thank God for this new life , every day and this thank -giving is also prayer . some time our prayer /will / desire is not granted and we can not do and enjoy that particular will . and some time it happens so that God rejects one will and grant some other , i think better than earlier rejected . that is why , it has been said - '' leave all the choices to God and He will give you the best . '' i therefore of the opinion that pray and act and act and pray and enjoy the both in one the prayer in action and action in prayer . we are the result of the prayer of someone / parents and we are also praying for our results . this world is the result of the prayers of our forefathers and we have to make it better by our prayers for those to come .
I therefore say again and again , pray and act and act while pray and enjoy the present life ; never to come again . Lord Krishna ask us time and again to act , make efforts and efforts and efforts and don't think of result .action without hope and result is yours '. it is not the result but efforts that counts and go on in action . the action is prayer .

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