Renunciation { sanyaas ) as it has been declared in Bhagwat Gita is not to leave your house and family nor the duties of life and its sustaining it but renouncing the desire of results of your actions /deeds . To RENOUNCE THE DESIRE OF RESULTS of all kind of actions performed by you , physical hunger , ALL AND EACH KIND OF achievements , prestige , honour , family all that you have earned should be taken /thought ; earned as a tool in the hands of Lord (Universal -spirit ). In the second way of understanding - it is total loss of the feeling of ' Doer ' in one-self , he performs the deeds but knows that he is not the doer and thus he is not the person , who expects /desire any result . In the third and highest way of understanding it is said - ' detachment '. all the action are being performed as '' duty for duty shake '' (nothing with the desire to loose or gain ). This statement is just and in the same way equal in word and spirit that is well expressed by Immanuel Kant in his world famous theory of ' moral -law '
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