Wednesday, February 18, 2009


We can not enjoy most of our lives , because we are either thinking of past or anticipating the future . past memories are those that recall failures and unhappy moments of life . only anticipation promise us to give something better and superior and so we think that tomorrow we shall be happier . in this way the past and future together conspire to rob us off present . we live and enjoy the present very short and rare . " i am happy that next week or month or year , i am going to get promotion , new posting , new place , any thing that may / would be better than today . when we get any moment that we should enjoy , we go back to past and try to remember some event that ends in some tragedy and leaves us unhappy . this is what is very common and one will have to be very conscious and aware of these two robbers of present . we should keep clear in mind not to go in past and future and live in the present . the best time is the present , to think , to act and to improve that we can in that moment of life . a writer has answered THREE questions . the best time that is -Present ; the best person , the person who is with you and the best work , the work /task /duty that you have been given to perform .
Now , the second thing that you have to keep in mind is to enjoy your life without comparing it with that of another . " I earn that i eat , get that i wear , owe no man hate , envy no man's happiness , glad to other man's good , content with my harm and i am happy . " shakespeare in As You Like It . physically you are never satisfied , it is only mental satisfaction that can bring you happiness. there is no end of worldly riches and this man dies poor . so be content with your lot . one can not be first in each and every thing in worldly achievements . the seat of full and perfect satisfaction is in the head for every individual is thoroughly satisfied with his own proportion of mind . this understanding has to be wisely achieved that nothing will content him who is not content with a little. again , when we have not what we like , we must like and enjoy what we have . J. B. Priestley writes , - " there are three basic requirements for a tolerably satisfying life are - some one to care , somewhere to live and something worth while to do .
Tulasi Das in Ram Charit Manas says , " कोऊ विश्राम कि पाव तात सहज संतोष बिन । जल बिन चलई कि नाव कोटि जतन पचि पचि मरिय ॥ और पुनः -- बिन संतोष न काम नसाहीं । काम अछत सुख सपनेहु नहिं ॥
although thinking and good thinking , brings good result by motivating you towards action . be content with where you are but there should be a kind of restlessness that is necessary for one's progress and development . you are right , where you are but you should try to move from where you are because of where you should be . this is a kind of ambition , alive that makes us move .
Now comes the role of God , if we believe ( As of my belief , no leaf moves without Him ) in Him , we should pray to Him for His guidance through Gayatri Mantra , the best prayer that is in the world , where only guidance is being prayed for . ( those of other religion , may pray to their God ) . Then we should act as according to the circumstances that suggest and according to our ability . Give all the choices to God and He will give you the best . rest be assured , do not worry .

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