Friday, February 6, 2009


If we go through world history of those who grew uncommon and extraordinary from that they were very common and simple and poor and in adverse born situations . the survey of this list concludes that those called great and good are more than 75 to 85 percent . wealthy son of wealthy father is more common than worthy son of worthy father. this very phrase says the story of the fact that it is rather , very rare to be worthy because of one's parentage . i want to say that adversity is more boon to any one's achievement and less the cause of difficulties in life .
Francis Bacon writes , - " Prosperity does best discover vice , but adversity does best discover virtue . "
Therefore we should always get ourselves ready to face and feel adversity as sweet in the end of our efforts . there are there means and ways to face these difficulties in life . 1 - we can encounter them by being indifferent to them . one example - a person wrote me three four letters , i did not reply . it chanced so that we came to see each other and he said , " you did not reply my letters ? and i told him that this was my reply .(the better reply that could be ) . 2 - we can face the adverse conditions by changing our view of life , say the philosophy of life . this can be easily done by thoughtful actions and regular self awareness . you can change the life by changing the company you have , the place , the job , any thing that suits you and that is possible . 3 - we can take the help of Religion , take the refuse of God and those deserving your help .
If you are sent to deep waters by circumstances , should you not think that you need to learn swim . if you get ill , take care of your health (as perhaps you have been really careless about ). . See !what Shakespeare says of adversity , " Sweet are the uses of adversity ; Which like the toad , ugly and venomous ; Wears yet a prosperous jewel in his head . "
He knows not his own strength that has not seen and met adversity --- Ben Jonson .
all that comes to us as adversity and creates fear if not fatal in the end leaves us stronger.

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