Saturday, December 12, 2009


 '' Healthy acts of kindness are often simple, so why do we engage in them less than we should? Are we insensitive to others, or less caring than we should be?  We get so busy with our lives that we forget. But we can change all of that .. And some of them are so simple. We forget that looking a person in the eye and smiling may make their day. '' -Ann. E. Smith.

1- Leadership -Strong managers tend to have natural or well developed leadership skills. They know how to take charge without making others feel small. They know how to make critical decisions. And they know how to motivate their team members to deliver strong results. These are some of the basic leadership skills, and they are crucial for someone who wants to do a fine job managing others. Leaders tend to intuitively know when to pick battles and when to regroup. They are usually people of courage, and they display that in many ways.

2 -Competence and talent  -Strong managers should be highly competent in the functions they oversee, and they should also have talent. Those who are good at management need to know how to get the job done. Otherwise, how can they best advise others to accomplish what must get done?

3 -Excellent relationship skills - Those who manage well tend to have excellent relationship skills. They are good with people, and they know how to get along with all kinds of personalities.........
Their relationship skills are required not only to lead and motivate their subordinates. Strong interpersonal skills are also critical for handling relationships with those in upper management as well as outside parties.

4 -Openness - Good managers are open to the ideas of others. They may not always go along with them, but they are willing to listen and to find out what others think. They also invite feedback from those who report to them. Instead of being threatened by such feedback, a quality manager recognizes that hearing such information is critical for continued success.

5 - Mentoring role - A good manager looks to mentor those who report to him. He wants others to succeed, and actually cares about the development of his employees. Instead of looking out for only himself, this kind of manager looks out for the good of the team as well as of individuals who comprise it. He mentors others to be successful, and sees this mentoring as a huge responsibility .
( Quoted from the Article of  Ann. E.Smith and sent to  a student of Management on his quest .)

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