It is said , man is imitation of God on earth . so man has three aspects of God in him - 1 - Power of reason ( resulting in science ) ; 2 - Moral sense ( good and bad ; right and wrong ) ; 3- Aesthetic sense ( appreciation of beauty , creation of imitation of real beauty through art , literature , music and other various arts . moreover the creation of imitation of his own self to keep his progeny on .)
This aesthetic sense is an Instinct in man , a biological property and a Psychological need ( a hunger like other i.e. food and water ) . he likes what is good and that attracts him . this is called love . love , the word is very common and extraordinarily complicated to define . common , because each and every man has it as an instinct , less or more ,as a common human trait or property. complicated , because has numerous verities ; viz. love as passion (sexual love ) parental love ( of father and mother to their children and of children to parents as obligation and regard ) , friendly love , among equals in same sex and in the opposite , love to all that is in the nature , love to various arts and expressions including many kinds of prose and poetry .
These all varieties are in different measures in different individual and of one or more than one or many. Ravindra Nath Tagore was a versatile genius in aesthetic field , a writer , painter , musician , dancer , dramatist and what not .
The love as passion is common and instinctual and necessary for proper physical and mental growth. one should enjoy and use it in moderation under strict social and moral norms set in every society and culture differing from place to place and nation to nation . this is also called love of relation . intrinsically , in this love of relation if you are committed to one ; to have relation with other is immoral and not real and true love . yes ! you can have Platonic love ( of love , friendship and spiritual but not sexual.) moreover, sexual love is purely biological and need no change . this is on body level and that is all that you can have any where else . on psychological and mental level you are free to love each and all of your choice . you are free to love any thing or person even without any response . this is your choice and the loving ability is entirely within you . if you get the response it would be mutual love.
See you love any one , this is your choice but any one loves you is not your choice . I call it God's choice and if you are loved by someone , say , you are lucky . again love as passion is good and necessary but not all good and all in life . there are more and better forms of love ,said above. love as passion is a clue to advance your love for other things and other people . this is known as Sublimation of love viz. love to all and hate for none , love of nature , art etc , mentioned above. love and the power of love is with in you , increase it , span it , spread it and the whole universe is the scope .
True and pure love does not harm any , a flower or even a leaf . true love make no demands , it only gives . it sacrifices and never wants to win . true love is always a looser in worldly sense , it only exacts the pleasure of love , unconditional , unpaid . love is one of three blessings of God to man , the ANAND OF SAT AND CHIT ,that is SATCHITANAND , (TRUTH ,LIVE and BLISS ) this word when personified is Sachchidanand . love as passion is of that , an animal and love to all of universal nature is divine in man . so we should try to be moderate and moral in passion and see that it does not grow into lust because lust checks your growth as a man . love is a great gift of God to man and to our discredit to misuse it misunderstand it . true love is divine and all who grew great they were the man with love .
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