to spend too much time in studies is sloth ,to use them too much for ornament ,affectation ,to make judgment wholly by their rules , is the humour of a scholar. if a man writes little he needs great memory ,if he confers little needs ready wit and if he reads little needs to be much cunning ,i.e to seem to know that he does not .
read not to contradict and confute ,nor to believe and take for granted ;nor to find talk and discourse ; but to weigh and consider,
studies serve for delight for ornament and for ability .their chief use for delight ,is in privateness an retiring ;for ornament .is in discourse ;and for ability .is in the judgment and disposition of business .
crafty men condemn studies ,simple men admire them and wise men use them.
reading makes a full man conference a ready man , and writing an exact man . history makes men wise ,poets witty ,the maths ,subtle ,philosophy,deep moral, grave and logic ,able to contend .
(all from Bacon ,the great writer in English.)
to conclude ; it is not what people eat ,but what they digest ; it is not what they earn ;but what they save ;that makes them strong and rich in the same way it is not what they read .but what they remember , that makes them wise and learned .
Bailey sayas,"when night has set his silver lamp on high (in the sky ) then is the proper time of real study that brings you the light of knowledge . "
life too short for reading ,it counted in days months and years ; had it been to be masured in centuries and ages we would have read each subject atleast hundred years and so on .
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