I would like to give some thoughts that i have gone through , tried to practice and told others to use.these thoughts are based on my recollections , learning and own experience.
teacher should try to change the mode of thinking of the student . not what to think but how to think . see - "all that glitters is not gold " this is common quote from Shakespeare but the other thought contradictory to this and rather more encouraging can be , " But it is Gold that always glitters."
the aim of teaching should be to use the whole of the student and that is not possible in class-room teaching .therefore we will have to see each and every student in his /her own person ; each according to his ability and each according to his need ,say - average ,good , very good , extraordinary and talented. (you can not have many classes but different groups .
According to Butler there are five good tests of evidence of effective education -1-correctness and precision in the use of mother tongue. 2-the student grows slowly and steadily refined and gentle in his work and manners. 3- sound appreciation of beauty and worth and understanding that this life is worth living. (these days even our genius students are lacking in this quality and getting easily stressed.).4- result oriented positive thoughts , habits and actions .5- power of reason ,reflection and efficiency to execute.having all these five aspects the teaching -learning process is going on well.
I leave one advice with every one who comes across me that education is a must , irrespective of job , whether you go to be a farmer ,a driver ,a teacher , a shoe maker or leader in any field . Education helps you , handle a rope or write a poem .i have seen those post graduate in philosophy are very successful administrators and police officers and at times accountants . education controls the young , console the old and it is wealth to poor as ornament to rich.
where there is no Ideals , No Effort , no SCHOLARSHIP, NO Continuity of Learning there is no such thing that we can call Education. M.K.Gandhi say on education , "this is a process that tries to bring out the best of an individual already present in him . he is also against physical punishment and in this context the hardest verdict has been passed by Fuller and i also agree to the equal extent that the school master deserves to be beaten himself , who beats nature in a boy for a fault .
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