Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Character is the product of daily action minute by minute and words and thoughts ,forgiveness ,unselfishness ,kindness ,sympathies ,charities ,sacrifices for the good of others,struggle against temptation and all that with great submissiveness and humility.
let us see ,what samual smiles says of character in his great title Character--"although genius always commands admiration,character most secures respect .the former is more the product of the brain,the latter is the product of heart -power and in the long run it is heart that rules in life.
Character is energy ,the central element of which is will--that produces the miracle of enthusiasm in all ages.everywhere it is the main- spring of what is called force of character and the sustaining power of all great action .
Good character is human nature in its best form. it is moral order embodied in the of character are not only the conscience of society but in every well governed state they are its best motive power ,for it is moral qualities ,which in the main rule the world .
there are many persons of whom it may be said that they had no other possession in the world but their character and yet they stand as firmly upon it as any crowned king ."
character is made of small acts and is outcome of good conduct. character is again like a diamond that scratches all other stones. a man may be worldly successful all his life but goes hallow and worthless after his death,unsung ,unwept and unhonoured. Gandhi jee says ," truthfulness is the corner stone in making of character and well managed moral -order." some times character does miracles even without so called success that may not last longer,but chracter wins in the end .use any language your character speaks ,have any style it prevails,clad or unclad ,character is the best attaire and ornament in itself that needs no more.
To conclude ;we should try to be one --one that exhbits;--one that we have and --one that we think to have.these three states of mind when come to one ; the character is being established.

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