Day after tomorrow is Christmas. i would like to start with Testament. "whatsoever things are true , whatsoever things are honest , whatsoever things are just , whatsoever things are pure , whatsoever things are lovely , whatsoever things are of good report :if there be any virtue , and if there be any praise , think on these things ."
Virtue is not in our blood. every one can not be born King but every one can be virtuous . Vices are not to be learned in schools or academies but virtues are to be earned. any thing that is not difficult or costlier is not virtue. a virtuous man would do things if he had neither the laws nor public opinion , nor even his own pride and prejudices. he is always above rules because his own life is source of rules. it is well said a wise man decides what to do next as the man of virtue doing that.
Virtue is to the soul what health is to the body. says , Richelieu , "a virtuous person like a good metal , the more is fired , the more is fined ; the more is opposed , the more he is approved :wrongs may well try him , but can not imprint in him otherwise . " as said above the doors of virtue are open to all but it is your own ability to pay its price and enter the house. It is ready to accept all , invites all , gentlemen , poor, slave , master and Kings equally. no man is born wise or virtuous and require a teacher as vice needs none.
Virtue needs no reward . all good qualities stated above are good in itself .well said , "knowledge is virtue in itself ." it is not sure ,in almost all cases but in many cases , those virtuous were honored and recognized in their times instead they were treated very badly and insulted in public . see ! Socrates was made to drink Hemlock , Jesus was crucified and Gandhi was shot dead ; all they for their deeds that were ill taken that time and for those, the same , they are honored now and have become the embodiment of justice , love and nonviolence.
Every virtue decorate a man who possesses it ;honesty gives a man good fame , justice , honor ; prudence, respect ;courtesy ,affection and love ; temperament , good health ;fortitude , a quiet mind and truth , confidence.
We conclude with the lines of Zeno , "we should seek virtue for its own sake and not with any hope or reward or fear or motive. it is in virtue that happiness consists , for virtue is the state of mind which tends to make the whole of mind and life harmonious. well said is that , virtue makes a man famous on earth , illustrious in graves and immortal in heavens.
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