Tuesday, December 2, 2008


every thing mind or matter is total ,complete and whole.you are not the part of any thing or god or power.really you are part of the biggest and ultimate whole. the ultimate ORGANISM.Gita hints at it as Virat Purush .get it clear. take your own body. your one of the fingers is full and complete in itself.it is part of the body but whole in itself. it is live with whole body in all unity enjoying the whole activities cf the body and individual.in any way if this finger is detached from the body it is not lost at all but looses its identity with individual.now it is not a live finger but now it exists in other forms.
the whole universe ceases for a person who ceases his self with whole. all the world exists when you exist,although when you do not exist the world exists but not for you but for others who exist.therefore you are yourself as well as one world with the worlds of others. in this way each and every thing has its' own world.therefore there are as many world as many items say persons and with the same time one world of all.all this worlds are in harmony with ultimate world.
this idea has been very vividly declared in the introductory lines in Ishavshyopanishad that says thus .this is whole and when one other is deducted from this whole is also perfect and whole and again all that remains is also the perfect whole. truth is that Truth has this potential to manifest it from one whole to other many wholes in harmony with the Original.
therefore you are all complete and one whole world in yourself as a close attached limb of the whole body as i quoted Viratpurush in Bhagwatgita,for detail please see this reference in Gita।
''A human being is a part of the whole that we call the universe, a part limited in time and space। He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for only the few people nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living beings and all of nature. ''
Albert Einstein

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