Monday, December 22, 2008


गोस्वामी तुलसी दास मानस में लिखते हैं ,** शास्त्र सुचिंतित पुनि पुनि देखिय । * this does mean that we should read the good books or lines again and again to understand them better. **त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव.....these lines i read in 1953 in vi class but i came to understand it well and in full (God knows it being true) when i retired in 2005 that all the place and power and pelf and position and regard and respect , that i felt to be mine was really HIS*. i laughed loudly on being fool and ignorant for so long a time. reading and rereading what is good and noble is whetting the intellect and mind.
with this short introduction i would like to remind the poem of Walter Scott (instantly useful) that is a kind of normative , idealistic attitude of commitment and loyalty to one's Motherland . if a man feels no such emotion as burning within him , his Soul is dead . he doubly* dies i. e. dies a physical death and again dies in the hearts of his country men , called wretch* and goes to the vile dust . the poem ends with words of condemnation like ; unwept , unhonoured and unsung .
see the poem -
Breaths there the man ,with soul so dead ,
Who never to himself has said ,
This is my own , my native land ! ................(three lines left)
If such there breath , go , mark him well ,
For him no minstrel raptures swell ,
High though his titles , proud his name ,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim -
Despite those titles , power and pelf ,
The wretch , concentred all in self ,
Living shall forfeit fair renown ,
And doubly dying , shall go down
To the vile dust from whence he sprung ,
Unwept , unhonoured and unsung.

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