Why can't we be more reasonable to reconsider the whole process of system of education having a view that we are producing most learned and not the best learned। are we not making machines and the system is going to collapse one of these days . we have failed to make men and it may rain tomorrow , when the balance let itself lost. needless to say ,people in high places have unexpectedly gone out of their senses and behaved foolishly and with daring shamelessness , although highly educated and properly selected by prestigious institutions. we have gone helpless , i dare say , and tired to find means and ways to overcome these problems. that may and may not be true ,we are going to find ourselves in trouble by giving a generation to future that would not forgive us.
To quote ,S. Radhakrishnan ,"education must be humane , training of the intellect , refinement of the heart and discipline of the mind and spirit are the aims that should be kept in the center.
J.J.Rousseau says that there are three sources of getting education। 1- Nature , that develops the faculties and organs of body।2 - The man , that helps us in practice and we can learn from their experiences and 3- the self experience of the learner provided he has the deserving ability to learn himself. विद्या ददाति विनयम , विनयाद पात्रताम Shakespeare says the same thing , " Tongue in trees , books in running brooks , sermon in rocks , and good in every thing." many a times , i asked my teachers to let their windows down and open the windows of Nature and world and help your child learn.
It may be a little bit . away but relevant to say to teachers that they should do the best that they could , is to learn themselves at least 4 hours a day , and a student on the other , should teach his juniors for one hour. this is the oldest and the best method without failure in any case in process of learning and teaching.
In the end , i would like to remind what Schelling says (already mentioned) , "Education makes for inequality , the inequality of individuality ; inequality of success , glories ; inequality of talent , of genius and not for standardization and equality."
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
A person who is born in a family of man and having the characters of a man reborn as beast if s/he is not sent to school or not taught well at any institute where his/her instincts are not brought up to the deserving and desired . and now when the world has grown so moderate and civilized the education is birth right of each and every individual.
education is equal in importance and at A1 , when we are discussing the very valuable things as needs of human growth and development with Freedom and Justice. say , without education freedom and justice are lame and blind and can not be maintained for long . if we see that there is something , lacking in freedom and justice it is really lacking something in our educational system .education is very base of all the human activity , institutions and efforts towards growth and civilization.
education at one , gives perfection to individual self , on the other , happiness to the very individual and to others at large in society. it is said so , education makes a human being a real human being intended to be, by nature or God . the real education if going on perfectly well and successfully in any country is evident in, reducing the number of the crimes and number of criminals in jails ;reducing the number of cases in the court ;the number of police posts . this is the scale where we can measure our standard of education and its institutions. now i have given you a simple way of seeing success of our educational achievements .the rest are , are big talks , i would like to submit. we want results .but those sitting there ,making policies and great , so called , plans are all in vain. if you eat and still hungry ,creates doubt about your eatables . sorry to say , we may be very well , well informed and taking flights to Moon but we are not , that we can call properly educated. much of that.
Here i would like to quote great poet and philosopher and scientist of his time , Omar ,that i had the company of great philosophers and wise men and discussed at large about this and about that but i came out from the gate wherein i went . this is the same we are going on with in our education and educational system . no doubt we are doing a lot in the field of science and technology but still we are not able to produce a better man , a better citizen of the world and that weakness is serious threat to our existence. we want good teachers and good teaching .
education is equal in importance and at A1 , when we are discussing the very valuable things as needs of human growth and development with Freedom and Justice. say , without education freedom and justice are lame and blind and can not be maintained for long . if we see that there is something , lacking in freedom and justice it is really lacking something in our educational system .education is very base of all the human activity , institutions and efforts towards growth and civilization.
education at one , gives perfection to individual self , on the other , happiness to the very individual and to others at large in society. it is said so , education makes a human being a real human being intended to be, by nature or God . the real education if going on perfectly well and successfully in any country is evident in, reducing the number of the crimes and number of criminals in jails ;reducing the number of cases in the court ;the number of police posts . this is the scale where we can measure our standard of education and its institutions. now i have given you a simple way of seeing success of our educational achievements .the rest are , are big talks , i would like to submit. we want results .but those sitting there ,making policies and great , so called , plans are all in vain. if you eat and still hungry ,creates doubt about your eatables . sorry to say , we may be very well , well informed and taking flights to Moon but we are not , that we can call properly educated. much of that.
Here i would like to quote great poet and philosopher and scientist of his time , Omar ,that i had the company of great philosophers and wise men and discussed at large about this and about that but i came out from the gate wherein i went . this is the same we are going on with in our education and educational system . no doubt we are doing a lot in the field of science and technology but still we are not able to produce a better man , a better citizen of the world and that weakness is serious threat to our existence. we want good teachers and good teaching .
Friday, December 26, 2008
OF Education
I would like to give some thoughts that i have gone through , tried to practice and told others to use.these thoughts are based on my recollections , learning and own experience.
teacher should try to change the mode of thinking of the student . not what to think but how to think . see - "all that glitters is not gold " this is common quote from Shakespeare but the other thought contradictory to this and rather more encouraging can be , " But it is Gold that always glitters."
the aim of teaching should be to use the whole of the student and that is not possible in class-room teaching .therefore we will have to see each and every student in his /her own person ; each according to his ability and each according to his need ,say - average ,good , very good , extraordinary and talented. (you can not have many classes but different groups .
According to Butler there are five good tests of evidence of effective education -1-correctness and precision in the use of mother tongue. 2-the student grows slowly and steadily refined and gentle in his work and manners. 3- sound appreciation of beauty and worth and understanding that this life is worth living. (these days even our genius students are lacking in this quality and getting easily stressed.).4- result oriented positive thoughts , habits and actions .5- power of reason ,reflection and efficiency to execute.having all these five aspects the teaching -learning process is going on well.
I leave one advice with every one who comes across me that education is a must , irrespective of job , whether you go to be a farmer ,a driver ,a teacher , a shoe maker or leader in any field . Education helps you , handle a rope or write a poem .i have seen those post graduate in philosophy are very successful administrators and police officers and at times accountants . education controls the young , console the old and it is wealth to poor as ornament to rich.
where there is no Ideals , No Effort , no SCHOLARSHIP, NO Continuity of Learning there is no such thing that we can call Education. M.K.Gandhi say on education , "this is a process that tries to bring out the best of an individual already present in him . he is also against physical punishment and in this context the hardest verdict has been passed by Fuller and i also agree to the equal extent that the school master deserves to be beaten himself , who beats nature in a boy for a fault .
teacher should try to change the mode of thinking of the student . not what to think but how to think . see - "all that glitters is not gold " this is common quote from Shakespeare but the other thought contradictory to this and rather more encouraging can be , " But it is Gold that always glitters."
the aim of teaching should be to use the whole of the student and that is not possible in class-room teaching .therefore we will have to see each and every student in his /her own person ; each according to his ability and each according to his need ,say - average ,good , very good , extraordinary and talented. (you can not have many classes but different groups .
According to Butler there are five good tests of evidence of effective education -1-correctness and precision in the use of mother tongue. 2-the student grows slowly and steadily refined and gentle in his work and manners. 3- sound appreciation of beauty and worth and understanding that this life is worth living. (these days even our genius students are lacking in this quality and getting easily stressed.).4- result oriented positive thoughts , habits and actions .5- power of reason ,reflection and efficiency to execute.having all these five aspects the teaching -learning process is going on well.
I leave one advice with every one who comes across me that education is a must , irrespective of job , whether you go to be a farmer ,a driver ,a teacher , a shoe maker or leader in any field . Education helps you , handle a rope or write a poem .i have seen those post graduate in philosophy are very successful administrators and police officers and at times accountants . education controls the young , console the old and it is wealth to poor as ornament to rich.
where there is no Ideals , No Effort , no SCHOLARSHIP, NO Continuity of Learning there is no such thing that we can call Education. M.K.Gandhi say on education , "this is a process that tries to bring out the best of an individual already present in him . he is also against physical punishment and in this context the hardest verdict has been passed by Fuller and i also agree to the equal extent that the school master deserves to be beaten himself , who beats nature in a boy for a fault .
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Mostly we want that a man should be perfect and he should claim that he has no vice at all. that is why those who do not understand this technique , often criticize , great men and people .we expect that one who claims to be great must be 100 percent faultless . but this is not possible . only and only GOD or ISHWAR or KHUDA or Ultimate Universal power , is cent percent perfect and all complete . when we talk of man we should think , if he has any of human virtues . yes ! i say any . if he has any he has touched the manhood , hi is not a beast . the great poet Valmiki was a robber and all the inhuman traits in him but he had the power of reason and this one quality dragged him away from his wrong doings. thus we should try to possess at least one human quality . Gandhi says ,"if you are man you have at least one and that is that you are a man.this man mostly present in you but sleeping. awake and every thing comes right .you are there , here within you , only need to reach yourself . the lamp is burning with in and you are trying to kindle it out side .
All the great men in history might have been having more than one virtues , but they all are famous and known for one . See !Lord Bauddha for karuna (kindness ) , Jesus for love , Muhmmad for brotherhood , Harishchand for Truth , Karna for Charity and so on. in Ram Charit Manas each one plays one part i.e. one human quality -Rama .Superman ; Ravana-Ego ; Lakshman-service to brother ;Hanuman -service to Master; Sugreev -Good friend and so on and so forth .
therefore we should try to inculcate one good human quality and start with that. let others follow . the more you increase the number of these virtues the nearer and nearer you reach to Godhood . you can attain the Godhood , no doubt but you can not be the BEST GOD . that is why those who attained this greatness were elated as Gods , mostly in Hindu Religions and son of GOD in Christian and Pagambar in Muslim Religion. they were not God but surely God like in their work and behavior . this Godhood they attained by accumulating these good qualities called virtues .
do not go for many . start with one . a good start in good direction is good enough . after all , you have changed the move and one move that is right , will surely bring many and many . From Darkness to Light .
All the great men in history might have been having more than one virtues , but they all are famous and known for one . See !Lord Bauddha for karuna (kindness ) , Jesus for love , Muhmmad for brotherhood , Harishchand for Truth , Karna for Charity and so on. in Ram Charit Manas each one plays one part i.e. one human quality -Rama .Superman ; Ravana-Ego ; Lakshman-service to brother ;Hanuman -service to Master; Sugreev -Good friend and so on and so forth .
therefore we should try to inculcate one good human quality and start with that. let others follow . the more you increase the number of these virtues the nearer and nearer you reach to Godhood . you can attain the Godhood , no doubt but you can not be the BEST GOD . that is why those who attained this greatness were elated as Gods , mostly in Hindu Religions and son of GOD in Christian and Pagambar in Muslim Religion. they were not God but surely God like in their work and behavior . this Godhood they attained by accumulating these good qualities called virtues .
do not go for many . start with one . a good start in good direction is good enough . after all , you have changed the move and one move that is right , will surely bring many and many . From Darkness to Light .
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
"रिश्ते हैं , रिश्तों का क्या ?" means , relations do not pure and can not always be trusted. Kansa jailed his sister and her husband and killed seven of her babies . the great Asohka killed all his brothers , said to be 100 in number.Allaluddin killed his kin Jalaluddin ; Aurangjeb put his father in jail. Dronacharya the meanest guru in history, emotionaly blackmailed Eklabya (not his real disciple). now! much of these relations . on the other side , Babar died for Humaun , his son in love to save him from his illness and the youngest son of Yayati gave his life-span in prime of his youth to his father. many sacrificed their lives for their nations and other causes justified ,without any praise or reward , numberless for honor and right spirit . homage to them all.
Now we see that the relations are not good or bad but men . those men who are good play their roles well wheresoever and whensoever they get to do with whomsoever. if the man is good , he maintains all his relations , say with parents ,with children , with friends and family , with neighbor ,society and at large as a good citizen with his country.
therefore the most useful effort and activity that we should take in our hand to make a perfect MAN. we are men no doubt but only in flesh and blood and need to grow men and men and men . men can grow up to good men then better men then the best and then to GODS. a man has the body of animal but Soul Divine . this Soul has to be developed to the heights without limit.
Great Urdu poet , Firaq says --- "ऐ आरजू है कि कोई अहले दिल नहीं मिलता । खुदा मिले तो मिले मगर आदमी नहीं मिलता ॥ "and what type of man hi wishes to be--see ! "आदमी तो हैं यहाँ बे हिसाबो बेशुमार , अगर किल्लत है तो आदमियत की । " In Bible , Jesus says , " Man you are the salt of the Earth and if you loose your taste with what, then , you will be made saline ? let all of us try to be a good man and if we can help others too , to be so .this is the great task that can be done through proper education and awareness and with love and humility.
Now we see that the relations are not good or bad but men . those men who are good play their roles well wheresoever and whensoever they get to do with whomsoever. if the man is good , he maintains all his relations , say with parents ,with children , with friends and family , with neighbor ,society and at large as a good citizen with his country.
therefore the most useful effort and activity that we should take in our hand to make a perfect MAN. we are men no doubt but only in flesh and blood and need to grow men and men and men . men can grow up to good men then better men then the best and then to GODS. a man has the body of animal but Soul Divine . this Soul has to be developed to the heights without limit.
Great Urdu poet , Firaq says --- "ऐ आरजू है कि कोई अहले दिल नहीं मिलता । खुदा मिले तो मिले मगर आदमी नहीं मिलता ॥ "and what type of man hi wishes to be--see ! "आदमी तो हैं यहाँ बे हिसाबो बेशुमार , अगर किल्लत है तो आदमियत की । " In Bible , Jesus says , " Man you are the salt of the Earth and if you loose your taste with what, then , you will be made saline ? let all of us try to be a good man and if we can help others too , to be so .this is the great task that can be done through proper education and awareness and with love and humility.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Learning Of Virtue
Day after tomorrow is Christmas. i would like to start with Testament. "whatsoever things are true , whatsoever things are honest , whatsoever things are just , whatsoever things are pure , whatsoever things are lovely , whatsoever things are of good report :if there be any virtue , and if there be any praise , think on these things ."
Virtue is not in our blood. every one can not be born King but every one can be virtuous . Vices are not to be learned in schools or academies but virtues are to be earned. any thing that is not difficult or costlier is not virtue. a virtuous man would do things if he had neither the laws nor public opinion , nor even his own pride and prejudices. he is always above rules because his own life is source of rules. it is well said a wise man decides what to do next as the man of virtue doing that.
Virtue is to the soul what health is to the body. says , Richelieu , "a virtuous person like a good metal , the more is fired , the more is fined ; the more is opposed , the more he is approved :wrongs may well try him , but can not imprint in him otherwise . " as said above the doors of virtue are open to all but it is your own ability to pay its price and enter the house. It is ready to accept all , invites all , gentlemen , poor, slave , master and Kings equally. no man is born wise or virtuous and require a teacher as vice needs none.
Virtue needs no reward . all good qualities stated above are good in itself .well said , "knowledge is virtue in itself ." it is not sure ,in almost all cases but in many cases , those virtuous were honored and recognized in their times instead they were treated very badly and insulted in public . see ! Socrates was made to drink Hemlock , Jesus was crucified and Gandhi was shot dead ; all they for their deeds that were ill taken that time and for those, the same , they are honored now and have become the embodiment of justice , love and nonviolence.
Every virtue decorate a man who possesses it ;honesty gives a man good fame , justice , honor ; prudence, respect ;courtesy ,affection and love ; temperament , good health ;fortitude , a quiet mind and truth , confidence.
We conclude with the lines of Zeno , "we should seek virtue for its own sake and not with any hope or reward or fear or motive. it is in virtue that happiness consists , for virtue is the state of mind which tends to make the whole of mind and life harmonious. well said is that , virtue makes a man famous on earth , illustrious in graves and immortal in heavens.
Virtue is not in our blood. every one can not be born King but every one can be virtuous . Vices are not to be learned in schools or academies but virtues are to be earned. any thing that is not difficult or costlier is not virtue. a virtuous man would do things if he had neither the laws nor public opinion , nor even his own pride and prejudices. he is always above rules because his own life is source of rules. it is well said a wise man decides what to do next as the man of virtue doing that.
Virtue is to the soul what health is to the body. says , Richelieu , "a virtuous person like a good metal , the more is fired , the more is fined ; the more is opposed , the more he is approved :wrongs may well try him , but can not imprint in him otherwise . " as said above the doors of virtue are open to all but it is your own ability to pay its price and enter the house. It is ready to accept all , invites all , gentlemen , poor, slave , master and Kings equally. no man is born wise or virtuous and require a teacher as vice needs none.
Virtue needs no reward . all good qualities stated above are good in itself .well said , "knowledge is virtue in itself ." it is not sure ,in almost all cases but in many cases , those virtuous were honored and recognized in their times instead they were treated very badly and insulted in public . see ! Socrates was made to drink Hemlock , Jesus was crucified and Gandhi was shot dead ; all they for their deeds that were ill taken that time and for those, the same , they are honored now and have become the embodiment of justice , love and nonviolence.
Every virtue decorate a man who possesses it ;honesty gives a man good fame , justice , honor ; prudence, respect ;courtesy ,affection and love ; temperament , good health ;fortitude , a quiet mind and truth , confidence.
We conclude with the lines of Zeno , "we should seek virtue for its own sake and not with any hope or reward or fear or motive. it is in virtue that happiness consists , for virtue is the state of mind which tends to make the whole of mind and life harmonious. well said is that , virtue makes a man famous on earth , illustrious in graves and immortal in heavens.
Monday, December 22, 2008
गोस्वामी तुलसी दास मानस में लिखते हैं ,** शास्त्र सुचिंतित पुनि पुनि देखिय । * this does mean that we should read the good books or lines again and again to understand them better. **त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव.....these lines i read in 1953 in vi class but i came to understand it well and in full (God knows it being true) when i retired in 2005 that all the place and power and pelf and position and regard and respect , that i felt to be mine was really HIS*. i laughed loudly on being fool and ignorant for so long a time. reading and rereading what is good and noble is whetting the intellect and mind.
with this short introduction i would like to remind the poem of Walter Scott (instantly useful) that is a kind of normative , idealistic attitude of commitment and loyalty to one's Motherland . if a man feels no such emotion as burning within him , his Soul is dead . he doubly* dies i. e. dies a physical death and again dies in the hearts of his country men , called wretch* and goes to the vile dust . the poem ends with words of condemnation like ; unwept , unhonoured and unsung .
see the poem -
Breaths there the man ,with soul so dead ,
Who never to himself has said ,
This is my own , my native land ! ................(three lines left)
If such there breath , go , mark him well ,
For him no minstrel raptures swell ,
High though his titles , proud his name ,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim -
Despite those titles , power and pelf ,
The wretch , concentred all in self ,
Living shall forfeit fair renown ,
And doubly dying , shall go down
To the vile dust from whence he sprung ,
Unwept , unhonoured and unsung.
with this short introduction i would like to remind the poem of Walter Scott (instantly useful) that is a kind of normative , idealistic attitude of commitment and loyalty to one's Motherland . if a man feels no such emotion as burning within him , his Soul is dead . he doubly* dies i. e. dies a physical death and again dies in the hearts of his country men , called wretch* and goes to the vile dust . the poem ends with words of condemnation like ; unwept , unhonoured and unsung .
see the poem -
Breaths there the man ,with soul so dead ,
Who never to himself has said ,
This is my own , my native land ! ................(three lines left)
If such there breath , go , mark him well ,
For him no minstrel raptures swell ,
High though his titles , proud his name ,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim -
Despite those titles , power and pelf ,
The wretch , concentred all in self ,
Living shall forfeit fair renown ,
And doubly dying , shall go down
To the vile dust from whence he sprung ,
Unwept , unhonoured and unsung.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Jain ism is one of the most revered sect /religion under group of Indian Hindu way of life , philosophy and culture .tday is the Jayanti of 23rd Tirthankar sri Parshwanath jee. Jains are great Champion of nonviolence and ; truth , nonviolence , nonstealing , nonstoring more than needed and celibasy are the great oaths to be followed in life and no doubt great virtues ; universally accepted if these were really followed the modern world would have been a place to live in .
as i know sri sri Vidya Sagar jee Maharaj is a great devine soul living and teaching the great Jain principles all over world in general and in India in particular. he is also great leader in jainism , having all the qualities of a religious leader
Being so superb i don't understand , in what circumstances Jainism could not become popular and effective. BUT with great humility i would like to submit that were there much extremism than should have been. at all the saints of so rich a sect must have a loincloth (a small waist cloth) and again a blanket in long cold winter nights accepted , when put on by competent rich followers . should i say that M.K.Gandhi was one of the followers of Jainism like that .
likewise to have a piece of cloth over lips , in other sect of Jainism seems superficial and obsolete although the great saints of this sect are all equal to any .(this is my humble opinion and not any advice or suggestion )
I being , santani Hindu ; have all regard and respect for Jain Religion as any jain could have . Moreover I regard Sri Sri Vidya Sagar Jee LIVING DIVINE SOUL ON EARTH. with these words i pay my respect to Jainism and recommend others to learn the great cardinals of Jainism.
Humble Homage to 23rd Tirthankar Sri Parshwanath Jee.
as i know sri sri Vidya Sagar jee Maharaj is a great devine soul living and teaching the great Jain principles all over world in general and in India in particular. he is also great leader in jainism , having all the qualities of a religious leader
Being so superb i don't understand , in what circumstances Jainism could not become popular and effective. BUT with great humility i would like to submit that were there much extremism than should have been. at all the saints of so rich a sect must have a loincloth (a small waist cloth) and again a blanket in long cold winter nights accepted , when put on by competent rich followers . should i say that M.K.Gandhi was one of the followers of Jainism like that .
likewise to have a piece of cloth over lips , in other sect of Jainism seems superficial and obsolete although the great saints of this sect are all equal to any .(this is my humble opinion and not any advice or suggestion )
I being , santani Hindu ; have all regard and respect for Jain Religion as any jain could have . Moreover I regard Sri Sri Vidya Sagar Jee LIVING DIVINE SOUL ON EARTH. with these words i pay my respect to Jainism and recommend others to learn the great cardinals of Jainism.
Humble Homage to 23rd Tirthankar Sri Parshwanath Jee.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Intellectual ability has been defined in psychology as , ability to learn , power of adjustment , act successfully and , rightly in a novel situation , power of memory and so on but S.Radhakrishnan has defined genius as patience. now what is a genius ? an exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability or tendency and the tutelary spirit of a person . one of these days it has very common to hear that students of good merit , of MBA IIM , B TECH are committing suicide . they are genius , no doubt but causing great concern to parents and society. this is also great loss to us as a whole . we have to find out the root cause of this evil . we will have to accept that there is some fault in our education system. i remember that in our school days (er 50-60yrs ) some students failed in high school exam more than thrice and surprisingly rose to unexpected great heights and achievements in their lives . but today i heard that one student named Vijeta* killed herself because she failed in one of the papers at her exam.
I see two factors very much cause of the above first our students are lacking in patience . Patience is the calm endurance of hardship , provocation , pain , failure and delay etc. they have no tolerant perseverance or forebearance. they are also lacking in the capacity for calm self possessed waiting.... they have no patience with their making of career . and that i quoted Dr.S. Radhakrishanan.
now second factor is related with the first. the loss of patience that we Indian had and how to revive it again to stop the great loss of our geniuses . as i think we have been away from our culture and ANCIENT WAY OF life and living . we will have to see to re educate and guide properly not only students but teachers . they want reorientation in their way of thinking , thought and style rather tempering old ways of life style with new. let us think .
I see two factors very much cause of the above first our students are lacking in patience . Patience is the calm endurance of hardship , provocation , pain , failure and delay etc. they have no tolerant perseverance or forebearance. they are also lacking in the capacity for calm self possessed waiting.... they have no patience with their making of career . and that i quoted Dr.S. Radhakrishanan.
now second factor is related with the first. the loss of patience that we Indian had and how to revive it again to stop the great loss of our geniuses . as i think we have been away from our culture and ANCIENT WAY OF life and living . we will have to see to re educate and guide properly not only students but teachers . they want reorientation in their way of thinking , thought and style rather tempering old ways of life style with new. let us think .
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Aspects of Learning
It is very common saying of learning that learning is a process that goes from cradle to grave . but what to learn and how to learn . (learning means to change ones behavior through experience that adds to his making of personalty ) .learning helps us in earning , maintaining and adjusting with society in the matters of health ,wealth , family ,friends ,children , fame, relationship , career, knowledge , growth and happiness. in a word any learning should be useful in ones life .
I consider , learning has three important aspects ; one the knowledge that speaks the Truth or the Reality that exists and which we are the part of . all the sciences or the branches of science that have been known and discovered so far by human efforts in the world . this knowledge is the result of our curiosity to know all around us i.e. the answers of ;what ,how and why ?
The second aspect is to learn the morals or the moral science , concerned with goodness or badness of human character or behavior ; the distinction between right and wrong ;to follow the accepted rules and standard of human behavior to be thought as moral agent on earth so far known , it is only man and man alone , who has the power to change his behavior from bad to good . see ! a lion is born cruel and can not be taught to be kind but man can be cruelest and kindest at his own. what a man is and what he should be is a great boon in his life by which he excels the whole creation . he can be a Ravana and he can be a Dadhichi or a murderer or a doctor. thus the second aspect of learning is of morals that we should try upon .
The third one is learning of Aesthetics ; the Art ,Culture , Music , Paintings , Singing , Dancing , Architect and literature and so on that gives us pleasure peace and happiness. those who create any variety of Art and those who appreciate and enjoy are equally elated .
Now this is the test of what you read and learn . If it gives some knowledge about Truth or adds to your good growth i.e. teaches morals or gives you some kind of pleasure ; your learning is useful . if any of these three not there you make only vain efforts . but if your learning has one of these ;it is sure the others two are there. that is the theory of --SAT CHIT ANAND that are the three aspect of Ultimate Reality personified as GOD. It is well said , " GOD created the man in his own image or Man is the imitation of GOD on earth .
I consider , learning has three important aspects ; one the knowledge that speaks the Truth or the Reality that exists and which we are the part of . all the sciences or the branches of science that have been known and discovered so far by human efforts in the world . this knowledge is the result of our curiosity to know all around us i.e. the answers of ;what ,how and why ?
The second aspect is to learn the morals or the moral science , concerned with goodness or badness of human character or behavior ; the distinction between right and wrong ;to follow the accepted rules and standard of human behavior to be thought as moral agent on earth so far known , it is only man and man alone , who has the power to change his behavior from bad to good . see ! a lion is born cruel and can not be taught to be kind but man can be cruelest and kindest at his own. what a man is and what he should be is a great boon in his life by which he excels the whole creation . he can be a Ravana and he can be a Dadhichi or a murderer or a doctor. thus the second aspect of learning is of morals that we should try upon .
The third one is learning of Aesthetics ; the Art ,Culture , Music , Paintings , Singing , Dancing , Architect and literature and so on that gives us pleasure peace and happiness. those who create any variety of Art and those who appreciate and enjoy are equally elated .
Now this is the test of what you read and learn . If it gives some knowledge about Truth or adds to your good growth i.e. teaches morals or gives you some kind of pleasure ; your learning is useful . if any of these three not there you make only vain efforts . but if your learning has one of these ;it is sure the others two are there. that is the theory of --SAT CHIT ANAND that are the three aspect of Ultimate Reality personified as GOD. It is well said , " GOD created the man in his own image or Man is the imitation of GOD on earth .
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
This life is extraordinarily ironical and full of contradictions . one has to learn the technique of to be - good and easy . one of these techniques is to adjust yourself with others in daily - life so that you and your counter-person feel happy .You can not change others but yourself (Well known theory) .
It is easier to be rough and rude to a person who abuses you and you also abuse him or advance to slap him . this is simple and very common- man- behavior that is mostly expected and executed in thousand or more cases. But this way of behaviour creates confrontation and some times very trifling matters may lead to a shoot-out and murder. Both the parties regret for the foolishness they have committed for nothing .
On the other way , in above said situation ; you laugh at him who abused you or keep silent or unexpectedly thank him for his behavior or his words. the situation takes a turn and the abuser is defeated . Yes ! to act in this way is very difficult - say ; this simple way of action is complicated. For stance we find in the story told about Lord Bauddha who kept mum at an occasion when someone came to him and felt tired of abusing . Mahatma Gandhi used this style frequently and defeated English . . this simple way of behavior of Gandhi was regarded by English People as astute , shrewd sagacious and crafty ; earlier , till he was worldly accepted ''The Great Soul i.e. Mahatma *
Tthis was one example . Human history is full of these great people and their great behavior and noble way of action and deed. this , we can follow and learn to be simple and easy .yes ! to be simple and easy is very very difficult and to be hard and rough and cruel and to behave in the same way as behaved is simple and easier. .this is like a machine that has no human touch .Animals and all other plants and living beings behave in the same simple and common way - called Reaction
** Keep in your mind ; to be easy and simple , is very difficult and to be rough is , easier and very common. let us try to learn to be easy .
It is easier to be rough and rude to a person who abuses you and you also abuse him or advance to slap him . this is simple and very common- man- behavior that is mostly expected and executed in thousand or more cases. But this way of behaviour creates confrontation and some times very trifling matters may lead to a shoot-out and murder. Both the parties regret for the foolishness they have committed for nothing .
On the other way , in above said situation ; you laugh at him who abused you or keep silent or unexpectedly thank him for his behavior or his words. the situation takes a turn and the abuser is defeated . Yes ! to act in this way is very difficult - say ; this simple way of action is complicated. For stance we find in the story told about Lord Bauddha who kept mum at an occasion when someone came to him and felt tired of abusing . Mahatma Gandhi used this style frequently and defeated English . . this simple way of behavior of Gandhi was regarded by English People as astute , shrewd sagacious and crafty ; earlier , till he was worldly accepted ''The Great Soul i.e. Mahatma *
Tthis was one example . Human history is full of these great people and their great behavior and noble way of action and deed. this , we can follow and learn to be simple and easy .yes ! to be simple and easy is very very difficult and to be hard and rough and cruel and to behave in the same way as behaved is simple and easier. .this is like a machine that has no human touch .Animals and all other plants and living beings behave in the same simple and common way - called Reaction
** Keep in your mind ; to be easy and simple , is very difficult and to be rough is , easier and very common. let us try to learn to be easy .
Monday, December 15, 2008
Prayer is a solemn request or thanksgiving to GOD or an object of worship .it is not of any value whom do you pray and how but the important thing is that you pray.prayer is really the act of showing humility and gratitude to the object you adore and respect .it need neither language nor style nor any particular place nor system . it is talk between your mind soul or spirit and the object of prayer. (in my opinion one can have any thing matter or mind through sincere prayer) i would like to invite those willing to experience .(majority with me ).
now the prayer is of various kind .with all faith and regard some people worship stone-God and offer beautiful flowers on it but as i थिंक, flowers are better and more alive God than those stones on which flowers are sacrificed in the prime of their beauty and youth.(but i don't disbelieve in stone worship.)
Neharu sayas -"work is worship " yes that is absolutely right .some worship their parents , some their husbands . i say this all is a prayer because it all go to the same place to Universal Spirit,to which you are a part.
See other forms of prayers --you respect your seniors .keep happy your friends and equals ,help your juniors ,serv the needy , feed the hungry ,teach the ignorant . save the the nature in any form ,do not misuse the things that other can use,do not harm any one instead help with your migt by all means ,love all and hate none ,and a long list that you know to be god for you and the society , is prayer .
thus prayer is a virtue that is a merit with you .to whom you pray is not much concerned with; nor expect your prayer ;it is for your goodness and your growth ;your success and your achievement in your own life .yes! a perfect individual ultimately contributes others and society at large .
see one of the best prayers- "मस्जिद है बहुत दूर चलो यूँ करलें ;किसी रोते हुए बच्चे को हँसाया जाए " (पंक्तियों के लेखक के प्रति आभार सहित )
now the prayer is of various kind .with all faith and regard some people worship stone-God and offer beautiful flowers on it but as i थिंक, flowers are better and more alive God than those stones on which flowers are sacrificed in the prime of their beauty and youth.(but i don't disbelieve in stone worship.)
Neharu sayas -"work is worship " yes that is absolutely right .some worship their parents , some their husbands . i say this all is a prayer because it all go to the same place to Universal Spirit,to which you are a part.
See other forms of prayers --you respect your seniors .keep happy your friends and equals ,help your juniors ,serv the needy , feed the hungry ,teach the ignorant . save the the nature in any form ,do not misuse the things that other can use,do not harm any one instead help with your migt by all means ,love all and hate none ,and a long list that you know to be god for you and the society , is prayer .
thus prayer is a virtue that is a merit with you .to whom you pray is not much concerned with; nor expect your prayer ;it is for your goodness and your growth ;your success and your achievement in your own life .yes! a perfect individual ultimately contributes others and society at large .
see one of the best prayers- "मस्जिद है बहुत दूर चलो यूँ करलें ;किसी रोते हुए बच्चे को हँसाया जाए " (पंक्तियों के लेखक के प्रति आभार सहित )
Sunday, December 14, 2008
भक्ति -योग
पतंजलि योग के महारथी हैं । चित्त की वृत्तिओं को रोक देने को योग कहा है । इसके लिए आठ पद कहे हैं -यम् , नियम ,आसन ,प्राणयाम , प्रत्याहार , धारणा , ध्यान और समाधि । यम् पॉँच ,अहिंसा ,सत्य , अस्तेय , ब्रह्मचर्य असंग्रह तथा नियम भी पॉँच ,शौच , संतोष , तप स्वाध्याय ईश्वर प्रणिधान , कुल सोलह की साधना करनी होगी जो सबके लिए संभव नहीं . । (आज प्रायः लोग आसन और प्राणायाम को ही योग ऐसा जानते हैं ) महर्षि पतंजलि ने स्वयं इस कठिन योग का विकल्प बताया है --"ईश्वरप्रनिधानात्वा " इन आठ पदों के स्थान पर केवल ईश्वर के शरण में चले जाओ । क्यों ? वह योग का महा गुरु है । बिना किसी साधना या पदों को पूरा हुए वह तुम्हे समाधि तक पहुँचा देगा । वह निरतिशय , ,सर्वज्ञ का बीज है । उसका नाम प्रणव (ॐ ) है । उसका नाम बार बार लेते रहो , भाव सहित , प्रेम से और योग के सभी पद पर प्रतिष्ठित होते जाओगे ,समाधि तक ,निर्विघ्न ।
पतंजलि कहते है , यह योग मन का विज्ञानं है ,तुम्हारे मन से हिंसा का भाव गया कि लोग तुमसे वैर त्याग देंगे ,चोरी गई कि सम्पन्न हो जाओगे ;तुम में प्रेम जगा कि सब तुम्हे प्रेम करने लगेगें । यह मानसिक योग और अध्यात्मिक विज्ञानं है ,इसमे श्रद्धा विश्वाश केवल तुम्हारे दृढ़ता के लिए है । योग के लिए श्रद्धा विश्वाश की अपेक्षा नहीं है।
इसका सरलतम उपाय हर धर्मं वाले अपने धर्मं में कहे गए ईश्वर का नाम , कोई अपने धर्मं का मंत्र या कोई ध्वनि जो आपको सुबिधा जनक लगे और जब भी जहाँ भी जैसे भी दुहराते रहें ;फल की चिंता ही छोड़ दें। सभी योग के पद आपको एक एक करके प्राप्त होतें जायेगें । केवल आपको बीज बोना है राम नाम का ; फ़िर अंकुर तब पत्तियां और फूल ,फल (समाधि ) प्राप्त होते रहेंगें । (नाम जप साधना ,इसी ब्लॉग में अलग प्रकरण देखें )। पतंजलि का मनतब्य है चित्त का निरोध यानि कि निर्मल मन । "निर्मल मन जन सो मोहिं पावा ; मोहिं कपट छल छिद्र न भावा ।-- " राम चरित मानस में गोस्वामी तुलसी दासजी । "
पतंजलि कहते है , यह योग मन का विज्ञानं है ,तुम्हारे मन से हिंसा का भाव गया कि लोग तुमसे वैर त्याग देंगे ,चोरी गई कि सम्पन्न हो जाओगे ;तुम में प्रेम जगा कि सब तुम्हे प्रेम करने लगेगें । यह मानसिक योग और अध्यात्मिक विज्ञानं है ,इसमे श्रद्धा विश्वाश केवल तुम्हारे दृढ़ता के लिए है । योग के लिए श्रद्धा विश्वाश की अपेक्षा नहीं है।
इसका सरलतम उपाय हर धर्मं वाले अपने धर्मं में कहे गए ईश्वर का नाम , कोई अपने धर्मं का मंत्र या कोई ध्वनि जो आपको सुबिधा जनक लगे और जब भी जहाँ भी जैसे भी दुहराते रहें ;फल की चिंता ही छोड़ दें। सभी योग के पद आपको एक एक करके प्राप्त होतें जायेगें । केवल आपको बीज बोना है राम नाम का ; फ़िर अंकुर तब पत्तियां और फूल ,फल (समाधि ) प्राप्त होते रहेंगें । (नाम जप साधना ,इसी ब्लॉग में अलग प्रकरण देखें )। पतंजलि का मनतब्य है चित्त का निरोध यानि कि निर्मल मन । "निर्मल मन जन सो मोहिं पावा ; मोहिं कपट छल छिद्र न भावा ।-- " राम चरित मानस में गोस्वामी तुलसी दासजी । "
Saturday, December 13, 2008
This whole creation exists in contradiction and duality. one has become two and at the same time twos are the one . many a twos in this world of appearance ,seem to be two but behind the curtain they are one. see ,day and night are two but all the 24 hours that include day and night named "DAY". without night day can not exist and without day night can not exist . but both seem to contradictory to each other. this is the one simple example and whole universe living and nonliving; laws and lawlessness ;life and death ; joy and misery ;profit and loss ; darkness and light ;knowledge and ignorance ; all are at the same time two as appear but one when exist ;contradictory and contrary but the same time also complimentary and unexceptionably necessary for the existence of the other.
this kind of understanding ,when developed that is to feel and understand the two in one or the one in two is the perfect and pure understanding . life and death (only one example taken applicable to all others ) are two opposite ends of the same rope of life. this is what is taught in all scriptures , all religions ,by all great thinkers and philosophers of the world in human history. that is why , i say ,one who knows his own religion knows the all. all the great men reached the same place may lead the different roads .
Lord Krishna told to understand the same thing ; to see the pain and pleasure in the same vein and called us to be STITHIPRYGYA i.e. keep oneself stable in pleasure and pain.that is the true and perfect knowledge and pure understanding of this universe.
" joy and woe are woven fine ; a clothing for the soul Divine = under every grief and pine ; runs a joy with silken twine = this is right ,this should be so ; man was made for joy and woe.= and when this we rightly know ; through the world we safely go " (the name of poet, not in mind)
and again ; please see , Then of the THEE in ME who works behind : The veil , i lifted up my hands to find : A lamp amid the darkness ;and i heard : As from without --THE ME WITHIN THEE BLIND ! "
this kind of understanding ,when developed that is to feel and understand the two in one or the one in two is the perfect and pure understanding . life and death (only one example taken applicable to all others ) are two opposite ends of the same rope of life. this is what is taught in all scriptures , all religions ,by all great thinkers and philosophers of the world in human history. that is why , i say ,one who knows his own religion knows the all. all the great men reached the same place may lead the different roads .
Lord Krishna told to understand the same thing ; to see the pain and pleasure in the same vein and called us to be STITHIPRYGYA i.e. keep oneself stable in pleasure and pain.that is the true and perfect knowledge and pure understanding of this universe.
" joy and woe are woven fine ; a clothing for the soul Divine = under every grief and pine ; runs a joy with silken twine = this is right ,this should be so ; man was made for joy and woe.= and when this we rightly know ; through the world we safely go " (the name of poet, not in mind)
and again ; please see , Then of the THEE in ME who works behind : The veil , i lifted up my hands to find : A lamp amid the darkness ;and i heard : As from without --THE ME WITHIN THEE BLIND ! "
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Kipling an English writer is of the opinion that if you talk with crowds and keep your temper and virtue in normal ,walk with king and keep the common touch ;neither foes nor friends can hurt you ;if you fill the one unforgiving minute with sixty seconds yours is the earth and all that you want.as per your ability and all that one can as human being .
Ruskin says ," your are known to your dog by smell ;to your tailor by your coat ;wife by love and faithfulness to friends by your smiles .see ! how are you known to GOD ?surely by your character. "
fame is what you have taken ;character is what you have given .when to this truth you have waken , you begin to live best rule to form a young man , talk little ,hear much ,think alone , decide to your own and value those who deserve it .
there are two contradictory and different kind of things that should happen at the same time ;individual independence and social dependence and again ;social reliance and self reliance.
and that much on learning of character .
Ruskin says ," your are known to your dog by smell ;to your tailor by your coat ;wife by love and faithfulness to friends by your smiles .see ! how are you known to GOD ?surely by your character. "
fame is what you have taken ;character is what you have given .when to this truth you have waken , you begin to live best rule to form a young man , talk little ,hear much ,think alone , decide to your own and value those who deserve it .
there are two contradictory and different kind of things that should happen at the same time ;individual independence and social dependence and again ;social reliance and self reliance.
and that much on learning of character .
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Character is the product of daily action minute by minute and words and thoughts ,forgiveness ,unselfishness ,kindness ,sympathies ,charities ,sacrifices for the good of others,struggle against temptation and all that with great submissiveness and humility.
let us see ,what samual smiles says of character in his great title Character--"although genius always commands admiration,character most secures respect .the former is more the product of the brain,the latter is the product of heart -power and in the long run it is heart that rules in life.
Character is energy ,the central element of which is will--that produces the miracle of enthusiasm in all ages.everywhere it is the main- spring of what is called force of character and the sustaining power of all great action .
Good character is human nature in its best form. it is moral order embodied in the individual.men of character are not only the conscience of society but in every well governed state they are its best motive power ,for it is moral qualities ,which in the main rule the world .
there are many persons of whom it may be said that they had no other possession in the world but their character and yet they stand as firmly upon it as any crowned king ."
character is made of small acts and is outcome of good conduct. character is again like a diamond that scratches all other stones. a man may be worldly successful all his life but goes hallow and worthless after his death,unsung ,unwept and unhonoured. Gandhi jee says ," truthfulness is the corner stone in making of character and well managed moral -order." some times character does miracles even without so called success that may not last longer,but chracter wins in the end .use any language your character speaks ,have any style it prevails,clad or unclad ,character is the best attaire and ornament in itself that needs no more.
To conclude ;we should try to be one --one that exhbits;--one that we have and --one that we think to have.these three states of mind when come to one ; the character is being established.
let us see ,what samual smiles says of character in his great title Character--"although genius always commands admiration,character most secures respect .the former is more the product of the brain,the latter is the product of heart -power and in the long run it is heart that rules in life.
Character is energy ,the central element of which is will--that produces the miracle of enthusiasm in all ages.everywhere it is the main- spring of what is called force of character and the sustaining power of all great action .
Good character is human nature in its best form. it is moral order embodied in the individual.men of character are not only the conscience of society but in every well governed state they are its best motive power ,for it is moral qualities ,which in the main rule the world .
there are many persons of whom it may be said that they had no other possession in the world but their character and yet they stand as firmly upon it as any crowned king ."
character is made of small acts and is outcome of good conduct. character is again like a diamond that scratches all other stones. a man may be worldly successful all his life but goes hallow and worthless after his death,unsung ,unwept and unhonoured. Gandhi jee says ," truthfulness is the corner stone in making of character and well managed moral -order." some times character does miracles even without so called success that may not last longer,but chracter wins in the end .use any language your character speaks ,have any style it prevails,clad or unclad ,character is the best attaire and ornament in itself that needs no more.
To conclude ;we should try to be one --one that exhbits;--one that we have and --one that we think to have.these three states of mind when come to one ; the character is being established.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A man is known not by what he has or does but his worth lies in ,what he is . let each man think himself as an act of GOD ;his mind a thought of GOD and his own life as a breath of GOD.man is really the best creation of GOD on earth . it is said ,*GOD created man in his own image .
when a man harms a man it seems,of all the animals in water ,on earth and in the sky he is the most foolish and meanest among the meanest and again when he loves the other man or animal or his neighbour ;he is the Soul Divine .either it is love or compassion or brotherhood or nonviolence ; one virtue that has been taught by all the Greats and goods and GOD. KARUNA (Kindness) is the the milk of human life . in Samskrit it is said ,"KARUNAIWA RASAH "
*"One can not always be a hero but one can always be a man "says, Goethe, the great writer. therefore we should try our best to be good and honest man . says , Samual Smiles in his great work Charecter, "no one is bound to be great nor to be rich or wise but every one is bound to be sincere and honest and what this sincere and honest means --one who is good husband to his wife ;good wife to her husband ; good father to his son and good son to his father ;a rlieble friend to his friend and staunch enemy to his enemy.
there are depths in man that may go to the lowest hell and again the hights that reach the heaven, for are not both heaven and hell made on of himself , everlasting miracle and mystery that he is.
Try to be good and honest man and then you can see that atleast one bad man is less in this world .what more than that you can do for others , comes next and all this with great humility. if you are proud ,.you have no GOD ;if envious , have no neighbour ; if violent , have no manhood like salt without being saline.(The BIBLE ) .what good then ;in being a man ;if you have neither GOD nor self nor neighbour ?
when a man harms a man it seems,of all the animals in water ,on earth and in the sky he is the most foolish and meanest among the meanest and again when he loves the other man or animal or his neighbour ;he is the Soul Divine .either it is love or compassion or brotherhood or nonviolence ; one virtue that has been taught by all the Greats and goods and GOD. KARUNA (Kindness) is the the milk of human life . in Samskrit it is said ,"KARUNAIWA RASAH "
*"One can not always be a hero but one can always be a man "says, Goethe, the great writer. therefore we should try our best to be good and honest man . says , Samual Smiles in his great work Charecter, "no one is bound to be great nor to be rich or wise but every one is bound to be sincere and honest and what this sincere and honest means --one who is good husband to his wife ;good wife to her husband ; good father to his son and good son to his father ;a rlieble friend to his friend and staunch enemy to his enemy.
there are depths in man that may go to the lowest hell and again the hights that reach the heaven, for are not both heaven and hell made on of himself , everlasting miracle and mystery that he is.
Try to be good and honest man and then you can see that atleast one bad man is less in this world .what more than that you can do for others , comes next and all this with great humility. if you are proud ,.you have no GOD ;if envious , have no neighbour ; if violent , have no manhood like salt without being saline.(The BIBLE ) .what good then ;in being a man ;if you have neither GOD nor self nor neighbour ?
Monday, December 8, 2008
to spend too much time in studies is sloth ,to use them too much for ornament ,affectation ,to make judgment wholly by their rules , is the humour of a scholar. if a man writes little he needs great memory ,if he confers little needs ready wit and if he reads little needs to be much cunning ,i.e to seem to know that he does not .
read not to contradict and confute ,nor to believe and take for granted ;nor to find talk and discourse ; but to weigh and consider,
studies serve for delight for ornament and for ability .their chief use for delight ,is in privateness an retiring ;for ornament .is in discourse ;and for ability .is in the judgment and disposition of business .
crafty men condemn studies ,simple men admire them and wise men use them.
reading makes a full man conference a ready man , and writing an exact man . history makes men wise ,poets witty ,the maths ,subtle ,philosophy,deep moral, grave and logic ,able to contend .
(all from Bacon ,the great writer in English.)
to conclude ; it is not what people eat ,but what they digest ; it is not what they earn ;but what they save ;that makes them strong and rich in the same way it is not what they read .but what they remember , that makes them wise and learned .
Bailey sayas,"when night has set his silver lamp on high (in the sky ) then is the proper time of real study that brings you the light of knowledge . "
life too short for reading ,it counted in days months and years ; had it been to be masured in centuries and ages we would have read each subject atleast hundred years and so on .
read not to contradict and confute ,nor to believe and take for granted ;nor to find talk and discourse ; but to weigh and consider,
studies serve for delight for ornament and for ability .their chief use for delight ,is in privateness an retiring ;for ornament .is in discourse ;and for ability .is in the judgment and disposition of business .
crafty men condemn studies ,simple men admire them and wise men use them.
reading makes a full man conference a ready man , and writing an exact man . history makes men wise ,poets witty ,the maths ,subtle ,philosophy,deep moral, grave and logic ,able to contend .
(all from Bacon ,the great writer in English.)
to conclude ; it is not what people eat ,but what they digest ; it is not what they earn ;but what they save ;that makes them strong and rich in the same way it is not what they read .but what they remember , that makes them wise and learned .
Bailey sayas,"when night has set his silver lamp on high (in the sky ) then is the proper time of real study that brings you the light of knowledge . "
life too short for reading ,it counted in days months and years ; had it been to be masured in centuries and ages we would have read each subject atleast hundred years and so on .
Sunday, December 7, 2008
भय की धनात्मक भूमिका
सामान्यतया यही कहा जाता है कि मनुष्य को निर्भय होना चाहिए और यह बात भी सही है परन्तु जीवन में सदाचार और सुचिता के लिए किसी एक का भय जरुरी है । भगवन ने राम चरित मानस में कहा है **अभय होई जो तुम्हई डेराई **यह डर किसी का हो सकता है । स्वयं अपना डर यानिकि अपने स्वाभिमान का डर अपने पद प्रतिष्टा परिवार की परम्पराओं का डर ,लोक का डर जिसे लोकभय भी कहा जाता है लोक लाज भी कहते है । सद्गुणों पर कलंक लगाने का भय और अंत में भगवान /ईश्वर का भय । उपरोक्त में से किसी एक का भय भी रहे तो काम चलेगा ।
जिस ब्यख्ति को उपरोक्त में से किसी का भय नही है उसका पतन अथवा बिनाश निश्चित ही है ,इसमे कोई भी संदेह नहीं है । गोस्वामी तुलसीदास ने राम चरित मानस में बहुत स्पष्ट और सूत्र रूप में कहा है ,** करत अनीति जाहि डर नहीं । सो जैहैं थोरे दिन माहीं **।
अतः मनुष्य जो किसी से डरता रहता है वह सदाचार के मार्ग पर चलता रहता है ,किंचित भय से । विनम्रता पूर्बक कहना चाहूँगा ,"कोई डर तो रखो , एक डर , कम से कम भगवान का और निर्भय हो जाओ ।
एक अंग्रेज लेखक कहता है ,"जो आदमी आदमी से छुप कर ग़लत काम करता है ,वह आदमी को तो डरता है परन्तु ईश्वर को सीधे सीधे चुनौती देता है । (ईश्वर तो देखता रहता है न ! )
जिस ब्यख्ति को उपरोक्त में से किसी का भय नही है उसका पतन अथवा बिनाश निश्चित ही है ,इसमे कोई भी संदेह नहीं है । गोस्वामी तुलसीदास ने राम चरित मानस में बहुत स्पष्ट और सूत्र रूप में कहा है ,** करत अनीति जाहि डर नहीं । सो जैहैं थोरे दिन माहीं **।
अतः मनुष्य जो किसी से डरता रहता है वह सदाचार के मार्ग पर चलता रहता है ,किंचित भय से । विनम्रता पूर्बक कहना चाहूँगा ,"कोई डर तो रखो , एक डर , कम से कम भगवान का और निर्भय हो जाओ ।
एक अंग्रेज लेखक कहता है ,"जो आदमी आदमी से छुप कर ग़लत काम करता है ,वह आदमी को तो डरता है परन्तु ईश्वर को सीधे सीधे चुनौती देता है । (ईश्वर तो देखता रहता है न ! )
Saturday, December 6, 2008
वर्तमान और सुख
आपका जीवन क्षणों में बिभक्त है .ऐ क्षण बहुत ही मूल्यवान हैं । इन क्षणों को आप कैसे बिताते है समझदारी से या भूतकाल की घटनाओं को स्मरण करके दुखी होते हैं अथवा यह सोचते है कि कल जब यह हो जाएगा जो आपका करने का या पाने का इरादा है उसको करके या पाकरके आप खुश होंगे । इसे ठीक से समझ ले । आज जो आप हैं , अथवा आपके पास जो है उससे आप खुश नहीं हैं परन्तु कल आप जब इससे बड़ा पद पा जायेगें तब बड़ी खुशी मिलेगी । कल को आप बड़ा पद या बड़ी संपत्ति पा सकते हैं परन्तु यह निशित नहीं है। ऐसा सदा ही सोचते रहने से आप का वर्तमान निकल जाता है और उस वर्तमान का जो भी अनुभव होता है उससे आप वंचित /महरूम हो जाते हैं । आप क्या हैं और क्या होंगे में आप का वेर्तमानखिसक जाता है । आप जो हैं उसका भी आनंद है कम से कम होने का ही परन्तु उसको आप मिस कर देते है । कल का आनंद काल्पनिक है ,जो आ भी सकता है और नहीं भी परन्तु आज का आनंद तो गया ही समझो । और कल वाला जब आएगा तब बहुत शीघ्र ही आप उससे संतुष्ट न होकर फ़िर दुसरे सुख की कामनामें चिंतित हो पडेगें ।
आने वाला सुख काल्पनिक है उसके बारे में सोचना बंद करते ही आप को वेर्तमान का सुख दिखाई देने लगेगा । कल का सुख मिथ्या है परन्तु वह आपका वेर्तमान क्षण बर्बाद कर देता है ,इसका कारन मात्र अज्ञान ही है । सो वेर्तमान में रहना सीखिए और सुखी हो जाइये .
आने वाला सुख काल्पनिक है उसके बारे में सोचना बंद करते ही आप को वेर्तमान का सुख दिखाई देने लगेगा । कल का सुख मिथ्या है परन्तु वह आपका वेर्तमान क्षण बर्बाद कर देता है ,इसका कारन मात्र अज्ञान ही है । सो वेर्तमान में रहना सीखिए और सुखी हो जाइये .
Friday, December 5, 2008
जीवन के दो पक्ष
मनुष्य के जीवन में दो बाते महत्वपूर्ण है । प्रथम यह कि आपको जो नैसर्गिक क्षमताएं प्राप्त हैं उनका पूरा विकास करने की पूरी कोशिश करें , उसमे कोई भी कसर अपनी तरफ़ से न छोडें ,यदि पूरे मन से कम नहीं किया गया ,तो सफलता की संभावना कम ही है । किसी कार्य में असफल होने पर निराश होने की वजाय अपने प्रयत्नों का पुनरवलोकन करना चाहिए और यह मान कर चलना चाहिए की कहीं कोई चूक जरुर हुई है और फ़िर बार बार भी प्रयास करके उसको सुधारना चाहिए । कमी पूरी होते ही सफलता मिलना निश्चित है यदि बहुत देर या अपूर्णीय देर नहीं हुई है । सफलता का महत्व उतना नहीं है ,जितना प्रयास का । प्रयास सही हुआ तो सफलता में संदेह की गुंजाईश शून्य प्रतिशत है। धैर्य की महत्ता ही यहाँ कारगर होगी ,निराशा नहीं । प्रयास प्रयास और प्रयास .
दूसरा पक्ष जो आपके बश में नहीं है .इसके अन्दर आपकी सीमाएं ,कालऔर परिस्थितियां हैं जो आपके द्वारा नियंत्रित नहीं हो सकती । इनके लिए आपको तटस्थ और स्थिर बुद्धि वाला बनना होगा । जो हो रहा है उसे होते देखना कार्य करना और उसके साथ सामंजस्य स्थापित करना या उसके साथ होकर ही । यही दोनों पक्ष एक जिनमे ताल मेल बनाकर चलना होगा । अपना
दूसरा पक्ष जो आपके बश में नहीं है .इसके अन्दर आपकी सीमाएं ,कालऔर परिस्थितियां हैं जो आपके द्वारा नियंत्रित नहीं हो सकती । इनके लिए आपको तटस्थ और स्थिर बुद्धि वाला बनना होगा । जो हो रहा है उसे होते देखना कार्य करना और उसके साथ सामंजस्य स्थापित करना या उसके साथ होकर ही । यही दोनों पक्ष एक जिनमे ताल मेल बनाकर चलना होगा । अपना
Thursday, December 4, 2008
मूर्त ,अमूर्त .अवतार और सत्य
मूर्त /अमूर्त दोनों में सत्य अनुस्यूत है । मूर्त में अमूर्त रूप में और अमूर्त में मूर्त रूप में । अमूर्त मूर्त रूप में अमूर्त को देखता है। यही हो रहा है ,यही होना है । मूर्त रूप में ईश्वर का साक्षात्कार साकार रूप में ही यथा --मनुष्य ,प्रकृति ,जीव -जंतु में किया जा सकता है । परन्तु सत्य का अमूर्त साक्षात्कार सम्पूर्ण प्रकृति के वैविध्य में स्यूत सत्य ,इस ऐक रूप में ही हो सकता है ,"शुनि शैव श्वपाके च पंडिता समदर्शिना (सह दर्शिना कहिये )। यहाँ सह : सत्य वा परमात्मा वाचक है .
मत्स्य ,कच्छप सुकर ,नरसिंह,वामन पुरुषोत्तम राम ,कृष्ण, बुद्ध ,महाबीर ,नानक,जीसस मुहम्मद और गाँधी ,सभी साकार अवतार हैं .देखिये सत्य के कैसे विकासवादी रूप और अवतार हैं । सब में उसी एक सत्य /उर्जा /शक्ति को देखने की क्षमता अन्तिम और पूर्ण ज्ञान है । हम आप और वह भी उसी के रूप हैं । यही वेद वेदांत कहते है ---सो अहम् अस्मि ** तत् त्वम् असि **सर्व खलु इदं ब्रह्म ** उसके अतिरिक्त और क्या है ? पुनश्च ----"सिया राम मय सब जग जानी । करहुँ प्रणाम जोरि जुग पानी। "
मत्स्य ,कच्छप सुकर ,नरसिंह,वामन पुरुषोत्तम राम ,कृष्ण, बुद्ध ,महाबीर ,नानक,जीसस मुहम्मद और गाँधी ,सभी साकार अवतार हैं .देखिये सत्य के कैसे विकासवादी रूप और अवतार हैं । सब में उसी एक सत्य /उर्जा /शक्ति को देखने की क्षमता अन्तिम और पूर्ण ज्ञान है । हम आप और वह भी उसी के रूप हैं । यही वेद वेदांत कहते है ---सो अहम् अस्मि ** तत् त्वम् असि **सर्व खलु इदं ब्रह्म ** उसके अतिरिक्त और क्या है ? पुनश्च ----"सिया राम मय सब जग जानी । करहुँ प्रणाम जोरि जुग पानी। "
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
उपनिषद से
उस (परमात्मा )ने इच्छा की ,मै प्रकट होऊं ,बहुत हो जाऊँ । उसने अपने संकल्प का विस्तार किया और जो कुछ देखने समझाने में आता है ,समस्त जगत की रचना की और अनंतर उसी में स्वयं भी प्रविष्ट हो गया । मूर्त और अमूर्त ,न बताने योग्य ,आश्रयवान तथा आश्रय रहित .चेतन और जड़ ,सत्य और अनृत भी वह (परमात्मा )हो गया । जो कुछ भी हमें और हमारी इन्द्रिओंसे दिखता और अनुभव में आता है ,वह सब सत्य ही है , ऐसा ज्ञानीजन कहतें हैं । देखिये - "वो कहते हैं , जो कुछ है खुदा वो नहीं । मै कहता हूँ , खुदा के सिवा है ही क्या ? "--- फिराक गोरखपुरी ।
तैतारियोपानिषद के अनुवाक ६ पर आधारित
तैतारियोपानिषद के अनुवाक ६ पर आधारित
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
every thing mind or matter is total ,complete and whole.you are not the part of any thing or god or power.really you are part of the biggest and ultimate whole. the ultimate ORGANISM.Gita hints at it as Virat Purush .get it clear. take your own body. your one of the fingers is full and complete in itself.it is part of the body but whole in itself. it is live with whole body in all unity enjoying the whole activities cf the body and individual.in any way if this finger is detached from the body it is not lost at all but looses its identity with individual.now it is not a live finger but now it exists in other forms.
the whole universe ceases for a person who ceases his self with whole. all the world exists when you exist,although when you do not exist the world exists but not for you but for others who exist.therefore you are yourself as well as one world with the worlds of others. in this way each and every thing has its' own world.therefore there are as many world as many items say persons and with the same time one world of all.all this worlds are in harmony with ultimate world.
this idea has been very vividly declared in the introductory lines in Ishavshyopanishad that says thus .this is whole and when one other is deducted from this whole is also perfect and whole and again all that remains is also the perfect whole. truth is that Truth has this potential to manifest it from one whole to other many wholes in harmony with the Original.
therefore you are all complete and one whole world in yourself as a close attached limb of the whole body as i quoted Viratpurush in Bhagwatgita,for detail please see this reference in Gita।
''A human being is a part of the whole that we call the universe, a part limited in time and space। He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for only the few people nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living beings and all of nature. ''
Albert Einstein
the whole universe ceases for a person who ceases his self with whole. all the world exists when you exist,although when you do not exist the world exists but not for you but for others who exist.therefore you are yourself as well as one world with the worlds of others. in this way each and every thing has its' own world.therefore there are as many world as many items say persons and with the same time one world of all.all this worlds are in harmony with ultimate world.
this idea has been very vividly declared in the introductory lines in Ishavshyopanishad that says thus .this is whole and when one other is deducted from this whole is also perfect and whole and again all that remains is also the perfect whole. truth is that Truth has this potential to manifest it from one whole to other many wholes in harmony with the Original.
therefore you are all complete and one whole world in yourself as a close attached limb of the whole body as i quoted Viratpurush in Bhagwatgita,for detail please see this reference in Gita।
''A human being is a part of the whole that we call the universe, a part limited in time and space। He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for only the few people nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living beings and all of nature. ''
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
TRUTH IS ONE. if you know Lord Bauddha and his KARUNA compassion and again his theory of madhyam marg i.e.middle way ,u have known all that is knowable. you have known yourself. say --you now need not know Sukrat or Mahavir or Muhammad or Rama orKrishna and all the list who have known the Truth.
If you know your Religion well ,you know all the Religions of the world. one who critcises the others' Religion and claims his is better ,knows not his own. no Religion teaches wrong and if any does so is not a Religion.
when we know the Truth ,we know the Self ,the individual self and the Universal Self. Sukarat when asked ,being the wisest in Athens tell us the Truth he said ," yes, i may be wise because I the only in Athens know that i am a fool " ,therefore those who call them wise or their Religion best they do not know either.where there is humility ,only there is knowledge.
thus who says ,he knows really he knows not but he who says ,he knows not ,he knows. '
If you know your Religion well ,you know all the Religions of the world. one who critcises the others' Religion and claims his is better ,knows not his own. no Religion teaches wrong and if any does so is not a Religion.
when we know the Truth ,we know the Self ,the individual self and the Universal Self. Sukarat when asked ,being the wisest in Athens tell us the Truth he said ," yes, i may be wise because I the only in Athens know that i am a fool " ,therefore those who call them wise or their Religion best they do not know either.where there is humility ,only there is knowledge.
thus who says ,he knows really he knows not but he who says ,he knows not ,he knows. '
Monday, November 24, 2008
My mind to me a kingdom is,
Such present joys therein I find,
That it excels all other bliss
That earth affords or grows by kind:
My mind to me a kingdom is,
Such present joys therein I find,
That it excels all other bliss
That earth affords or grows by kind:
Though much I want which most would have,
Yet still my mind forbids to crave.
No princely pomp, no wealthy store,
Nor force to win the victory;
Nor force to win the victory;
Some have too much yet still do crave
I little have and seek no more.
They are but poor, though much they have,
And I am rich with little store:
They poor , I rich , they beg , I give .
They lack ,I leave ,they pine I live.
I little have and seek no more.
They are but poor, though much they have,
And I am rich with little store:
They poor , I rich , they beg , I give .
They lack ,I leave ,they pine I live.
I laugh not at another's loss;
I grudge not at another's gain;
I grudge not at another's gain;
My wealth is health and perfect ease;
My conscience clear my chief defence;
I neither seek by bribes to please,
Nor by deceit to breed offence:
I neither seek by bribes to please,
Nor by deceit to breed offence:
Thus do I live; thus will I die;
Would all did so well as I!
Would all did so well as I!
- - By Edward Dyer ( Only selected lines )
Friday, November 21, 2008
पात्रता तथा उपलब्धता
आप क्या प्राप्त करते हैं ,यह महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है अपितु आप की पात्रता क्या है यह माने रखता है । जो पात्र हैं उन्हें उसके अनुसार मिलना चाहिए .अतः पात्र बनने की कोशिश करनी होगी .औपचारिक विदया से पात्रता ही प्राप्त होती है । कहा है ,"विद्दया ददाति विनयं विनयाद पात्रताम"। फ़िर पता चला , पात्रता विनम्रता में है । अतः विनयी बनो । एक उदहारण --सागर सबसे विनयी है सो पृथ्वी पर जो सबसे नीचे जगह थी वहां जाकर बैठ गया और देखिये किस तरह सबसे संपन्न हो गया । आप के मन में सवाल आता होगा ,नहीं हिमालय तो सबसे ऊँचा है ,नहीं मित्र ! हिमालय की सबसे ऊँची चोटियों पर सागर ही लहराता है वर्फ के रूप में । नीचे भी उपर भी और बीच में भी । " नीचे जल है ,उपर हिम है ,एक तरल है ,एक सघन । एक तत्व की है प्रधानता "
Thursday, November 20, 2008
'' No one is bound to be rich nor to be wise or great but every one is bound to be sincere an honest .sincere does mean , you are careful of your husband and true to your wife , respectful to your parents and loving to your children and again faithful to your friend honest to your duty and staunch enemy to your enemy.'' -Samual Smiles in his title ''Character ''
To be Good , call Simple also , is one thing and to be Great is another thing .Greatness is some time gift of nature , God , as , great scientist , poet , orator , artist , singer , an architect or in High places , is being earned by you with your potential and hard laboure.Goodness is exclusively a different quality ( I call it Virtue ).This can be achieved by any one irrespective of cast , creed , religion place , post ; position.. examples - Shabari (lady in Ram Charit Manas) was not great but good and Ravan was great but not good. Sri Rama was great and good , both. all the Greatest) . Baudha , a Prince renounced the Kingdom and decided to be a beggar . The names of some good but not great - Kautilya( Chankya )Spinoza , Omar khayam , Kewat ( Boat-man ) and Hanuman a monkey. See ! great but not good - Bacon (great writer in Enghlish prose ) the wisest and the meanest ( who bribed ), Indra ( the King of Gods ) who molested the pious lady Ahilya , and Dronachary the meanest great Guru .
To conclude, we should strive to be Great and may fail or succeed but we all are bound to be good ( As it need nothing to be simple and good , kind , loving , helping ,and humane.Jesus says ,* O man ! you are the SALT of the earth , if you loose your taste , how are you to be salted ? this salt in us is the Goodness , . .If this salt is not there in you. You were doubted to be a MAN .Think good , Do good and Be good. those who are good ,are great and those who are good and great both , are the greatest . Those who are only great,doubly dying shall go down to them , neither wept nor sung nor honoured when they leave this planet .
To be Good , call Simple also , is one thing and to be Great is another thing .Greatness is some time gift of nature , God , as , great scientist , poet , orator , artist , singer , an architect or in High places , is being earned by you with your potential and hard laboure.Goodness is exclusively a different quality ( I call it Virtue ).This can be achieved by any one irrespective of cast , creed , religion place , post ; position.. examples - Shabari (lady in Ram Charit Manas) was not great but good and Ravan was great but not good. Sri Rama was great and good , both. all the Greatest) . Baudha , a Prince renounced the Kingdom and decided to be a beggar . The names of some good but not great - Kautilya( Chankya )Spinoza , Omar khayam , Kewat ( Boat-man ) and Hanuman a monkey. See ! great but not good - Bacon (great writer in Enghlish prose ) the wisest and the meanest ( who bribed ), Indra ( the King of Gods ) who molested the pious lady Ahilya , and Dronachary the meanest great Guru .
To conclude, we should strive to be Great and may fail or succeed but we all are bound to be good ( As it need nothing to be simple and good , kind , loving , helping ,and humane.Jesus says ,* O man ! you are the SALT of the earth , if you loose your taste , how are you to be salted ? this salt in us is the Goodness , . .If this salt is not there in you. You were doubted to be a MAN .Think good , Do good and Be good. those who are good ,are great and those who are good and great both , are the greatest . Those who are only great,doubly dying shall go down to them , neither wept nor sung nor honoured when they leave this planet .
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Any new situation (S) organism/person (O) reacts (R) .his action is /may be complicated and it needs to be analyzed properly. say- A goes angry with you and uses rough words and you react in the same vein the matter is raised hot and high. the second chance you may take to keep silent and otherwise show compassion why?,thinking that A's anger on so a petty thing is not instant and ephemeral but this has it's root in past and reasons are behind the curtain. it is rather stored thought through negative thinking and this present incident has given A a suitable time to express his old stock . therefore the later way of reaction is recommended.
A can/may behave with many reasons unknown to you but you can see that there is something wrong with A because of his impropriety in behaviour . so you have to be cautious while having the company of A or any of your family and friends and talking and reacting .if you err the matter may worsen and pretty small things may turn to sad unexpected.
so in this way we learn that S (the first action) is not very important as it is very very important to react (R). the thing that is kept in mind is to be very careful while reacting and not to feel hurt yourself . this is the key of success and any failure on your part may damage the whole environment and at large the relation between the two i.e A AND YOU. we can conclude -- see yourself,think yourself improve yourself ,react wisely and keep awareness and wit alive while reacting with any ,A B C D, on any subject X Y Z.
A can/may behave with many reasons unknown to you but you can see that there is something wrong with A because of his impropriety in behaviour . so you have to be cautious while having the company of A or any of your family and friends and talking and reacting .if you err the matter may worsen and pretty small things may turn to sad unexpected.
so in this way we learn that S (the first action) is not very important as it is very very important to react (R). the thing that is kept in mind is to be very careful while reacting and not to feel hurt yourself . this is the key of success and any failure on your part may damage the whole environment and at large the relation between the two i.e A AND YOU. we can conclude -- see yourself,think yourself improve yourself ,react wisely and keep awareness and wit alive while reacting with any ,A B C D, on any subject X Y Z.
Monday, November 17, 2008
RCMI recommend Ram Charit Manas (hereafter RCM) on reasons.when you feel hopeless .stressed in prvateness and retiring have delight and pleasure with RCM.it is an ornament to a person who has the distilled knowledge of all that is the best in what is called and honoured and respected as Indian .it guides you and gives the ability to guide others in counseling,judgement and disposal of bussiness.RCM expertise you to execute.on one hand teaches us humility and the other provides humour.commen man admires it because he finds it easy to understand while singing,wise men go deep in and use it.
RCM leaves the reader wise,witty .subtle , cultured intelligent logical and moral. the reader manifests the characters of RCM in his individual life and in the society at large . reading RCM makes a full man ready man and exact man.as it is well said ,*RCM is a book of some few to be chewed and digested *
one example---Rama says when exiled for fourteen long years,**how fortunate i am ,one, obey my fathers'word, second do the will of mother Kakeyi and the third, most dear to me Worthy brother Bharat becomes the King.moreover here in forest i have the blessings of great saints.indeed this is the result of my good deeds and fortune.**.it is one ,you can find hundred and thousands.
it is expirienced and told by its readers ----unbecoming becomes , unhappening happens and welldone is undone.Ram katha sundar kartari **shanshya bihag udawan hari** RCM tells you how to make bird of doubt fly away. with all humility ,i recommend you readRCM and read it to others and reread ...and see.
RCM leaves the reader wise,witty .subtle , cultured intelligent logical and moral. the reader manifests the characters of RCM in his individual life and in the society at large . reading RCM makes a full man ready man and exact man.as it is well said ,*RCM is a book of some few to be chewed and digested *
one example---Rama says when exiled for fourteen long years,**how fortunate i am ,one, obey my fathers'word, second do the will of mother Kakeyi and the third, most dear to me Worthy brother Bharat becomes the King.moreover here in forest i have the blessings of great saints.indeed this is the result of my good deeds and fortune.**.it is one ,you can find hundred and thousands.
it is expirienced and told by its readers ----unbecoming becomes , unhappening happens and welldone is undone.Ram katha sundar kartari **shanshya bihag udawan hari** RCM tells you how to make bird of doubt fly away. with all humility ,i recommend you readRCM and read it to others and reread ...and see.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
ललित लघु ( स्माल एंड ब्यूटीफुल)
छोटा परन्तु सुंदर , यह जीवन के प्रति एक दृष्टि किंवा एक अवधारणा है ( Attitude towards life ).
इसे इस तरह से देखें - यथा लाभ संतोष , किसी से कुछ भी न चाहना , अपने निहित कर्मों का सदैव सर्वदा मनोयोग से निर्वहन , इश्वर में आस्था , सत्य , अहिंसा का पालन , चोरी और संग्रह से बचना , अपनी आवश्यकता से अधिक
संपत्ति को लोक कल्याण में लगाना , सदाचार से संतति -विकास , मन बचन कर्म से किसी को सताना नहीं , शोषण न करना , परहित में निरंतर निरत रहना , किसी द्वारा कठिन बचन ब्यवहार करने पर दुखी (हर्ट ) न होना , शरीरश्रम , सभी धर्मों को अपने धर्म जैसा ही आदर देना , सबको आदर ,प्रेम देना , बड़ों के प्रति विनय , छोटों को स्नेह , पर्यावरण को प्रदूषित न करना , प्रभु या प्रकृति से जो अपने को मिला हो यथा - बुद्धि , योग्यता , संपत्ति , क्षमता , ऐश्वर्य ; उसका पूरा उपभोग करना ,उनको बढाते रहना और आधिक्य से उन सभी में बांटना जिनमे उक्त की कमी है , सुख- दुःख लाभ- अलाभ जय-अजय में एक रस रहना , सभी कर्मों , कार्यों को प्रभु की प्रार्थना ही समझाना , कर्तापॅन का अभाव , सदा प्रसन्न ;यही है , सुंदर छोटा सा जीवन ...... ललित और लघु ( स्माल एंड ब्यूटीफुल )
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
बुद्धिमत्ता के ऋण अंक
बुद्धिमत्ता के ऋण अंक ............
आप चाहे जितने पढ़े -लिखे या छोटे बड़े पद पर हों या संपन्न हो ---जरुरी नहीं आप बुद्धिमान भी हों ( WISE ) । मनोविज्ञान के अनुसार निम्न प्रकार से अपना मुल्यांकन करें ।निम्न में से आप जों भी करते हैं आपका अंक माइनस / कम होत जाता है देखे आपके कितने अंक बचे हैं ?
कुल अंक =100
मदिरापान - 5,
धूम्रपान - 5 ,=10
अपना निश्चित कार्य न कर दूसरे का कार्य देखना -3, =13
दूसरे की नक़ल करना (सद्गुणों के अलावां ) -2 =15
वरिष्टों का निरादर - 3 =18
न पढ़ना न पढाना न सीखना सिखाना -3 =21
क्षमतानुसार जरूरतमंद की मदद न करना -3 = 24
सजाने हेतु बाह्य प्रसाधन -प्रयोग यथा -बल काले करना ,इत्र आदिका -3 =27
दुश्मन बनाना -2 =29
सुरक्षा को छोड़कर प्रदर्शन हेतु अस्त्र शश्त्र रखना -2 = 31
सुरक्षा के अलावां कुत्ते बिल्ली वन्य जीव पालना -2 = 33
दुर्भावना सामान्य सबके प्रति -1 =34
घर में अपने सामान यथास्थान न रखना -1 = 35
अपना खाना न बना पाना -1 = 36
तैर न सकना -2 = 38
स्वार्थ तथा सेक्स का प्रेम -2 = 40
किसी प्रकार का प्रदूषण करना -2 = 42
किसी चीज का दुरपयोग अधिक प्रयोग -2 =44
आवश्यकता से अधिक संग्रह -1 = 45
शो के लिए कपड़े जेवर आदि पहनना -1 =46
हारने , नहीं जीतने का भाव -1 = 47
जन वादी न होना -1 =48
छोटों को स्नेह न देना -1 =49
सभी कामों को बराबर न समझना -2 =51
दूसरे को बोलने नहीं देना -1 = 52
पशु पक्षी वनस्पतियो को सताना फूल तोड़ना -2 = 54
खाना छोड़ना -2 =56
असत्य भाषण डींग हांकना -2 =58
जो दूसरे को सिखाना वह स्वयं न करना - 3 =61
हिंसा करना शारीरिक यातना देना -2 =63
अनैतिक साधनों से धन कमाना -5 =68
अपने देश संस्कृति धर्म झंडे का सम्मान न करना -3 =71
दोस्त को धोका देना -5 =76
किसी भी का शोषण करना - 2 = 78
अंहकार और पुर्बाग्रह -3 =81
अपनी जिम्मेदारी न समझना दूसरे के प्रति -3 =84
सुख दुःख में समान न रहना -3 =87
ईश्वर और मृत्यु को न डरना - 2 =89
सभी के प्रति दया न होना -2 =91
दूसरों का तिरस्कार -2 =93
अपनी गलती स्वीकार न करना -1 =94
ऐ करते समय बी का ध्यान -1 =95
सोचने और करने में अन्तर -1 =96
महापुरुषों का तिरस्कार -1 =97
दूसरे की निंदा -1 =98
प्रार्थना नही करते - 2 शेष =100
आप चाहे जितने पढ़े -लिखे या छोटे बड़े पद पर हों या संपन्न हो ---जरुरी नहीं आप बुद्धिमान भी हों ( WISE ) । मनोविज्ञान के अनुसार निम्न प्रकार से अपना मुल्यांकन करें ।निम्न में से आप जों भी करते हैं आपका अंक माइनस / कम होत जाता है देखे आपके कितने अंक बचे हैं ?
कुल अंक =100
मदिरापान - 5,
धूम्रपान - 5 ,=10
अपना निश्चित कार्य न कर दूसरे का कार्य देखना -3, =13
दूसरे की नक़ल करना (सद्गुणों के अलावां ) -2 =15
वरिष्टों का निरादर - 3 =18
न पढ़ना न पढाना न सीखना सिखाना -3 =21
क्षमतानुसार जरूरतमंद की मदद न करना -3 = 24
सजाने हेतु बाह्य प्रसाधन -प्रयोग यथा -बल काले करना ,इत्र आदिका -3 =27
दुश्मन बनाना -2 =29
सुरक्षा को छोड़कर प्रदर्शन हेतु अस्त्र शश्त्र रखना -2 = 31
सुरक्षा के अलावां कुत्ते बिल्ली वन्य जीव पालना -2 = 33
दुर्भावना सामान्य सबके प्रति -1 =34
घर में अपने सामान यथास्थान न रखना -1 = 35
अपना खाना न बना पाना -1 = 36
तैर न सकना -2 = 38
स्वार्थ तथा सेक्स का प्रेम -2 = 40
किसी प्रकार का प्रदूषण करना -2 = 42
किसी चीज का दुरपयोग अधिक प्रयोग -2 =44
आवश्यकता से अधिक संग्रह -1 = 45
शो के लिए कपड़े जेवर आदि पहनना -1 =46
हारने , नहीं जीतने का भाव -1 = 47
जन वादी न होना -1 =48
छोटों को स्नेह न देना -1 =49
सभी कामों को बराबर न समझना -2 =51
दूसरे को बोलने नहीं देना -1 = 52
पशु पक्षी वनस्पतियो को सताना फूल तोड़ना -2 = 54
खाना छोड़ना -2 =56
असत्य भाषण डींग हांकना -2 =58
जो दूसरे को सिखाना वह स्वयं न करना - 3 =61
हिंसा करना शारीरिक यातना देना -2 =63
अनैतिक साधनों से धन कमाना -5 =68
अपने देश संस्कृति धर्म झंडे का सम्मान न करना -3 =71
दोस्त को धोका देना -5 =76
किसी भी का शोषण करना - 2 = 78
अंहकार और पुर्बाग्रह -3 =81
अपनी जिम्मेदारी न समझना दूसरे के प्रति -3 =84
सुख दुःख में समान न रहना -3 =87
ईश्वर और मृत्यु को न डरना - 2 =89
सभी के प्रति दया न होना -2 =91
दूसरों का तिरस्कार -2 =93
अपनी गलती स्वीकार न करना -1 =94
ऐ करते समय बी का ध्यान -1 =95
सोचने और करने में अन्तर -1 =96
महापुरुषों का तिरस्कार -1 =97
दूसरे की निंदा -1 =98
प्रार्थना नही करते - 2 शेष =100
Sunday, November 2, 2008
नाम-जप साधना
आत्मसाक्षात्कार के लिए कई कई साधन कहे गए हैं । ज्ञान का मार्ग सबसे कठिन है .ज्ञान का पंथ कृपान की धारा **और पुनः ,कहत कठिन समुझत कठिन साधत कठिन विवेक । कर्म का मार्ग राजा जनक का मार्ग है ,जोग भोग मह राखा गोई **। भक्ति का मार्ग साकार ईश्वर से प्रेम है ,स्वामी ,सखा ,प्रेमी ,प्रेमिका के रूप में । प्रेम का मार्ग भी कठिन ही है ,यह तो मारग प्रेम का खाला का घर नाहिं**.
सो कोई सरलतम मार्ग चाहिए ,खास कर कलयुग में । नम जप साधना यही मार्ग है । कोई नाम किसी देवता ,ईश्वर का , किसी धर्म में अथवा कोई छोटा सा मंत्र ,ईश्वर ,खुदा ,गाद ले लीजिये और उसे बार बार , बार बार दोहराइए --भाव कुभाव अनख आलसहूँ। नाम जपत मंगल दिसी दसहूँ **और उल्टा नाम जपत जग जाना। वाल्मिक भये ब्रह्म समाना॥ **नाम जप का न कोई नियम न समय न योग्यता न गुरु न गोसाईं न श्रद्धा न विश्वाश ,एक दम यांत्रिक । कर्म सिद्धांत के अनुसार फल मिलेगा । देवरहा बाबा कहते हैं ,राम का नाम लेते रहो तो जैसे दो लकडियों के रगड़ने से आग पैदा हो जाती है उसी प्रकार ईश्वर का साक्षात्कार हो जाएगा ,इसमे कोई संदेह नही है (विश्वाश की आवश्यकता नहीं है )
कबीर ,तुलसी ,सूर रजनीश ,गाँधी और महेश योगी अदि अन्य अन्य इस मत के साधक ,समर्थक और सफल सिद्धि प्राप्तकर्ता हुए हैं । आप भी अपनाकर देख लीजिये ,जितना काम उतना दाम । मन से बेमन से ,लीजिये एक नाम कोई भी अपने प्रभु का और हो जाइये निश्चिंत ।
सो कोई सरलतम मार्ग चाहिए ,खास कर कलयुग में । नम जप साधना यही मार्ग है । कोई नाम किसी देवता ,ईश्वर का , किसी धर्म में अथवा कोई छोटा सा मंत्र ,ईश्वर ,खुदा ,गाद ले लीजिये और उसे बार बार , बार बार दोहराइए --भाव कुभाव अनख आलसहूँ। नाम जपत मंगल दिसी दसहूँ **और उल्टा नाम जपत जग जाना। वाल्मिक भये ब्रह्म समाना॥ **नाम जप का न कोई नियम न समय न योग्यता न गुरु न गोसाईं न श्रद्धा न विश्वाश ,एक दम यांत्रिक । कर्म सिद्धांत के अनुसार फल मिलेगा । देवरहा बाबा कहते हैं ,राम का नाम लेते रहो तो जैसे दो लकडियों के रगड़ने से आग पैदा हो जाती है उसी प्रकार ईश्वर का साक्षात्कार हो जाएगा ,इसमे कोई संदेह नही है (विश्वाश की आवश्यकता नहीं है )
कबीर ,तुलसी ,सूर रजनीश ,गाँधी और महेश योगी अदि अन्य अन्य इस मत के साधक ,समर्थक और सफल सिद्धि प्राप्तकर्ता हुए हैं । आप भी अपनाकर देख लीजिये ,जितना काम उतना दाम । मन से बेमन से ,लीजिये एक नाम कोई भी अपने प्रभु का और हो जाइये निश्चिंत ।
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
धर्म के संबध में
धर्म विना नैतिकता के जीवंत नहीं हो सकता .कोई धर्म जो भौतिक सामाजिक और आत्मिक अराजकता फैलता है ,न व्यक्ति के लिए हितकर है न समाज के लिए .धर्म जो देता है एक पवित्र आत्मा का पूर्ण पुरुष वही पूर्ण धर्म है । सभी धर्मों की यही एक मात्र कसौटी है ।
धर्मं हमारा चुनाव नहीं है .अतः धर्म बदलना ईश्वर का अपमान है .जो अपने धर्म को नहीं जानता केवल वही , दूसरेधर्मं की आलोचना करता है .जितने लोग दूसरे धर्म की आलोचना करते है बस वही धर्मांध हैं .यह पहचान है ऐसे लोग सभी धर्मों में है ऐ लोग नकली हैं और इनका धर्म भी नकली समझो .
सभी धर्म सदगुणों का प्रचार करते हैं .यदि किसी धर्मं की कोई बात आपको अच्छी लगती है तो आप स्वतंत्र हैं उसे अपनाने के लिए और यदि अपने धर्म में कोई बात अनुकूल नही लगाती तो उसको वहीं बाइज्जत रहने दो.अब दुनिया एक गावं हो गई है और एक दुनिया एक धर्म की बात है ,मानव -धर्म ,नैतिक धर्म और असली बात भी यही है ।
.धर्मं के सम्बन्ध में लड़ना छिपे रूप से सभ्य पशुता और धार्मिक उन्माद है .सभी धर्म हमे प्रेम दया भाईचारा सिखाते हैं कोई धर्म निरपराध की हत्या करना नही सिखाता .मेरी समझ से धर्म अपराध से बचाता है .क्या कोई भी धर्म अपराध करने को कहता है ?जिस भी धर्म में धर्मान्धों और नकली धर्म मानने वालों का प्रभुत्व बढ़ रहा हो उस धर्म के नेताओं और धर्म वालों को सावधान हो जाना चाहिए अन्यथा उनका धर्म खतरे में है ऐसा मन लेना चाहिए .इतिहास यही कहता है.
धर्मं हमारा चुनाव नहीं है .अतः धर्म बदलना ईश्वर का अपमान है .जो अपने धर्म को नहीं जानता केवल वही , दूसरेधर्मं की आलोचना करता है .जितने लोग दूसरे धर्म की आलोचना करते है बस वही धर्मांध हैं .यह पहचान है ऐसे लोग सभी धर्मों में है ऐ लोग नकली हैं और इनका धर्म भी नकली समझो .
सभी धर्म सदगुणों का प्रचार करते हैं .यदि किसी धर्मं की कोई बात आपको अच्छी लगती है तो आप स्वतंत्र हैं उसे अपनाने के लिए और यदि अपने धर्म में कोई बात अनुकूल नही लगाती तो उसको वहीं बाइज्जत रहने दो.अब दुनिया एक गावं हो गई है और एक दुनिया एक धर्म की बात है ,मानव -धर्म ,नैतिक धर्म और असली बात भी यही है ।
.धर्मं के सम्बन्ध में लड़ना छिपे रूप से सभ्य पशुता और धार्मिक उन्माद है .सभी धर्म हमे प्रेम दया भाईचारा सिखाते हैं कोई धर्म निरपराध की हत्या करना नही सिखाता .मेरी समझ से धर्म अपराध से बचाता है .क्या कोई भी धर्म अपराध करने को कहता है ?जिस भी धर्म में धर्मान्धों और नकली धर्म मानने वालों का प्रभुत्व बढ़ रहा हो उस धर्म के नेताओं और धर्म वालों को सावधान हो जाना चाहिए अन्यथा उनका धर्म खतरे में है ऐसा मन लेना चाहिए .इतिहास यही कहता है.
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