Saturday, May 23, 2009


In this writ i use the word Nature as the whole o f the Creation or the Solar Family or all about and around and beyond , that we are part of . from the smallest to the biggest , one whole and united and again each free and complete in its own entity . this Nature is truth , dynamic and joyful together ; three in one . Nature is ; Nature being and Nature joyful .Nature has science ,Nature has morals and Nature has art/pleasure . we the men and all other in Nature have these there aspects . its rules are science , its movement is morals and its enjoying itself is pleasure .
Rules of Nature are fixed and final that we call science . whole of Nature goes by these fixed rules without any change or deviation . some of these rules we have discovered and know and use accordingly to assist our life to better . rest , much more need to be explored . all the branches of science are the discoveries that we have done so far .
The second is the dynamic aspect of Nature and this is ruled by moral laws . to certain extent we are free to act and decide our course of action . but results are as per action . we can take action , 'A ', 'B' or 'C'........' Z' and the results will be accordingly , Ar, Br, Cr , ....Zr. (r=result ). there is no way out to act 'A' and have Cr or Xr .there is no excuse , no alternative , no alteration .
One who understands this rule is safe . the simple and the safe way to keep you from the bad fruit /result you have to sow right seed /action . this need no cleverness . a man of common sense can use it and keep himself safe . but we mostly fine , not in all cases , but in many cases that so called clever(themselves they think so ) commit the mistake and entrap themselves . Awareness of action and its initiation and also anticipation of results can prevent you from inevitable unwanted results . this is Moral -Science and perfect in its rules as of science . thus to be true . to be pure , to be simple , to be same inside and outside , to be one in thought and speech and action is the safest way to lead a fearless life . this is Pearl of Wisdom . the so called clever think to fool other /but Nature and do not ultimately get wise to them .
You can be able to get what you want in a clever way especially by tricking or cheating somebody and think yourself crafty and wily and feel that you have outwitted one / many /others but remember ! you can outwit Nature and Laws of Nature (in Vedas it is Rit) when you are fooling others , you are fooling Nature , rather challenging the Rules of Nature । you understand not and know not that really , unknowingly you are fooling yourself । there is no History otherwise . no record . otherwise the Moral -Laws would have been changed and recorded other way . It is Truth that wins '' सत्यमेव जायते , नान्रितं '' this saying of Vedas would have been recorded otherwise. if you fool about with matches you will end up getting yourself burned . be wise to be simple and plain not wise to be clever and cunning .
To be simple needs no much brain but restrain and to be clever , to fool others need mean -wisdom , quick brain । well writes , Shakespeare , '' it needs to be wise enough to play the part of fool . ''
If we follow the above two rules , the rule of science and the rule of moral science ; both together Rule of Nature , we enjoy this life in full .

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Read less ; less is better than more . read less , think more , analyse your feelings and experiences , then put it on the balance of science and act to achieve that is the truth .Analyse , means to take the truth on better available sources and leave all that is doubtful , unscientific and unprovable obsolete .
Do not believe that is heard , spoken , rumoured , written in the books of religion , teachers /preachers , elders /olden and traditions / conventions for many generations . read , observe , analyse , and when you find that it / that agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all in reference to that particular time and place and circumstances ,then accept it . then and then live up to it . beliefs becomes knowledge if the belief is true . believe a person who does not ask you to only believe him but believe him who is competent to turn the belief in truth . who is competent to enable you to test , what he asked to believe . ( Ram Krishna to Vivekanand .)
Religion can be a matter of faith for those who can not verify it , for those who are incompetent to realize what is true .who are in doubt about any thought or thing but not able / capable to get themselves . we believe in many things /thoughts discovered by others in science but verified by others and many and could be verified by all i they want . this is the case with religion also . but the facts related to religion are to be verified individually and rather more difficult to achieve . so far no method has been got to show what one feels and experiences in his own mind . that is why,people want to see some charisma . but these cases are very very rare and seem to be coincidences . some time these incidents are true and others are exaggerated . we should be careful in these cases .
only those who tread the path , can be witnesses only and can prove or not approve , the true and the false । in Upnishadas the teacher and the taught /student are equally busy whole life in pursuit of truth . the student busy in teaching , what he has learned and the teacher is learning when teaching and also when not teaching . learning is a process from cradle to grave .
So learn what to read ; whom to believe and what and where to act . but if you want to know the Truth you will have to act , no other one can it on your behalf or in your place . it is well said , '' one ho wants to test death , he will have to die . Religion may go with faith but one can try it and find the TRUTH .

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Mantra is a word , phrase ,syllable/s, group of words ;that is repeated again and again ; any time / all time while awake and at the time of prayer .
Mantra s are used in India in all schools of philosophies i. e. Vedanta, Sanatan dharm , Bauddhism , Janism ,Yoga and also in Islam and in China, Japan , Barma , Pak and all Muslim Countries and all Religions .
In English there is no equal word to Mantra and has been adopted by OALD .this means Europeans have no such system in their English /Period / History / Etymology .
Any Mantra is a sound . Sound is an Energy . Any kind of Energy can be converted into other. As -Sound ><>हिंसा तन्निरोधे वैर त्यागः ( पतंजलि-योगसूत्र ) , अर्थात जिसके मन से हिंसा का भाव हट गया है , उससे कोई वैर नही करता । इसके लिए भाव सहित ॐ का जप कर भाव सिद्धि की जा सकती है । ॐ ईश्वर का सबसे छोटा और वैज्ञानिक नाम है । इसमे एक स्वर ,एक मात्रा और एक ब्यंजन , तीनों को मिलाकर एक ध्वनि बनाई गई है , जो दुहराने से बार बार भाव के अनुसार शक्ति प्रवाहित होती है । सूत्र इस प्रकार है -- '' ईश्वरप्रनिधानात वा ॥ सः गुरुनाम गुरु ॥ तस्य वाचकः प्रणवः = ॐ ॥ सः निरतिशय सर्वग्य बीजं ।। ''
Indian Etymology goes like this - man = manas = thought(Mind ) tra = tool/ instrument . Mantra = An instrument of thought /mind (To tame / control it to right path .
When we reapet a Mantra with a thought/ concept / even a good intent it viverates and put its effect on the whole Creation and invite to favour you as your intent . it gives you all that is there in the world good and great . ( it is said whenever Tathagat /Lord Baudhaa visited any place / village /town the plants of flowers went in full bloom even out of season . and clouds put themselves over Lord Ram while roaming in the open . )
There are several methods of attaing God hood , Knowledge , Truth and Self Realization . Chanting of Mantras is one of them . i have given details of this method in my one / two posts on blogg . please also read for chanting of Gayatri Mantra , the BEST Mantra IN the World and Of Om in other post .see also the word Om in Baudhism ,Janism And Guru Granth Sahib and again compare in English words showing the same meanings - Omniscence ,Omnipotent and Omni present . In the same spirit Om has been used in our country as a Mantra
Now the Psychology of the Mantra - Mind is very very powerful and naughty and wondering after worldly objects , here and there and if left free commits mischiefs ।it is said , '' the human mind is like a grinder , if you put wheat under it , it will make / change it into flour and if you do not put wheat under it , it will grind itself । '' in this way chanting of Mantras is to keep the mind engaged with good thoughts and feelings and thus check the mind to think bad । it is our thinking that makes us act and in time good or bad . THINK GOOD >DO GOOD >and BE GOOD . the Brahmin of Vedas give a sutra / formula of Personality making , that is = '' यन मनसा ध्यायति , तद वाचा वदति , यत् वाचा वदति , तत् कर्मणा करोति , यद् कर्मणा करोति तदभि संपद्यते ''
Means , as you think like you speak and as you speak so you act and as you act so is the establishment of your Personality (your life like a book and published /honored acoording to its' content ) . thus Mantra Jap is to keep you always in good thought/thinking .It also work as Telepathy as very papular Science / Metaphysics . (Please see my other related posts for detail)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The human mind is free , wild and powerful . mind is the centre of thought energy and travels through five senses into external world to enjoy it . in Gita Lord Krishna has called these senses as much powerful as elephant . the mind is the ruler of these senses and uses them to its' end , to enjoy the subjects of its choice . this mind leads and misleads the Ego , the part of the mind that is responsible for your sense of who you are (your identity ) . now the other part of the mind is called Id , the unconscious part of the mind , where many of individual's basic needs , feelings wants and desires are supposed to exist and arise . now the one part more , called , Super-Ego , that has the power to decide , between Right and Wrong and also to create a feeling of guilt when any thing wrong has been done . this Super Ego can tame the Id and lead the Ego to go on right path. MIND> (1-EGO ,2-ID 3-SUPER EGO .) now see which part of the mind is stronger that leads your mind . if the Id is stronger , your mind goes out of your control and is wild and beast and uses the senses to worldly objects to Ids' choice (all the animal desires to be fulfilled ). again if the Super Ego is made / persuaded to be stronger it leads to right path and keep you (Ego) the master of your mind and senses . this is the taming of the mind . this is pure Science , this is pure Psychology and this is what is called Metaphysics = the branch of Philosophy that deals with the nature of Existence , Truth and Knowledge .
This taming of mind has scores of, hundred of ways and means and in our Indian thoughts we have three ways well known as , 1 - Gyan Yoga , 2 - Karm Yoga and 3 - Bhakti Yoga । Gyan Yoga is the method through which we need to know the Truth that this whole world is he manifestation of one single element , call it by any name , God , Parmatmaa ,Ishwar , Nature , Allah , Khudaa .you are the man with perfect knowledge when you are always , each and every moment aware that of this Truth . the continuous awareness of this fact that of singleness of the existence and unity of the Universe is knowledge. Vedanta is the founder of this theory . the sutras like -- '' एको अहम् द्वितीयो नास्ति ; सो अहम् अस्मि ; तत् त्वम् अस्ति ; सर्व खलु इदम् ब्रह्म ; न इति न इति ; ईशा वास्य इदम् सर्वम् । '' that propound the theory of knowledge । this way is the toughest and need a genius to follow it . Karm Yoga is simple and known as theory of Action . Lord Krishna says ,- the skilled performance of the given duty with all your might , physical and mental is Yoga without any desire of result whatsoever . '' योगः कर्मसु कौशलम ''Work is Worship . the third way of knowledge is Bhakti in different forms , -- 1- have good company of good and great people , 2- devotion to God , -3 - learning Bhakti from a competent Master (guru ) , 4 - worship God in any form , -5 - chanting the name of God (Mantra Jap ) , - 6 - remembering God always with all and alone and renunciation of worldly lures , and saintly hood / life , - 7 to see the all as one manifestation of God , 8 - contentment with all one has . and 9 - does not see the weaknesses of others . (based on Ram Charit Manas . )
We can understand that in all of methods one thing that is common and all science and psychology , the element of regular AWARENESS. AWARENESS is the key of all these activities . that is - be aware every moment ; be aware, what you are doing , the same moment , breathing, eating , playing , sleeping , talking , so on and so forth . the more your awareness grows the Id of your mind weakens and the Super Ego strengthens . take any action with awareness , better awareness and then full awareness . it need long and continuous , unfailing ,. nonstop practice . BE AWARE OF YOUR AWARENESS. tough but not impossible . growing easier and easier and with the feeling of unique pleasure growing sweeter and sweeter .
Generally , what do we do ? DOING ONE THING , THINKING OTHER ; THINKING ONE , DOING OTHER . taking your break fast and thinking of classroom ; playing in the field and thinking of your test / exam . this dividing of the mind is the game of mind that has to be stopped . THINK OF WHAT YOU DO AND DO WHAT YOU THINK OF . this is the key . walk while walking and take full care of walking , do not go any where else , be with walk , only with walk . when eating take the whole and full test of what you are eating and do not think of any thing other than eating , how important it may be . I don't go now in detail , try to understand and follow . first start with your breath , when you have some spare moment , see ! how , you are breathing , see each and every breath, in and out , see in full , totally absorbed , be the breath yourself .leave it . again when get time start it for a minute or two . then after some practice you can use the same with other activities and the day you are aware with all your activities you become perfect . the more you grow in your practice the more you become happy and easy . Lord Krishna has given this practice to be followed with ease . start the easiest way to Yoga and Wisdom .
.you can use any way / method you have to achieve full awareness in all of yogas /theories . full and complete awareness is the final achievement of an individual . we can not have cent percent of it because being human being , as the moment one grows so high becomes God , i. e .reduced /ceased to be man and become the whole . free from individual identity . this is difference between God and man but it can be aspired and rather achieved .जौ जीवहि रह ज्ञान एक रस । ईश्वर जीवहि भेद कहौ कस ॥ और पुनः यह हो भी सकता है परन्तु आदमी रहकर नही , ईश्वर बन कर , '' सोईजानै जेहि देऊ जनाई । जानत तुमहि तुमहि होइ जाई ॥ एकरस ज्ञान की अवस्था ही फुल अवेयरनेस है ।

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

ज्ञान की साधना / परम्परा

मनुष्य का जीवन छोटा और ज्ञान अपार है सो एक ने जो जाना , समझा , परखा  ; उसे दूसरे को , अपनी अगली संतति को दे दिया ऐसे ही ज्ञान की यात्रा चली पहले लोग स्मृति से इसे ले आए , इसी कारन वेदों को श्रुति / स्मृति कहा ज्ञान की इस जुटाऊ परम्परा में कभी योग्य आए तो कभी अयोग्य भी और इन्ही के अनुसार ज्ञान भी उत्तम , मध्यम और निकृष्ट का मेल हो गया शुद्ध ज्ञान संभव नही
कल जो ज्ञान सही था वह विज्ञानं द्वारा आज ग़लत सिद्ध हो गया , जैसे चंद्रमा पृथ्वी का ग्रह तो है और हमारे जीवन को प्रभावित भी करता होगा परन्तु यह सही नही कि राहु केतु उसे निगल जाते हैं अब पुराने ज्ञान में से हमें इतना वहीँ जस का तस त्यागना होगा , निगलने वाली बात किसी चिर ज्ञान को - -समय , - स्थान , - परिस्थिति के अनुसार ही देखना , समझना , ग्रहण करना
 हमें अपने पूर्वजों  से अर्जित ज्ञान से वह  लेना , प्रयोग करना , सिखाना  जो वैज्ञानिक , समीचीन , संगत है शेष पर कोई टीका टिप्पणी से क्या लाभ , उसे वहीँ रहने दीजिये आदर सहित , जैसे हम अपने धरोहर /ताज महल / गाँधी जी के चश्मे(इनका उपयोग ?) परन्तु हम रखते हैं , आदर के नाते
तुलसी ने सभी वेद, पुरानों , शाश्त्रों और महानग्रंथों का गहन अध्ययन किया , फ़िर लगभग सत्तर की उम्र में  मानस की रचना की और प्राक्कथन में  कहा - '' नाना पुराण निगमागम सम्मतं यद् '' वेद पुरानों में जो उचित / सम्मत / ग्रहणीय लगा और कुछ मेरा योगदान भी है उन्हों ने यह तो नही कहा वेद पुराण अब बेकार हैं , फेकों इन्हे , अब मेरा मानस पढो मानस वेद पुरानों का सार है आप भी जो सार लगे उसे लें / पढ़ें और जो कालातीत हो गया , उसे वहीँ रहने दें ५०० वर्ष हो गए , मानस को  और ५००० वर्ष वेद को , परन्तु अभी भी हम कितना ले सकते है , वहां से तो पढ़ने से पता चलेगा , - '' सत्यमेव जायते '' तो नही बदला अचरज तो यह कि ५००० वर्षपूर्व की वेदांत थियरी अभी भी विज्ञानं नही काट सका सर्व पल्ली राधा कृष्णन  कहते हैं , '' कोई विकल्प ही नही है ; विज्ञानं जायेगा तो वहीँ जायेगा जहाँ वेदांत हजारों साल पहले पहुंच चुका है और यदि उससे आगे गया तो वेदांत से होकर ही जाने का रास्ता है '' एक सुधी ज्ञान साधक का गुण -- - ज्ञान का चुनाव करो विवेक से - ज्ञान संग्रह करो - हो सके तो ज्ञान का संबर्धन करो - ज्ञान का सरंक्षण करो - समय समय पर संशोधन , परिवर्तन और प्राचीन और नवीन का आमेलन होता रहे दृष्टि वैज्ञानिक हो और सद्गुणों का समन्वय हो यही बात सभी धर्मों , साहित्यों , महापुरुषों के कथनों /आदेशों / उपदेशों पर लागू करें बहस में समय ब्यर्थ करने से अपना जीवन तो बीत जायेगा , रीता ही रीता '' डासत ही गई बीति निसा सब कबहूँ नाथ नीद भर सोयो - तुलसी विनय पत्रिका में
सारा जीवन संदेह / भ्रम / बहस / विवाद /आलोचना / निंदा में ब्यर्थ कर सीधे सपाट ज्ञान / भक्ति / कर्म कुछ कर लेना चाहिए   सवाल होता है मन्दिर जाना चाहिए की नही , अरे !! तुम जाओ या नजाओ , विवाद क्यों बनाते  हो ; मै मन्दिर नहीं जाता तो ? दूसरे जाते है तो ? हमारा कुछ लेते है , नही   ?सब अपने स्तर और समझ से रहें , अच्छा सीख लें तो बता दो और उन्हें चुनने दो , वरना इसपर लडो मतयह एक उदहारण थाज्ञान साधना में लडो मतसीखोपालनं करोसीखोसिखाओ , हाँ , जब कोई सीखने को राजी होतथास्तु