Saturday, December 24, 2011

विचार स्वतंत्र और सारभौम होते हैं ,इनके या उनके नहीं होते ...जैसे जीसस का प्रेम , बुद्ध की करूणा , गाँधी और महावीर की अहिंसा , ऐसा कहना सही नहीं है , बल्कि प्रेम का विचार , करूणा और अहिंसा का विचार -- जीसस ने प्रेम को चुना और गाँधी महावीर ने अहिंसा को ; इन सद्गुणों को सीखा , पहचाना , अपने जीवन में लागू किया और दूसरों को संस्तुत किया और लोगों ने माना . आदि काल से श्रेष्ठ महापुरुषों ने इनको खोजा , सोचा और समझ कर जीवन की विधा के रूप में स्वीकार किया , जैसे न्यूटन ने गुरुत्व का नियम खोजा और लोगों को बताया ....अच्छे विचार और बुरे विचार मनुष्य के स्तर पर होते हैं , अस्तित्व के स्तर पर सभी विचार , विचार हैं एक दूसरे के पूरक ...हम विचारों का चुनाव कर वैसी ही जिन्दगी जीने को स्वीकार करते हैं और उसके नियत फल भोगते हैं ; रावण ने एक विचार चुना , राम ने दूसरा  , दोनों एक दूसरे के पूरक हैं विरोधी नहीं , पर हमारे स्तर पर विरोधी लगते हैं , वस्तुतः हैं नहीं ...विचार किसी ब्यक्ति के नहीं होते , विचार सत्य /अस्तित्व /परमात्मा /परम -तत्व के ही अंश और पक्ष हैं ..आप भी जिन विचारों को चाहो , चुन लो -फल भोगना पड़ेगा . तुलसी दास कहते हैं - '' भाल , अनभल जानत सब कोई  : जो जेहिं भाव निक तेहि सोई .'' और --- '' भलो भलाई पे लहै , लहै निचाइह नीच : अमर सराहिय अमरता , गरल सराहिय मीच ''

Friday, December 9, 2011


योग के चार मार्गों में एक ज्ञान अथवा समत्व योग है .(इसके लिए पढ़ें -गीता अध्याय दो .
जब तक आपको विचार , ब्यक्ति और वस्तुओं में - विरोध , भेद  और भिन्नता  दिखे तबतक आपकी बुद्धि स्थिर /सामान /शुद्ध नहीं है  ; यह आपके बौद्धिक स्तर की बहुत बड़ी और सरलतम पहचान है ; जिसे लगे ---- काला और सफ़ेद रंग एक दुसरे से मैच नहीं करते , विरोधी हैं , तो अभी आप कच्चे हैं , जो जान ले कि  काले के बिना सफ़ेद का कोई अस्तित्व नहीं और सफ़ेद का महत्व काले से है , वही दोनों में एक रंग देखता है ....सो गीता में कृष्ण ने कहा -'' ज्ञानी विद्वान् , गाय , हाथी , चांडाल और सूकर /सूअर में एक तत्व देखता है , सुख -दुःख , जीवन -मृत्यु .लाभ - हानि  ; जीत - हार को एक में मिलाकर सामंजस्य स्थापित कर लेता है . यही जीवन है , यही अस्तित्व है .....सो जब आपको विरोध , भिन्नता , अबूझ कुछ भी लगे तो समझना वह वहाँ उस विचार , व्यक्ति और वास्तु में नहीं बल्कि आपके बुद्धि ,समझ में है ....न्यूटन को किसी ने चिढाने को कहा - '' न्यूटन  ! तुम्हारे कोट में एक छेद  है , पट , न्यूटन ने जबाब दिया - '' मिस्टर ! छेद मेरे कोट में नहीं तुम्हारे दिमाक में है '' ...सीखने  की सीमा '' समत्व ''तक है ....सीखते रहो . '' स्थिति - प्रज्ञ  '' बनो .....इसके लिए गीता का दूसरा अद्ध्याय पढो - ज्ञान -योग / समत्व -योग ,,,,,

Thursday, November 17, 2011

जैसा सोचता हूँ मैं ; आपका दोस्त ......

तुलसी दास ने मानस के प्रारम्भ में ही एक बहुत बड़ी बात कही है '' नाना पुराण निगमागम सम्मतम यदि '' अर्थात वेद पुराण सभी ग्रंथों में आज के समय -परिस्थिति में जों कुछ भी अनुमोदित -स्वीकार्य और समीचीन है , उसे मै मानस में उद्धरित करता हूँ . यही नजरिया सर्वोत्तम और ग्राह्य है , सबके लिए और मैं इसी का पालन करता हूँ ; जों कुछ यहाँ उद्धरित करता हूँ उसे , तर्क , विवेक , विज्ञान की कसौटी पर कसता हूँ और वही आपको देता हूँ I// जों इस कसौटी से मेल नही खाता उसे वहीँ का वही रहने देता हूँ बिना किसी टिका टिप्पणी के (Drop it ). मैं सनातनी हिन्दू हूँ और सौभाग्य से दर्शन /तुलनात्मक धर्म का थोड़ा -बहुत ध्येता हूँ सो मेरा धर्म मुझसे साफ़ साफ कहता है - '' श्रेयांस स्व धर्मो विगुणः (भगवत गीता ) = स्पष्ट अर्थ हुआ - गुण रहित होने पर भी सबको अपना - अपना धर्म श्रेष्ठ है // सो अपने धर्म कों मानना और दूसरे धर्मों का आदर करना ही उचित हुआ // सभी धर्मों में श्रेष्ठ जीवन और सद्गुणी जीवन की चर्चा है सो सभी धर्मों में जों भी श्रेष्ठ , सम्मत और समीचीन है उसे कहता सुनता और समझ कर जीवन में लागू करता हूँ / जों सम्मत नही लगता , अंध विश्वास , पूर्वाग्रह युक्त , अवैज्ञानिक लगता है या है उसे वही यथावत रहने देता हूँ जैसे घर में दादा -दादी कों सम्मान से रखते हैं भले वे चन्द्र -ग्रहण पर गंगा नहाने जाते हैं और हम नहीं , पर उनकी यात्रा भी कराते हैं , अपने भी डुबकी लगा लेते है यह जानते हुए भी चन्द्रमा संकट में नही सूर्य की आड़ में हैं -आदि , आदि हम बड़े शौक से जीसस से प्रेम , बुद्ध से करुणा , मुहम्मद से भाई चरा , राम से मर्यादित आचरण , कृष्ण से न्याय के लिए संघर्ष , महावीर और गाँधी से अहिंसा , नानक और कबीर से भक्ति , मीरा से समर्पण सीख सकते हैं ...इसके लिए किसी का धर्म किसी कों रोकता नहीं ... हलाँ कि ऐसा नजरिया मुश्किल से बनता है प्रायः लोग धर्मान्ध हो जाते हैं और एक नाव में बैठ कर दुनिया कों देखते हैं तो सारी दुनिया चलती दिखती है और उनकी नाव स्थिर ... बहुत सरल है किनारे खड़े होकर देखो तो नाव चलेगी , तुलसी के समय में रेलगाड़ी नही थी पर उनकी दृष्टि गजब की थी .यह घटना उन्हों ने नाव पर चढ़ कर देखा और मानस में लिखा - '' नौका
-रूढ़ चलत जग देखा '' सर्वे संतु सुखिनः '' का भाव वैश्विक है उसे नाव में बैठ कर नहीं नदी और नाव से बाहर रहकर किनारे से देखा गया है . यही है हमारी ब्यापक समझ और सनातन सोच ... धर्म कों समझना सरल तो है पर हमको सीधा -स्वभाव होना होगा .***( शेर ,शायरी . साहित्य कविता जों उद्धरित करता हूँ उस पर अह कथन लागू नही होता वह तो प्रायः मेरी पसंद और आपके साहित्यिक आनंद के लिए होता है ) तथास्तु .

Monday, August 1, 2011


'' If there were only water amongst the rock
Dead mountain mouth of carious teeth that cannot spit
Here one can neither stand nor lie nor sit
There is not even silence in the mountains
But dry sterile thunder without rain ''
- T.S.Eliot in Waste Land ( What the Thunder Said )
In this world of today ,we are living in hopeless and insecurity with a threat of violence ,terror and corruption that are challenging the existence of whole human race . Gandhi is the sole OASIS among the modern civilization full of rocks and inhuman activities , what is an oasis ?A fertile or green spot in a desert or wasteland, made so by the presence of water , that allows , facilitate * * FLORA AND FAUNA grow and develop . Gandhi is the best metaphorical expression for oasis in our society of today , a situation or place preserved from surrounding unpleasantness; a refuge: an oasis of serenity amid chaos. What is the sole property of an Oasis ? It is surely , the water - the main source of life and all surroundings . now ,the same way what is the sole property of Gandhi ? This is the PROPERTY OF SOUL AND THIS IS NOTHING BUT '' TRUTH ''
TRUTH is the sole property of Gandhi and all other virtues viz. Non-violence , not Stealing (untheft ) , Celibacy , Frugality , Clarity and purity of mind ,thought and action , Simple living , Penance , Humility all supported by sterling -faith in God (Lord Rama ) , follow him or may say ...bound to follow him .
These days , many writers , leaders , thinkers and managers call him with a man with different innate traits and qualities as Manager , astute Politician , Environmentalist ,so on and so forth . But he is none of that and not a mess of all these , but the true devotee of TRUTH and ONLY TRUTH ; as it has been well mentioned in Ram Charit Manas By great poet Tulasi das ji that all of virtues and human qualities come to a person , who is really religious and devotee of truth , uninvited , in the same way as all rivers come down to Ocean unwished and unwanted .. Great saint and poet Kabir also advised to acquire only one quality and others are bound to follow . Gandhi has the SOLE property of SOUL and that is TRUTH.
Let us see what he says of TRUTH to justify what has been said above -
"" Truth alone will endure; all the rest will be swept away before the tide of time ...
What may appear as truth to one person will often appear as untruth to another person. But that need not worry the seeker. Truth and untruth often co-exist; good and evil often are found together.
Use truth as your anvil, nonviolence as your hammer and anything that does not stand the test when it is brought to the anvil of truth and hammered with nonviolence, reject it.
Truth and nonviolence demand that no human being may debar himself from serving any other human being, no matter how sinful he may be.
Truth is the first to be sought for, and Beauty and Goodness will then be added unto you.
An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.
Truth without humility would be an arrogant caricature.
The quest of truth involves self-suffering, sometimes even unto death. " ( from Gandhi's Quotes on Truth )
" Generations to come, it may be, will scarcely believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth '' - Einstein, 1944
" What we need is a universal man — a man who combines in perfect balance the supreme qualities of an idealist and a realist, a dreamer and a doer, a prophet who sees "the heavenly vision" and, "not unfaithful to (that) vision" makes it come true. Is there any such person living in the world?...I believe that there is — unquestionably the greatest man living in the world today, and one of the greatest men who has ever lived. I heard of him first in 1917, through an article by Professor Gilbert Murray in the Hibbert Journal. I did not learn anything of him again until a few months ago, when there came to my desk a little paper-covered pamphlet containing extracts from his speeches and writings. This is meagre information; but when I read it, I felt as did John Keats when he first read Chapman's translation of the Iliad:

"Then felt I like some watcher of the skies
When a new planet swims into his ken;
Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes
He stared at the Pacific — and all his men
Looked at each other with a mild surmise —
Silent, upon a peak in Darien."
The man whom I have in mind is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the Indian leader, of the present great revolutionary movement against British rule in India, known and reverenced by his country­men as Mahatma, "the Saint". I wonder how many of you have ever heard of him, or know the story of his life. Listen while I tell this story, and see if I am not right in calling its hero the greatest man in the world today! "  -- J .H Hplmes
The flora and fauna of any given region is usually explained in biological terms to include the genus and species of plant and animal life, their preferred growing or breeding habits, and their connection to one another in the environment as well. In addition to geographical groupings, environment also helps further classifications of flora and fauna. For example, aquatic flora and fauna of a region refers to the plant and animal life found in the waters in or surrounding a geographic region.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Follow, [ Ahimsa ] Nonviolence 

Ahimsa is not merely a negative state of harmlessness , but it is positive state of love , of doing good even to the evil-doer. ''

Ahimsa is a weapon of matchless potency. It is the summum bonum of life. It is an attribute of the brave. It does not come within the reach of coward. 
He who perishes sword in hand is no doubt brave; but he who faces death without raising his little finger and without flinching, is braver.  
 Follow [ Satya ] Truth
Truth has no form. Therefore everyone one will form such an idea or image of Truth as appeals to him, and there will be as many images of Truth as there are men. These will be true as long as they last.
Truth should be Truth in thought, Truth in speech, and Truth in action. To the man who has realised this Truth in its fulness , nothing else remains to be known, because all knowledge is necessarily included in it. What is not included in it, is not truth and so not true knowledge.   
Follow [ Asteya ] Non-stealing
Non-stealing does not mean merely not to steal. To keep or take anything  which one does not earn is also stealing. And of course, stealing is fraught with violence.- We are not always aware of our real needs, and most of us improperly multiply our wants and thus , unconsciously, make thieves of ourselves. One who follows the observance of Non-stealing will bring about a progressive reduction of his own wants. Much of the distressing poverty in this world has risen out of the breaches of the principle of Non-stealing.-  
Follow [ Brahmacharya ] Self Discipline
Brahamchraya means control of all the organs of sense. He who attempts to control only one organ, and allows all the others free play is bound to find his effort futile . To hear suggestive stories with the ears, to see suggestive sights with the eyes, to taste stimulating food with the tongue, to touch exciting things with the hands, and at the same time to expect to control the only remaining organ, is like putting one's hands in the fire and expecting to escape being hurt.  
Follow Aparigraha (Non-possession)Non possession means that we should not hoard anything that we do not need today.
The less you possess, the less you want , the better you are. And better for what ? Not for your enjoyment of this life but for enjoyment of personal service to your fellow beings ; service to which you dedicate yourself ,body, soul and mind. - When you dispossess yourself of everything you have, you really possess all the treasures of the world. In other words , you really get all that is in reality necessary for you., everything . If the food is necessary, food will come to you.-  Follow [Sharirshrama ] Bread Labour Earn thy bread by the sweat of the brow- says Bible . Bread labour means that everyone is expected to perform sufficient body-labour in order to entitle him to his living. It is not ,therefore, necessary to earn one's living by bread labour ,taking living' in its broader sense. But everyone must perform some useful body-labour.
The economics of Bread labour are the living way of life . It means that every man has to labour with his body for his food and clothing. If I can convince the people of the value and necessity of bread-labour, there never will be any want of bread and cloth. - The idea is that every healthy individual must labour enough for his food and his intellectual faculties must be exercised not in order to obtain a living or amass a fortune, but only in the service of mankind. If this principle is observed everywhere, all men would be equal, none would starve and world would be saved from a sin.-  
Follow [Aswada] Control of the PalateUnless we are satisfied with foods that are necessary for the proper maintenance of our physical health, and unless we are prepare to rid ourselves of stimulating heating and exciting condiments that we mixed with food. We will certainly not be able to control the over-abundant, unnecessary, and exciting stimulation that we may have. If we do not do that, the result naturally is that we abuse ourselves, and become less than animals and brutes. - The diet should be healthy and well-balanced. The body was never meant to be treated as a refuse-bin. Food is meant to sustain the body.  
Follow [Sarvatra Bhayavarjana] FearlessnessFearlessness should connote absence of all kinds of fear - fear of death, fear of bodily injury, fear of hunger, fear of insults, fear of public disapprobation, fear of ghosts and evil spirits, fear of anyone's anger. Freedom from all these and other such fears constitute fearlessness. Fearlessness does not mean arrogance and aggressiveness. That in itself is a sign of fear. Fearlessness presupposes calmness and peace of mind. For that it is necessary to have a living faith in God.
Follow [ Sarva Dharma Samantva] Equality of the religionsReligions have been interwoven . One sees a special quality in every one of them . But no one religion is higher than another. All are complimentary to one another .Since this is my belief, the speciality of any one religion cannot run counter to another, cannot be at variance with universally accepted principles. For I believe in the fundamental truth of all great religions of the world. I believe that they are all God-given, and I believe that they were necessary for the people to whom these religions were revealed. And I believe that, if only we could all of us read the scriptures of the different faiths from the standpoint of the followers of those faiths we should find that they were at bottom all one and were all helpful to one another.Just as men have different names and faces, these religions also are different. But just as men are all human in spite of their different names and forms, just as leaves of a tree though different as leaves are the same as the leaves of the same tree , all religions though different are the same. We must treat all religions as equals.  
Follow [ Swadeshi ] Use Locally Made GoodsSwadeshi is that sprit in us which requires us to serve our immediate neighbours before others , and to use things produced in our neighbourhood in preference to those more remote. So doing, we cannot serve humanity to the best of our capacity, we cannot serve humanity by neglecting our neigbours.
It is sinful to buy and use articles made by sweated labour. It is sinful to eat American wheat &and let my neighbour, the grain dealer starve for want of custom. Similarly, it is sinful for to wear the latest finery of Regent Street when I know that if I had but worn the things woven by the neighbouring spinners and weavers, that would have clothed me, and fed and clothed them.
My definition of Swadeshi is well known . I must not serve my distant neighbour at the expense of the nearest. It is never vindictive or punitive. It is in no sense narrow , for I buy from every part of the world what is needed for my growth. I refuse to buy from anybody anything, however nice or beautiful, if it interferes with my growth or  injures those whom Nature has made my first care. Swadeshi is that spirit in us which restricts us to the use and service of our immediate surroundings to the exclusion of the more remote& I should use only things that are produced by my immediate neighbours and serve those industries by making them efficient and complete where they might be found wanting. It is suggested that such Swadeshi , if reduced  to practice, will lead to the millennium.   
Follow [Sparshbhavna] Untouchability / Recial - discrimination  Untouchability means pollution by the touch of certain persons in reason of their birth in a particular state or family. It is an excrescence. In the guise of religion, it is always in the way, and erupts religion.
Removal of untouchability means love for, and service of, the whole world and thus merges into Ahimsa. Removal of untouchability spells the breaking down of barriers between man and man and between the various orders of Being. I consider untouchability to be a heinous crime against humanity. It is not a sign of self-restraint, but an arrogant assumption of superiority.


All that can fall within the compass of human understanding, being either, first, the nature of things, as they are in themselves, their relations, and their manner of operation: or, secondly, that which man himself ought to do, as a rational and voluntary agent, for the attainment of any end, especially happiness: or, thirdly, the ways and means whereby the knowledge of both the one and the other of these is attained and communicated; I think science may be divided properly into these three sorts.—Locke, 
The use of words to mean something very different from what they appear on the surface to mean.=irony .
The postmodern reply to the modern consists of recognizing that the past, since it cannot really be destroyed, because its destruction leads to silence, must be revisited: but with irony, not innocently. I think of the postmodern attitude as that of a man who loves a very cultivated woman and knows he cannot say to her, "I love you madly" because he knows that she knows (and that she knows that he knows) that these words have already been written by Barbara Cartland. Still, there is a solution. He can say, "As Barbara Cartland would put it, I love you madly." - Umberto Eco To know ,learn and understand Gandhi is rather difficult task because he is so simple in his nature , thought and way of action that mostly people fail to understand as their approach is academic ,philosophical and complicated .This seems a little ironical and that can be taken as this .....if one wish to enjoy experience of swimming ,he can not do it with a walk on earth . to say - he will have to go down in water there are prerequisites to go simple , the simplest in your thought and mind to understand Gandhi . This needs a kind of purification and transformation from complicated to simple . Jean-Jacques Rousseau ( 1712 – 1778 ) says that we were born simple but this world made us complicated and this complication in our walk of life has taken the form of our nature to learn Gandhi we need to Relearn ,what we lost in the bad company of society ............Gandhi is simple but we have gone complicated ....we have to purify our hearts and minds and make it clear like water cleaned of it's impurities . Tulasidas in Ramcharit Manas quotes Lord Ram saying - (" nirmal -man -jan so mohi pawa " ) = the only man with a mind free from impurities can go divine and have Me (God)...........Sublimation is the prerequisite to understand Gandhian way (not and never say Gandhian philosophy as he had no philosophy but a life -way -in -action )
Gandhi is a Syntheses , do not try to analyze him . Analyses is the way of science not of life . If we analyze a flower - by dissection we can know it's chemical properties but we loose it's beauty ,colour and scent . This is ,what with Gandhi - he is the syntheses of world religion , culture ,thought , great-men -virtues , way of thinking and living on a screen -base enriched by Indian heritage -found in Vedanta , Bhagwat Gita and Ramcharit Manas . All thoughts he aspires for , are gathered and assimilated with extraordinary tempering from the best ancient brain -men ,the best books and the best culture . He has no thought or philosophy of his own ( he did never claim ,as any thing ' ism ' behind him ) But two things are his own and superb contribution to this world ...1- the great and good syntheses of world thoughts and declared that essence is the same -that it is truth that wins ; that we all men are one origin ; that non-violence is the best way to survive this world and source of happiness ; that love and fellow -feeling is the best way to lead the best life ....2 - And all this thought he strove to bring in action and made his own life as an experiment and succeeded ......he practiced the teachings of Jesus with Christians and taught them lovingly what it was and What did Jesus Really mean of . As a bonus he got India free ,showing the world ,the way of love and non-violence as super weapon .
Some like to find in him great management skill /talent .........they are mistaken ...they are inducting managerial attributes into his thought and actions but they need deduction - service not management , service -before self is his way of life . If you try to induct into him political system and political methods ,you will come with a deduction from Ram -Rajya and social justice ,trusteeship and self -discipline in individual life , Gandhi is not a person but a thought and knowledge .......of world's best syntheses in all walk of life and behaviour . Therefore any kind of induction into him as a sure -failure ....yes ! you can deduct many things and thoughts from him ..........One more example - we of these days and our scholars and scientist are looking for resolving Environmental issues but if you visit Gandhi ..pat comes the solution .....follow non-violence (Ahimsaa) and non-hoarding or wealth -negation (Asangrah or Aparigrah) , the basic roots from where environmental issues have grown up and resulted to demonic -threat to modern world .
" Knowledge is indivisible. When people grow wise in one direction, they are sure to make it easier for themselves to grow wise in other directions as well. On the other hand, when they split up knowledge, concentrate on their own field, and scorn and ignore other fields, they grow less wise—even in their own field. '' - Isaac Asimov (1920–1992), Russian-born U.S. author.
"My life is an * indivisible whole, and all my attitudes run into one another; and they all have their rise in my insatiable love for mankind." M.K.Gandhi .
* consisting of one whole whose parts cannot be divided or treated individually .
All humanity is one undivided and indivisible family, and each one of us is responsible for the misdeeds of all the others. I cannot detach myself from the wickedest soul..... M.K.Gandhi.
So , i would like to say  , to conclude - that it is difficult to  learn and understand Gandhi and this difficulty lies in going SOME-ONE EASY and EASIER  to know well of him and also to learn Gandhi as ONE, THE INDIVISIBLE -WORLD - EVOLUTE of THOUGHT and HUMAN LIFE ON EARTH as a whole .

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

GROW WISER THIS TIME ..............................

Having , power ,pelf , position ,learning , all kind of intelligence ; all this and that , is good but better , it wold be to grow a little wiser .............
' Knowledge is invariably a matter of degree: you cannot put your finger upon even the simplest datum and say "this we know."
A toothache, or a violent passion, is not necessarily diminished by our knowledge of its causes, its character, its importance or insignificance.''
- T.S. Eliot
We don't know a millionth of one percent about anything.
- Thomas A. Edison
Wisdom is the quality that keeps you from getting into situations where you need it.
- Doug Larson
Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much;
Wisdom is humble that he knows no more.
- William Cowper
'' The road to wisdom?—Well, it's plain and simple to express:...............
Err.....and err...........and err again
but less...........and less..............and less. '' - Piet Hein

Happy are those who find wisdom, and those who get understanding, for it's income is better than silver, and revenue better than gold. Wisdom is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with . Long life , riches , honor , pleasantness, and all peace come to wise men ..... called happy.
I f you go to temple / masque / church that is good but wiser is to see and feel and realize that you are the best temple of God on Earth and HE is within you and in all in right proportion .
It is nice and good that you do not harm any one but you can grow wiser by helping and serving others who deserve service and you are able to serve .
Charity is good but with to be sure that your money is not misused by hypocrites and cheats who live on in the name of Religion ,wiser is to help your known cases directly .
It may be good to go far to shrines of God and Goddess but wiser to serve your mother-father and ill .
You offer garlands / flowers on idols but be wiser to know that flowers are more alive than stones and mother earth smiles through flowers ; instead you can have flower -pots and flowers -garden and allow them to smile in full on branches . enjoy the beauty and scent . we can have flower- gardens around temples , schools and homes .
You should enjoy all material things and gifts that you have ,earned and offered but you can grow wiser by minimizing your needs and spare a little for others or for society and to the Nation at large .
these are the few points , only as hints and you can find out hundredth of things where and when you can grow a bit wiser .
मंदिर / मस्जिद / चर्च है बहुत दूर ; चलो यूँ करलें , किसी रोते हुए बच्चे कों हंसाया जाए .To look at life differently
'' Some people don't grow wiser they merely grow old
They remain as they were and think in the same way
Financially well to do wise people one might say rare
For wisdom will not make you a millionaire
That the wise are a minority comes as no surprise
for many people grow older but they do not grow wise
No fool like an old fool you do hear .......................''

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I would like to give some statements and then leave you to think at large to possible probability and conclude yourself ,what I intend ..............
A lion can not be non-violent even by all possible training ...say has no potential to be vegetarian ,fruitarian, herbivore nor it can learn to dress or build a city wise a dog can not learn grammar but can smell those thing that we can not . ...birds can fly and swim but fishes can not fly ...take others ln the same mode and learn of difference in potentials in different livings of these classes ....amost the animals and birds /fishes are as these were thousand and thousands of years back .
Now second thought ....Gold is precious but its potential-probability is less ... than iron ...see ! one kg.of cast iron costs about Rs.15-20 and when this (one kg) is turned in to nails it costs Rs.30-50 an when turned in steel it costs Rs 150 -500 but when it is turned in to springs of wrist -watches it may cost Rs 50,000 - 1,000,00 . compare the potential of gold and iron .........conclude .
But the coal (carbon) has excellent -potential - a chemical element. Carbon is found in all living things, in air also , existing in a pure state as diamond, graphite and buckminsterfullerene . now go on thinking ...on and on .AND NOW COME TO MAN .....has the greatest potential ever -known on planet Earth ... has extremely immense and enormous probability of potential -- to grow himself - cruel like Angulimaal and kind like Lord Buddha , man-eater to man -saver , monster to monk , Ram and Ravan ,,,,he can be Satan or God to whom even Gods bow -down as to Lord Ram ....immense and enormous potential we have ...think and find out your probabilities .....
'' NOTHING TO US FALLS EARLY OR TOO LATE : WE ARE THE MAKERS OF OUR OWN FATE . * Potential (word ) =a latent excellence or ability that may or may not be developed. "possible" (as opposed to actual ), existing in possibility : capable of development into actuality
"The greatest waste in the world is the difference between what we are and what we could become." - Ben Herbster
"Help me to see the potential you see in others. And speaking of potential, allow me to seemy own unique potential for making a positive difference in my world." - Lee Wise .. A Simple Prayer
"The greatest crime in the world is not developing your potential.When you do what you do best, you are helping not only yourself,but the world." - Roger Williams
"The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean un-sailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good." - Brian Tracy
"There is inside you all of the potential to be whatever you want to be all of the energy to do whatever you want to do." - Donna Levine
"Everyone has inside himself a piece of good news!The good news is that you really don't know how great you can be,how much you can love, what you can accomplish,and what your potential is!" - Anne Frank

Monday, April 18, 2011


You ask me: ‘Where should I live ?’ But I ask You with diffidence: tell me first the place where You are not; then I can show You a suitable place.”On hearing the sage’ RŒma felt abashed and smiled . “Listen, RŒma: I tell You
the places where You should abide . The heart of those whose ears are, like ocean, constantly replenished with a number streams in the shape of Your stories but know no surfeit, shall be Your abode ; the
heart of those whose eyes long to see You even as the CŒhtaka bird longs to see the rain-cloud and, disdaining like the same bird rivers, oceans and big lakes, derive satisfaction from a drop of Your rain-like the drops of SWATI.
You should dwell in the heart of him whose swan-like tongue picks up pearls in the shape of Your virtues in the holy MŒnasarovara lake of Your fame .Abide, O RŒma, in the mind of those whose nose devoutly inhales everyday the fragrance of sacred and lovely offerings and eat only that which has been offered to You , put
on clothes , ornaments first offered to You . adore your feet everyday, who cherish in their heart faith in RŒma and none . Again those who muttering the RŒma-Mantra , the king of all sacred formulas,  who look upon their preceptor as greater than You and wait upon him with due honour and entire devotion—.
Who having done all this ask only one boon - “Let them have devotion in the temple of their heart. Who have no lust, anger, arrogance, pride or infatuation and are without greed, excitement, attraction or aversion and free from fraud, hypocrisy and deceit . Again, who are beloved of all and friendly to all, to whom joy and sorrow, applause and abuse are alike and who scrupulously utter truthful and polite words, who are resigned to You whether awake or asleep and who have no support other than Yourself— ,You should dwell. Again, those who look upon other’s wives as mothers and to whom another’s wealth is the deadliest of all poisons, who rejoice to see others’ prosperity and are particularly grieved to see other’s distress, and to whom, O RŒma, You are dear as their own life— their minds are Your blessed abodes.”
To whom, You are at once master and companion, father and mother, preceptor and everything is in the temple of their mind , You should reside . Who overlook others’ faults and pick out their virtues and endure hardships for the sake of righteousness who have established their reputation in the world as well-versed in the laws of propriety— , their mind is Your excellent abode. Who attributes his virtues to You and holds himself responsible for his faults, who entirely depends on You and loves You . Who, renouncing his caste and kinsmen, wealth, faith and glory, his near and dear ones, his happy home and everything else, cherishes You in his bosom —, You should take up Your residence. To whom heaven and hell and even freedom from birth and death are the same in asmuch as he beholds You armed with a bow and arrow here, there and everywhere, and who is Your servant in thought, word and deed— make his heart, O RŒma, Your permanent abode.

Monday, January 24, 2011

GANDHI AND GOAL - GAINS ............

Gandhi ,The Mhatma (Saint ) as now we recognize him all over the world was rhe devotee of Lord Ram as incarnation of God and read two Holy books of Hinduism viz . -1 - Bhagwat Gita (in Sanskrit ) and 2 - Ram Charit Manas ( in Hindi ) . He learned two basic life virtues from these books 1 - desireless action , means renunciation of result in action or action as according to the will of God or as a mission or action as good in itself (see, Immanuel Kant) from Bhagwat Gita and 2 - To fight against ill and injustice as Lord Ram did to establish Ramrajya (a criminal and crime less-men society and State ) from Ram Charit Mnas (RCM ). Here , the reference is that of war that Ram won with bow and arrows ,the old ancient weapon ( that time most advanced especially the arrows of Ram that had unfailing -killing enemy -power ) . Gandhi also fought against British rule but did not use the weapon that were available then but the weapon of love ,nonviolence and disobedience with all humility . Man as provided with nail , tooth , hands and legs by Nature as original weapon advanced and marched to sophisticated atomic weapons of today outwardly singing the songs of peace and love in their prose and poems in their church and temples in their religion and rituals in their holy books of heaven and hell but in real action fought very many battles ,the more in increase the more got civilized , spread more hate , more competitions and worst enmity that we ever had on this Earth .
It was only Gandhi who brought down on earth all that was talked of and talked about peace and love ,fraternity and family hood that Jesus told in Bible Mohammad in Quoran and God in Vedas . This common man did the uncommon task - TO WIN THE HATE WITH LOVE , to get justice by better justice , the art of fighting from soul to soul , to fight to tell the oneness and goodness of the man .
We ,all in the world ,Christian , Hindu , Muslim or any of any religion ,creed or caste used to read and enjoy all kind of heavenly -thoughts in holy -books and thought that all this were ideals , never to be materialized on earth - '' जानते हैं जन्नत की हकीकत ग़ालिब , मगर दिल कों बहलाने का ए ख़याल अच्छा है '' -मिर्जा ग़ालिब , उर्दू भाषा के महान कवि / शायर (Galib says that we know the false -reality of heaven but the thought of it can be a good pass-time . )
But Gandhi did it - thought of it , proposed it , practiced it and finally realized it perfectly in this world on this earth and rhe same has been practiced successfully in other part of the world . Some one asked Vinova Bhawe (said to be metaphysical disciple of Gandhi ) - '' do you think Gandhi was more advanced than Lord Ram ? '' Vinova replied , '' certainly yes ! because when the child sits on the shoulders of his Grand -Father ,he can look far .'' So Gandhi was the best evolution of Lord Ram in thoughts and in action .
Gandhi is a man of common intelligence with very extraordinary behviour and wise-intrigue with his opponents and even friends , co-workers and followers , keep in every one curious to see and trying to find out what would be his next move in any field at any time .( some , therefore ,misunderstood him and called him astute -politician and clever observer of the things happening and opportunities falling down before him ) . In psychological term in reference , this is very common to understand that truth is most difficult rather, rare and the simple is complicated for a normal-common -average man . Gandhi's plannings and actions were mostly unexpected ,unpredictable as these actions looked as chanced ,really never truly planned but suddenly happened.
One example ... he went on fast with an issue till it was solved or compromised and simultaneously he improved his digestive -system . But this simultaneity was not planned but the prevailing circumstances suggested him to act like that , although were it wisdom ? of simple -complicated system . Gandhi had that aptness not with any astute -intention ,as it looks but with pure and true devotion to his cause of moral motive and self sacrifice to public -service .
Although it has been an established fact and philosophy that states must follow morals and the source of morals are in religions but to recent political -systems in majority rulers want to keep religion and politics apart . Gandhi is obstinate to say that there can be no good politics without religion and any religion without morals is no religion . Who knows , corruption and criminalization in politics is due to this so called secularism and Gandhi seems right . Gandhi was leading the fight and all kind of opposition with revolutionary activities against the British Rule in India ( not Against British people ) and commonly it was evident that he was worst enemy of British but in real way he was the only best friend of English people in India as he prevented any and all kind of violence against English
people in India . It is evident  again that a group of leaders and freedom fighters were not confident that any thing as freedom could be won without violent -action against British .It was Gandhi who prevented them and in many cases convinced them to leave the means of violence ,although he regarded these freedom -fighters and could feel their spirit of sacrifice to Mother land but only Gandhi had the moral and love- force to convert them as non-violent  freedom fighter. These freedom -fighters some time criticized Gandhi but in many cases followed him as they all honoured him .Great leader of this group Subash Chand Bose had differed him but both had mutual respect for each other . Gandhi realized that all these fighters who believed in violence had the same good goal of freedom but he did not approve violence as his convicted principle of non -violence . Thus he had prevented horrible blood-shed that could prevail during freedom -fight and many British and Indian were saved . To fight for justice against slavery and exploitation , he learned it from Bhagwat Gitabut but to think of welfare of the opponent and to ' love your enemy ' he learned these virtues  from Ram Charit Manas and Bible ----
'' मोर काज तासु हित होई  : रिपु सन करेहु बतकही सोई  - राम चरित मानस में  श्री राम '' Shri Ram told his Ambassador Angad  to talk to Ravana  in light of line and way so  that he gives back His wife Sita  and let avoid war , bloodshed  and have peace  . '' love not only your friend but your enemy '' and '' forgive your enemy not seven times but seventy times seven .'' - Jesus in Bible .Gandhi practiced his principle successfully  - '' hate the sin not the sinner '' 
Round Table Conference, held in London(1930–32), a series of meetings in three sessions called by the British government to consider the future constitution of India. The first session (1931) had 73 representatives, from all Indian states and all parties except the Indian National Congress, which was waging a civil disobedience campaign against the government. Its principal achievement was an insistence on apply parliament -system , including the princes, of the federal principle—and on dominion status as the goal of constitutional development. The second session ( 1931) was attended by Gandhi as the Congress representative; it failed to reach agreement, either constitutionally or on communal representation. The third session ( 1932) was shorter , less important, with the result of these deliberations was the Government of India Act, 1935, establishing provincial autonomy and also a federal system that was never implemented. on the failure of this conference Gandhi said - '' although we have lost this talk on the round table but we have won the thought minds and hearts of British people , mostly intellectuals , who are in the favour of Indian freedom . This i think a big gain and little loss . This was the simple greatness of Gandhi who believed in winning the hearts with love and not the body with a weapon .
 Gandhi was , as he called him , staunch -Hindu  but he many times taught Christians , what the Christian religion really was and how Christians failed it in practice and were trying others to follow Christin -religion and convert in to this . He was against any conversion . See what he says about this in his own words -----
'' There was a time in my life when I sincerely considered Christianity as my religion . Although I admire much in Christianity, I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it, entirely satisfies my soul, and fills my whole being. The missionaries come to India thinking that they come to a land of heathen, of idolaters, of men who do not know God. My own experiences all over India have been on the contrary. An average Indian is as much a seeker after truth as the Christian . If I have read the Bible correctly, I know many men who have never known the name of Jesus Christ, men who have even rejected the official interpretations of Christianity, but would nevertheless, if Jesus came in our midst today in the flesh, be probably owned by him more than many of us. My position is that it does not matter what faith you practice, as long as the soul longs for truth .To be a good Hindu also meant that I would be a good Christian. There was no need for me to join your creed to be a believer in the beauty of the teachings of Jesus ” - Gandhi
Gandhi was a man of extraordinary man of adjustment and confidence . Although Gandhi born and brought up in rich ,respectable family , decided to go poorest of poor to identify him with destitute whom he called Daridr Narayan ( best place of God to find was to serve the poor ) but he had his followers friends co -workers and  disciples in politics like Jawahar  Lal Neharu  extraordinarily sophesticatrd in dress ,living and behaviour as he used to tag in a fresh rose flower in his coat each day and Gandhi never picked a flower nor accepted garlands and flowers in his welcome and again   , Sardaar Patel whom staunch Hindu -group in India favoured as orthodox ,hard liner Hindu but they accepted Gandhi as their true leader and had full adjustment . Gandhi  shared the chair with Viceroy of India in his drawing or meeting rooms half clad in rough linen and looked as some Indian -illiterate -farmer was sharing table with English Lord . This was his confidence and boldness that was irrigated by truth and purity of divine heart . This  poor ill-clad man , over more , used to live in Birala house whenever he was in Delhi .
Often , he was called by abusive names  as  'an Indian Rat ' , 'a faquir '(beggar ) , ' a hypocrite '  by great contemporaries  political estate men  and person s in great places and positions better not to name them as he proved  all of them wrong and mistaken .He rose as one storm from South Africa to India  and did not give time to others understand that he was some one in particular , an Epoch -Man as it took at least two decades to recognize him as great political leader in India and abroad . well said ,  '' the owl of Minerva takes it's flight but only at gathering of dusk .''
It was great political and social irony of history that he made India free and fought against  British -Christian and called him a true -staunch Hindu but he was killed  by a criminal who was born Indian and called himsel ' Hindu ' Yet whatever gains he had for Hindus and India  these came to regard as loss of his life because of not as pure and true Hindu was the charge of a group of blind Hindus who could not understand Gandhi in the same ill-spirit that Christians put Jesus on Cross on one of those days of ill-fate .
Any one on earth (why not myself ? ) can canonize him with sole authority as a saint as no one become saint by canonization but because of one's attributes , that all he had  viz. -  1 - Venerable - a deceased person recognized as having lived heroic virtues. 2.- Blessed - in addition to personal attributes of charity and heroic virtue, one miracle, acquired through the individual's intercession, is required. 3.- Saint - Canonization requires two miracles or Martyrdom.He was the  greatest man after Christ and Buddha in the world and Lord Ram and Lord Krishna  in India .He was also the one and only leader religious political and social who calls him staunch Hindu but does not claim his religion is better .
He was man of ironies and charisma he never tried for goals but achieved many ,ie political ,economical .social , religious ,moral , individual , psychological , philosophical and personal (mahatma , father of nation , world citizen and great warrior without weapon world ever produced ). He went to South Africain search of bread as could not succeed in India in his own profession and wanted to earn his bread through right cause and this he found in S.Africa  and never anticipated that he would be recognized in world for his own personal Experiment with Truth that he did for his own personal growth and development - He had no goals but of his individual life but he gained many not only for him but for the whole of Humanity never to go irrelevant if  this Human race has to survive and outlive - '' with theory of Non -Violence and Love . ''

Friday, January 14, 2011


“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”
“My darkness has been filled with the light of intelligence, and behold, the outer day-lit world was stumbling and groping in social blindness”
Helen Keller quotes (American Author and Educator who was blind and deaf. 1880-1968)
Visual inability  (Blindness) is the condition of lacking visual perception due to physiological or neurological factors.Total blindness is the complete lack of form and light perception and is clinically recorded as "NLP," an abbreviation for "no light perception.
 All of us who are living in the World Society that has come down by sinking to a village , and where we claim ourselves civilized and humane , in reality has an obligation to treat the visually impaired with the same respect that sighted people receive. It is clear from the results of prevailing attitude of modern situation and condition of these people in the society that the visually impaired have not yet reached the level of respect they expect ,deserve and the society can claim that we are honest and fare to award them all that we can boast of .
According to the report of World Health Organization / WHO 2004 ; Over 40 million people in the world are blind, and over 120 million people have significant Low Vision conditions
that cannot be corrected, cured or treated by conventional refraction, medicine or surgery. This number is expected to double by the year 2020.
Over 90% of these visually impaired people live in developing countries like India. Less than 15% of these visually impaired people in developing countries like India have access to vision enhancement or vision rehabilitation services that could help to change their lives.
There are over 1.4 million visually impaired children age 0-14 years
The vast majority of visually impaired children with low vision conditions in developing countries like India are sent to blind schools despite having usable vision because they don't have access to or cannot afford vision enhancement or vision rehabilitation services that could help them to integrate them into regular schools.
A visually impaired adult or child can be trained, with the help of Vision Enhancement, Vision Rehabilitation and Assisting Technology and low vision aids to perform most daily tasks more confidently at home, in school, in the playground, in the kitchen and at the work place, in a safe and independent manner, if only they were aware and could easily access and afford such services
The reaction of the public to handicapped and disabled people remains capricious, and often prejudiced. The deaf have long been figures of fun: they are often ignored and easily retreat into solitude. However, the blind generally receive more sympathy, even admiration. Social Services for the blind unfortunately are not uniformly good throughout the country like India . However, some national organizations give great help and provide funds for research into blindness as well. In 1835 Louis Braille introduced his system of raised writing, where projecting dots represent a letter or number and are interpreted by touch, but it took 30 years to gain acceptance. In this electronic age there are many devices which can make an enormous difference to the blind person's quality of life. 
The awareness- goal is to offer services to blind and visually impaired people in order to improve their quality of life and accomplish a better integration of the collective Personal Services -
They cover four concrete areas:
Individual Services .......
1 - Basic rehabilitation -
Under Rehabilitation Program whose visual condition limits their ability to begin or continue work , as part of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program, and also as the part of our commitment to helping individuals find work, and employment opportunities. The Independent Living Rehabilitation Program assists adults who are blind or visually impaired to learn adaptive skills to continue to live independently with vision loss.
Through The Blind Children- Vocational Discovery and Development Program one can assists children who are blind and visually impaired to develop their individual potential. Emphasis is on restoring vision, reducing dependency, and preparing for vocational success.
The Transition Program, which is part of Vocational Rehabilitation services, provides educational and career guidance for adolescents and young adults.
The Blindness Education, Screening and Treatment Program can help
these people , keep their vision health 2 - Accompaniment and help to blind and visually impaired people
3 - Psychological help -Some Psychological Concepts must be taken in view to deal and behave with these people that help in proper adjustment in their daily life to make it easier and happy .
Confirmation Fixation Rigidly trying to keep, prove and justify certain beliefs.Fundamental Attribution Judging own errors based on circumstances .Over-Generalizing Going beyond the actual facts . Self-Serving Evaluation Tendency to judge oneself favorably in comparison to other people.Cognition/Perceptions , Anxious Thinking . Dissonance Reduction Inconsistency between new behavior and previous idea leading to new attitude.Depressive Thinking , disappointments, and hopelessness.Meta-Cognition Thoughts about thoughts.
Perceptual Set Perceiving something in a given way due to expectations.
4 - Educational help .
5 - Eye-donation .
6 - Donation in form of money to related Organizations and to known individuals who are visually impaired .
Cultural Services.............
1 - Social-cultural animation
2 - Adaptation of cultural material
3 - Adaptation of live cultural events
4 - Adaptation of museums and monuments
Social Services.........................
These are the most general and are aimed to society in its totality. They cover five areas:
1 - Social integration - Social -Integration does simply means that these visually impaired people should be brought into the main stream of the society and we should try to create an atmosphere where they feel as the part and partial of the society as a whole ; with equal respect , place , educational opportunities  their development scheme of personality and ultimately some suitable job to make them independent to create a feeling of self -respect as citizen of country with equal feeling of livelihood .
2 - Work integration
3 - Vindicating our rights
4 - Resolution of bureaucratic problems
5 - Promoting research- The very important scope lies in thr research -work in this field and the best of our scientists and social -scientists should be employed to this great cause  ....first to eliminate this vice at different  stages as born , bore and brought by avoidably causes as  - poverty , illiteracy , ignorance and poor preventive and remedial resources . This need an enthusiasm and good -great humane -strong will  on the part of  individual , social and institutional / Governmental  awareness .

"Instead of comparing our lot with that of those who are more fortunate than we are ...we should compare it with the lot of the great majority of our fellow men. It then appears that we are among the privileged."
- Helen Keller  (American Author and Educator who was blind and deaf. 1880-1968)