Saturday, October 31, 2009


** '' L eave all the Religion , schools of thought , duties and surrender to ME , I will guide you to actions that are right and proper '' Lord Krishna in Gita ; the theory of DEVOTION / BHAKTI also supported by Tulasidas in Ram Charit Manas ; accepted by by Yoga as an alternative .
** '' All the activities are going on as the different elements of the Nature are acting and reacting among themselves and we are the part of that great happening . let happen what happen , what happens and be a part of that acting yourself as the circumstances suggest . be STHITIPRGYA / STABLE IN MIND . keep even in pain and pleasure ; good and bad . Lord Krishna in Gita .
** '' It is not possible to be without action so the best alternative is to do all action for ME and then you can not go wrong and commit mistake .( no one can steal for God or betray his friend or be unfaithful to his/her wife and husband ) although very easy to understand but tough to act . - Lord Krishna in Gita .
** '' all this world / universe /creation is full- well pervaded by GOD enjoy your share but do not covet / envy for that others have '' Ishaavashyopanishad (vedant )
** '' when i do good , i feel good ; when i do bad , i feel bad ; this is my theory of action ; this is my Religion . - Abraham Lincoln .
** '' All actions that advance us to service of human being for development and progress to realize the Truth / God . the Man is always treated as End and never as means . the virtuous man with God Truth and Ahimsa (nonviolence ) is the real and perfect man . '' - MK Gandhi .
** All actions that are full of reason - Socrates
**All actions that spread love and humility .
** All actions that spread brotherhood and goodness . -- Mohammad
** All actions of kindness and purification of self and all . - Lord Bauddha
** All actions that do not harm others ।(Ahimsa ) -Mahavir .
** '' Act as your principle of action might safely be made a law of the whole world . ( Law of Universal Law ) . Always recognize that all individuals are Ends and do not use them as your means (Please see MK Gandhi ) . By a lie , a man annihilates his dignity as a Man .A man cruel to animals is Cruel , he can not be kind to any one else (man).Actions and their Results are not two but one . action per se is reward : action as such is reward : action in and of itself is reward :action intrinsically is reward . we speak the truth because we should . In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so. '' --Immanual Kant

'' It is my firm conviction that all good action is bound to bear fruit in the end.

It is none of our business, however, to think of the result of our actions. We have simply to assure ourselves that our motive is pure and that the action itself is good and leave the rest to God. There are some things which a man does by word of mouth, some by observing silence and yet others by action. If all that he does is in-formed with knowledge, it is action indeed.What the world needs is not words, but action. Actions and thoughts tell far more than speech. In the Divine account books only our actions are noted, not what we have read or what we have spoken. ''

-- M.K. Gandhi

Thursday, October 22, 2009


The life , human life that you have got is precious , not to come again , not to be back even for a second , rebirth , i do not believe in as do not know of it , therefore each and everyone is expected to get best of this life . think good do good and be good .
Do not waste your time in thinking , doing and making that does not add to you and your personalty -making ; career -making ; future achievements . be above cast , creed , religion , community , gossip , vicarious athlete , irrelevant talks and many other activities that you know yourself better to avoid. on the other hand be creative , objective , positive , constructive , productive and progressive . think each day , what you have learned new , better , improving and what you have done that adds to your personalty development. think also the mistakes and carelessness that you could not avoid and that have to be improved and corrected tomorrow .
have a plan of your personalty-development as a plan of your study . think great and broad and superior and unique in you and your behaviour . do not talk cheap , write cheap , show cheap and behave cheap . temper your knowledge with civic sense and our great Indian Culture . respect others and show all humility .
Always be aware of what you think , act and behave ; if good develop it ; if bad shun it .life is precious and to be lived for once , only once . live it like you can with your abilities and goodness . '' nothing to us , falls early or too late , we are the maker of our own fate '' - Samual Smiles . '' Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, that is way great spiritual giants are produced. We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act.” - Swami Viveka Nand .

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

राम चरित मानस में शबरी और राम .

मुनि मतंग ने शबरीसे कहा था - ''राम की  प्रतीक्षा करना ,तुम्हे मिलेंगे । राम के आने पर सबरी मगन हो गई ,उसने राम के पैर धोये , आदर किया आसन दिया ,  फल खिलाये फ़िर उनकी प्रार्थना की तथा कृतज्ञता प्रकट की ।
श्री राम ने कहा - '' हे भामिनि ! मरी बात सुनो । मै तो केवल एक भक्ति का ही सम्बन्ध मानता हूँ । मै किसी मनुष्य के जाति , सामाजिक स्तर , कुल , धर्म , महानता (पद ) , संपन्नता (धन) , शारीरिक ताकत और बल , जन-बल /लोकप्रियता , गुण और बुद्धिमत्ता को कभी भी महत्व नही देता .(इन दस  बातों को तुलसीदास ने केवल एक लाइन में कहा है - ''जाति पांति कुल धरम बडाई । धन बल परिजन गुण चतुराई ''  तुलसीदास ने भी इन दश बातों को अपने ग्रन्थ में कोई महत्व नही दिया )
राम ने सबरी से कहा मैं केवल भक्ति को महत्व देता हूँ जो नौ प्रकार की है और इनमे से एक, प्रकार की भक्ति भी ऊपर कही गई दश बातों से बड़ी और महत्व की है  हे भामिनि !, सौन्दर्य की स्वामिनी ! तुम्हारे पास ऐ सभी नौ गुण हैं , जिन्हें मैं तुमसे कहता हूँ (* इन नौ गुणों का वर्णन  ग्यारह लाइनों में किया है । )
१ - सत्संग ,  सज्जनों का । २ - राम कथा  । ३ - गुरु का  आदर ४ - राम के गुणों का  स्मरण /पालन  । ५ -  नाम - जप
६ - इन्द्रिय संयम , शील ,वैराग्य , संत पुरुषों की तरह ही आचरण ।
७ - सारे जगत के प्राणियों, बस्तुओं में ईश्वर को देखने का अभ्यास ।
८ - यथा -लाभ संतोष ,  किसी के दोष न देखना ।
९ - सरलता और सबके साथ कपट रहित वर्ताव ; मुझमे पूरा  भरोसा रखना ।
हे भामिनि !आप में तो सभी नौ प्रकार की भक्ति पूरी तरह से स्थिर हो चुकी है , जो कुछ योगी भी नही प्राप्त कर सके हैं , अतः आप मुझे  बहुत ही प्रिय हो ।
इस प्रकरण का उल्लेख रामचरित मानस में नारी , जाति ,धर्म आदि आदि के प्रति दृष्टिकोण हेतु किया है ।
कृपया बिस्तार के लिए रामचरित मानस पढ़ें ।

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Although personalty is not some thing to be taught and made but continuous awareness of following points to be inculcated and earned can change to the desired results .
Try to be free and independent in creative and positive attitude and social behaviour based on reason and scientific facts .
Dominance in your thought and in that you think right and just.
Remain introvert and avoid all those people and activities that seem irrelevant .
Openness to novel and new thought and situations ( keep your windows of mind open )
Broad minded ; not narrow thought ; world a family -feeling , away from caste ,community ,creed, religion , language ,territory colour etc .
Self belief, self-acceptance , self-confidence , self-uniqueness .
Intuition and ability to judge ,person ,thought ,right and wrong .
Flexibility in thought and action as circumstances suggest as per time , place and situations .
Balance mind with wit to respond .
Ability to ignore the unnecessary .
Aesthetic and moral and cultural sense ,tempered with scientific view .
Decision taking ability not very prompt not too late .
'' If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or being hated, don't give away to hating And yet don't look too good nor talk to wise; If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim, If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster, And treat those two imposters just the same, If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss . . . If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it. ''
- Rudyard Kipling

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Virtue needs no training , no intelligence , no tools, no technique no planning , no institution and no organized paraphernalia or paradigm-shift to take an initiative . it goes alone (ekala chalo re ). it needs no power but emits power, works secretly , underground , runs from individual to individual , convince soul to soul . the whole creation fallows it as it is in harmony with Nature , the RIT ,the Law of Nature , said in Vedas .the Virtuous man when ,when puts one step on , people see and on the second thousands of them follow him . he needs only common sense and average I.Q.
I saw a book calling Gandhi as Management Guru ; with all humility , i sa y ,they know nothing of either.this is their Idiosyncracy to drag in Gandhi and Krishna to management. Gandhi did not believe in management but in Service ;SERVICE BEFORE SELF and see how Gandhi defines Service'' A life of service must be one of humility. He who would sacrifice his life for others, has hardly time to reserve for himself a place in the sun.Service is a duty, and duty is a debt which it is a sin not to discharge.If we begin to boast of our services to others, or even to feel proud of them, we cease to be moral man.. He who gives all his time to the service of the people, his whole life is an unbroken round of prayer.Remember, that man is a representative of God to serve all that lives and thus to express God's dignity and love. Let service be your sole joy, and you will need no other enjoyment in life.Service which has not the slightest touch of self in it, is itself the highest religion. '' - M.K. Gandhi on Service . Krishna in stability of mind(sthirpragyata) an to act with wit and wisdom as the circumstances suggest . Ram ,Krishna ,Gandhi, Christ , Socrates, Mohamad and all VIRTUOSO in world history were Goal-Freepeople . they did not know ,how to manage but served and lead the whole world to Goodness and Humanity .
'' wise is knowing what to do next ; trained and skilled manager is trying to know what to do next but virtuous is doing that .''(D.S.Jordan , U.S.A.)

Monday, October 5, 2009


How to be perfect ? there can not be any single- best formula or rule or ways and means that can be prescribed to any one to be perfect or good or great or successful personalty because of individual difference and variations . one extreme instance , you can not prescribe to enjoy dancing who has defect in his legs or prescribe painting to blind . your ability , circumstances and your interaction with these situations make your personalty accordingly .
A person deprived of hands can have an alternative to practice to write with legs and some times exceptionally excels those with hands . blind recognizes individuals by differentiating their voices and are mostly apt in music . coal can never be gold (science may make it possible in days , who knows ?) but it is destined to be diamond . i want to impress that half is in the hand of fate , ability and circumstances and the other half is in our hand by our interaction to the said adversities , by which we can change our life and some time extraordinarily our fate , if we have courage and hope to face it with due patience .
Here what is needed , is a commitment to your own and that can bring unexpected transformation in your whole life with world . and to great surprise this brings new hopes and ideals for the benefit of the individual and all beings .
Some one has well said -
, '' it is better to be first rate version of yourself than second rate version of others . ''
and again , '' the only kind of person , i would like to be , the kind of person , who likes to be me '' -Bushidozen .

Friday, October 2, 2009


Life sans Truth (God) ; Truth sans Nonviolence ; Living sans Earning ; Pleasure sans Conscience and Discrimination ; Wealth sans Charity ; Eating sans Physical labour ; Justice sans fearlessness ; Knowledge sans Character and goodness ; Goodness sans Humility ; Business sans Ethics and honesty ; Service sans sincerity ; Sincerity sans Purity ; Discovery, Research and Science sans Humanity and peace ; Politics sans Religion and Moral Principals and Self sans others , all are WORTHLESS ।
If you are not pure in your heart , you are not pure outside and to others ; if wrong at one place , can not be right at another place . if you hate yourself , can not love others । war can not bring peace nor hatred can breed love . who knows his own Religion well , respects others .
Bad and wrong means can not reach you to Good Ends . Virtue is it's own reward . Crimes , sins and evil-deeds like Virtues are their own rewards . Virtuous leads whole Cosmos and whole Cosmos follow the Virtuous . Good means are Good ends in itself . The service to the poorest of the poor is the BEST service to GOD and to yourself. SERVICE TO OTHERS BEFORE SELF is the REAL SERVICE .